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男子读书上瘾连拿10个硕士学位 称热爱知识是动力--亲稳网络舆情监控室
For most people,Life can be time-consuming to get a master's degree is good,But the 42-year-old British man fil hart hussein did people want to all dare not to think of things:So far,He has been in Britain ten universities accept education,Get 10 a master's degree.later,He also plans to win three doctoral degree.
Phil hart hussein from Birmingham,From his name we can see,He is the Middle East descent.On December 11, 2012,He graduated from the university from the bath,Get a master of science degree,The research direction is the historical landscape and cultural landscape protection and management.Add the degree,,In the past 17 years,He is a British university from 10 won 10 master's degree,Research areas include history/archaeological/Interest protection/International political/sociology/pedagogy/Medicine and.
英国著名的大学都留下过他求学的足迹:牛津大学、剑桥大学、 杜伦大学、埃克塞特大学、曼彻斯特大学、华威大学、爱丁堡大学、约克大学、伦敦大学。
A famous British universities have left him the footprint of the study:Oxford University/Cambridge university/ Thrun university/University of Exeter/University of Manchester/University of Warwick/University of Edinburgh/University of york/University college London.
now,Buss university master's degree in hand,Hussein hope to be able to continue in a doctorate at the university of bath,He is currently writing an article about Moore type garden doctoral thesis.Hussein said,Because he is interested in many fields,The future,He plans to take two doctoral degree.
Hussein told the British media interview said,A lot of people heard that he is constantly take degree,Can think he"crazy","But I am really in love with knowledge".Hussein said,He is not looking for a job for such practical purpose and reading,His reading is to understand all aspects of the human history and culture;In addition,"In the past twenty years experience higher education technology innovation and learning style changes,Is a beguiling thing".
Phil hart hussein side thirstily school,While in the gulf states as a consultant work,In addition,He also diligent writing,And to all over the world for the public/The company and university lecture.According to his estimate,In addition to himself in all areas of the paper,Also produced 1.5 million words.As the research of world civilization,There have been three and a half years of time,He left Britain as a visiting scholar,Had been to the United States/Canada/China and other countries.
Not long ago,He had just completed a book and write more than words,About the history of the hospitals around the world.In addition,He has also published a book on the works of the vikings/A book teaches people how to improve the learning skills work.He is currently writing a book learning and working power guide,The other two this ongoing books are[Cultural interaction]and[History of Europe].
Relevant link:
印度政治家获得 20个硕博学位
Indian politicians get twenty following a learned
在学位方面,有一个印度人可能令费尔哈特·侯赛因终生都难望其项背,他就是印度政治家、国会议员什里坎特·吉奇卡尔(Shrikant Jichkar)。吉奇卡尔只活了50岁,却取得了20个硕士、博士学位。印度版世界吉尼斯大全"林姆卡纪录大全"(Limca Book of Records)将其列为"印度最有教育资历的人",吉奇卡尔的研究领域跨度很大,他取得的硕士学位包括文学(梵语研究)、国际法、工商管理(MBA)、社会学、经济学、哲学、英语文学、政治学、古代印度史等,博士学位则包括文学(梵语研究)、医学、商业管理等。
In the degree in,Have an Indian man may make phil hart hussein lifetime are difficult to watch with admiration,He is Indian politicians/Congressman ASHLEY the · JiJi Carl(Shrikant Jichkar).JiJi Carl only live fifty years old,Has made twenty master/Doctoral degree.India edition of guinness"LinM card records lists"(Limca Book of Records)As its"India's most education qualifications of the people",JiJi Carl field span,He has a master's degree including literature(Sanskrit research)/International law/Business management(MBA)/sociology/economics/philosophy/English literature/politics/The history of ancient India, etc,Ph.D., including literature(Sanskrit research)/medical/Business management.
In 2004,,JiJi Carl died in a car accident,At the age of fifty years old.His life is gorgeous blossom.He is not only a famous educator/Learned politicians/Eloquent speaker/Traditional Indian culture positive agents,Or painter/Professional photographers/Stage actor/Amateur radio.
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