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recent,The business school EMBA joke/The eight diagrams and unproven news spread in the network/fermentation,Great cause business school earthquake situation.How the EMBA?Business is the hallowed halls,Or the legendary big dye VAT,Especially those in the top business schools,The EMBA students having after all what kind of study status and life?After much contact,Our reporter interviewed all setbacks to several business school students,Listen to their EMBA class about the real story.

  缪钦是中欧商学院2009年EMBA秋季班的一名学员, 其目前的身份是麦当劳(中国)有限公司首席市场运营官。他报考中欧商学院EMBA时的身份是麦当劳中国区副总,北区总经理。他说:“EMBA是该说一说了,要不然社会上对于EMBA的误解只会越来越深。”

MiaoQin is central business school in 2009 EMBA fall of a student, Its current status is McDonald's(China)Co., LTD., chief market operating officer.He enter oneself for an examination central business school EMBA of identity is McDonald's China deputy,North general manager.He said:"EMBA is this say the,Otherwise the society for EMBA misunderstandings will become more and more deep."


In more than ten years of McDonald's in their career,MiaoQin urgent hope oneself have a promotion,He will be looking to EMBA education,"Listen to run a company of friends to study,Effect good,The tuition is nearly 400000,Is a big number."


But MiaoQin or take out the significant cost,To develop their own perspective,"Although McDonald's global training is very much also,But I am working in China,I hope to have a Chinese each format perspective to observe the market."He finally chose the central school of the domestic class,Because the school in the research aspect more stringent.


Written test is facing the first hurdle.MiaoQin would have heard of someone will be heard that it is difficult to test,Didn't dare to come to the exam,Afraid of a.So for the training before,MiaoQin spot does not dare to neglect,"We are the GMAT test,Inside a lot of higher mathematics content,From school so long,Or some difficulty."Training time,MiaoQin off their identity,Like a hungry students put their buried himself in the books.In an interview,He said:"How can someone to check in by these what SINS,This is real learning."


Interview is a MiaoQin feel easy link,After all, through so many of them"Interview others","When asked why I succeeded,I understand that after this,Also expressed the hope that the successful factors and other classmates,We come to school learning,On the one hand is to get nutrition,On the other hand also hope to feedback the school."


The model is MiaoQin the deepest memory,In the class was divided into several groups,Each group to a market case,"Because each group to competition between,So members are particularly serious,So don't bother you is how old boss,Do it all for their team effort,We were the first day of school,It discussed the night two points,Dream inside are all thinking of how to present their case."It is this talk about holding a candle scene let students have a deep friendship,"I followed a big steel plant manager to his business visit,I called Lao zhang Lao li,Their subordinate all dare not believe."


The outside world is widely EMBA students spare life more costly.MiaoQin said,At least he didn't see such a situation,"We the class has expense,4000 yuan per person per year,For students, such as birthday party."In his view,To the EMBA study on one hand is to enhance their own management capacity,In here everyone find the feeling of the campus,"Our class has a yushu foundation,For sponsorship of local high school students,Every year there are different students at one's own expense fly past and these students to share life experience,This is our class the best way to communicate feelings."


"Why now to EMBA students there are so many misunderstanding,That is not transparent EMBA education,We hope to speak out their own experience,Let everybody see our study and life."MiaoQin said,There may be a few people to the EMBA study has its own"Unique purpose",But most people come here to"Seek knowledge and comprehension of the self".


比带领几万名员工还累 Than led tens of thousands of employees also tired


LiZhaoLin is central business school EMBA2010 Beijing spring class of students,He is Inner Mongolia milk group technology co., LTD. Deputy general manager.In the EMBA students heard about all kinds of gossip later,LiZhaoLin feel incredible,Because in his view,EMBA study is he"A the most meaningful journey",Rather than the society all kinds of misunderstandings,Even the business school misunderstanding into one big dye VAT.


"Our class has 65 students,The so-called entertainment star session only sporadic one or two."LiZhaoLin said,Central European business school very value students' management experience/Development process and work outside of work or reflect the leadership,Priority with rich management experience of the applicant.Generally speaking,Students in the,Top management the proportion 95%,Government and non-profit organization staff accounted for 5%.


Although EMBA students usually have a certain social status,But gathered in business school,They thoroughly remove the original good call/title,The chairman of the board is no longer so and so/So-and-so total/So-and-so priests/So-and-so mayor,But use first names,Or old one,There are some new childhood name.


LiZhaoLin to a classmate special deep impression,He is a national reform group's deputy leader,At work is to report directly to the deputy prime minister.but,The students whether ordinary class,Or my classmates do when graduation thesis,All appeared to be extremely modest and peace,"In August of this year,The students as the convener,Please we task group member dinner,I the plane was delayed,10 point to be born in Beijing,But the students has been insisting, etc,Say 1 can't be little!""Wine to drink dry/To fill,Tonight I not drunk not to."LiZhaoLin realize equality between xueyou a expression of emotion,"You originally are excellent,Has a similar social experience/Management experience,together,It's easy to become friends,Especially in has to pay sakes very critical age,We may each other to become the life the most important friend,But is not necessarily partners."


[Two load schoolmate a world]LiZhaoLin is the central the EMBA class song,This song lyrics is:"Two load schoolmate a world,Plum spring breeze a glass of wine,River's lake night ten years lamp.In may by a mill,With the spring breeze of Cinderella deeply.Years Miao left you I do,Through reading back again.And recite smell string sound not ended,Figure from toward sunset complex.Door deep deep nine heavy,Nine of the door open for the king.Boundless boundless land on,Two load schoolmate a world.You from the south north I day,Your boat pulp I solution line,Ride the wind and cleave the waves will sometimes,Straight to the in full."Whenever sang this song,LiZhaoLin will think of two years show me friendship concluded,"Outside the classroom,We visit each other,As an example,Some classmates between enterprises has also established a new partnership.know/Don't know between classmates,Because the EMBA platform and formed a new platform for sharing,Rich students is one of the most valuable resource."


538000 yuan,This is the central business school in 2012 tuition fees.But LiZhaoLin feel,Tuition is high,But not make money on the can/Mixed can graduate submit resumes/recommendation,After primary,Only then has the qualifications to enter the written test link,The written test not only the language ability and math skills,To test the mind reaction/Logical thinking and the ability to solve practical problems,Has the certain difficulty.LiZhaoLin said,He is a friend of the same industry,Enterprise do very good,And after one year at Peking University management courses,but,In 2011 the annual central election interview.After enter the school,It is not the outside world imagined,January 1 time 4 days course can easily cope with,Even guys can.Central EMBA courses required course and the elective course two parts,EMBA course Chinese class consists of on-the-job learning two years,The class consists of on-the-job learning eighteen months,Usually monthly centralism teaching four days(Thursday to Sunday).First year mainly studies the core curriculum,Usually monthly centralism teaching four days(Usually for Thursday to Sunday);The first junior year open elective course,Content includes the enterprise strategy/Organization management/financial/marketing/Venture, etc.EMBA course the implementation of credit system,Each EMBA students must take full sixty credits,And to score and criteria of assessment can be obtained the degree.In central Europe in the learning process,Students need to complete the course in advance preparation/Seriously participate in classroom learning/Strictly follow the attendance and discipline system/Finish the professor studies.Each month the four days of the course,Far away from the classroom to have one hundred and twenty students speaking,Is a nervous and hard process,Especially for people far away from Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen three teaching school classmates but also a challenge,Should arrange had intense work,And let the class of no delay,Even if is late,Also has the corresponding discipline.Once a month four days,And my classmates are happy,but,Concentrated course,Rose is painful."tired"Is a common experience,Especially in the course of the third day,Often have the brain turn not dynamic state.Listening class every day/notes,Break group discussion,The group or individual work,Stay up late is common.And the group between need to PK,For the original will be strong EMBA students,Is also a kind of intense training and test.With LiZhaoLin a classmate words,Thought can borrow to central Europe class opportunity,To improve it,Thought than led tens of thousands of employees and tired,"Business school class,It is pain and happy."


LiZhaoLin said,Business school is a school,Is also a club,Between the classmate,Among the members of the,Maybe there will be two feelings mutually yue,But that is a small probability event,Is not the mainstream.


黄沙深处问人生 Deep yellow sand asked life


Every year in the middle of may,Hundreds of from global top Chinese business school EMBA students and alumni will gather in gansu melon state,to"International business school of Buddhism road gobi challenge".Under the hot sun hot,These had passed needs executives or bosses,Back water bag with leggings,In the gobi desert less than marginal continuous on four run all day,On an average day stroke more than 30 km.Even win,Prize is just a piece of MEDALS and some souvenirs.The CCTV host QuXiangDong launched by the activities of the seven consecutive held,The business schools and students than a year more than a year.Even QuXiangDong I also have never thought,The EMBA of gobi challenge into so much enthusiasm.What power make the business elite willing to put up with this torment?


When it comes to walk the meaning of the gobi desert,Qingdao warm very much clothing co., LTD., founder/The Yangtze river business school 7th gobi challenge A team captain tax new appear some excited:"Walking in the depths of the gobi desert,You can realize the city to find the truth, kindness and beauty."It is said that,Wang shi that sentence"Slowed down,Wait soul"Also from the melon state gobi.maybe,Because of the EMBA in sandstorm accompanied the writer found spiritual satisfaction,To be so seriously in the game.


From October 2011 field training for the first time,In may this year to sanya trials,Tax new comprehension and understanding during the training, he has already started:"running,Is the process of dialogue with their heart.Running is also a kind of walking meditation.You will feel your breath/heartbeat,Feel with nature together,Feel kind of concentration and the power of peace.Registration at the beginning of the,I does not go very fast,Physical quality and general.But because I adhere to the training,Later became the best player on the team performance."


The vast gobi,Riprap weeds without rutting footprints,Only everywhere rubble and alhagi,Only by GPS and will decide the pace of advance.In the eyes of the new tax,The Yangtze river business school team"Look from the shape,Was obviously not enough professional".But this is a"Rookie team",But under his leadership,In the game won the runner-up.Tax new think,This is due to everyone to go beyond the self,The team interests in the first place.


"People walk in the gobi desert,The most precious is water.Each team member to their carrying a few kilograms of water bag running,Difficult imagine.Competition second day,We are a team of water bag suddenly broken,Makes no.Our other players took his contribution to the water out to him,Also poured on his head as he cooling.Sometimes men will also help NvDuiYuan back water bag,But NvDuiYuan is also very strong,Try not to trouble teammates."


Due to the environment is very hard,The players have split the foot nails,Some heat,Some have a fever,But everyone more skillful.For whole get good grades,There are two players waist tie a stout rope,Run fast of pulled run slow,Scene let bystander in stitches.


now,A new tax has become the Yangtze river"Gerben eight"The members of the organizing committee,And for a new phase of the challenge/Select the job is busy up.In the new tax on,We see the EMBA spiritual pursuit of the strong desire,See it's raining on weekdays their true feelings.Maybe it is on this special deep feeling and persistence,They can get extraordinary achievements.


(Beijing evening news)
