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专家提示:修改液有一定毒性 儿童慎用香味文具--亲稳网络舆情监测室

修改液毒性主要来自有机溶剂,直接与皮肤接触,会引起发红、干燥等。新京报记者 王远征
Modify fluid toxicity mainly comes from organic solvent,Direct contact with the skin,Can cause red/drying.The Beijing news reporter WangYuanZheng
Opening soon,Many parents and students will be at this time choose new stationery.Now the stationery type and style is more and more abundant,The colorful,A lot of stationery also with attractive fragrance,To attract the eye of parents and students.recently,Media reports said,Modify fluid in three minutes to kill a rat,Aroused widespread concern.Modify fluid there really is such a poison?With various fragrance stationery is safe,When buying, and the pay attention to what matters?Experts say,Modify fluid have certain toxicity.
修改液 Modify fluid
“毒死小白鼠”与剂量和摄入方式相关 "Poisoned mice"And dose and intake way related
Reporters visited several stationery shop to know,On the market at present is more common modified liquid in product packaging labeling in the main components including methyl cyclohexane/Titanium pigment and synthetic resin.
"Modify fluid itself is poisonous,The solvent itself flavor is strong.As for the three minutes to kill the little white rat,It related to the dose/Intake mode and other aspects of the problem,On amending liquid in the composition,Titanium pigment itself has almost no toxic,Synthetic resin is volatile,So it is for the user's damage.Modify fluid toxicity mainly comes from organic solvent,If a single use methyl cyclohexane,In the user's damage is not big,But it is irritant to skin,Directly with the human body skin contact,Can cause skin redness/Dry and chap, etc.The problem is,If businessmen use methylene chloride and trichloroethane,Are these two kinds of solvent toxicity larger,To the user's health disadvantage.I have come in contact with the modified liquid smell are similar to the smell of halogenated hydrocarbon,Don't eliminate businessmen use methylene chloride and trichloroethane and methyl cyclohexane compound with possibility,This modified liquid should be banned",East China university of science and technology institute of fine chemical industry ShenYongJia professor told reporters.
其中苯类溶剂毒性较大 The solvent such as benzene bigger toxicity
"On the market at present common modified liquid basically all is by the following several parts,Solvent part/Pigment part and resin part.Methyl cyclohexane in products mainly used as the solvent,Titanium pigment for pigment,Synthetic resin in the correction fluid mainly used as adhesive,Even if the product to achieve the right viscosity.
About the solvent part,Currently used more is solvent such as benzene,Including toluene/Xylene, etc,Media reports before the experiment,Correction fluid can kill mice,Also because of which contains benzene class material toxicity is bigger,And benzene class material smell has a delicate fragrance,Actually this kind of smell itself is poisonous.
benzene/Toluene and itself is carcinogenic substance,Through the contact or suction, etc into the body,Can cause human body leucocyte death,At the same time also can stimulate the nervous system of the body",Food safety and environmental experts/The international food packaging association secretary general dong golden lion is introduced,generally,Enterprise will not be in the product production process the use of all raw material composition in the commodity packaging labeling,Some solvent such as benzene won't mark.In addition,Solvent to pigment partly dissolved in it,And solvent volatility is also quite strong,It also makes the modify fluid when use can be quickly volatile and curing.
Modified liquid generally is white,In fact pigment part,Such as titanium pigment also to have certain toxicity,And the solvent part phase difference is,Part of the pigment is not volatile,When people use,If you can do without hands or mouth contact these substances,The general is no problem.
Be worth what carry is,Now a lot of modified liquid are also constantly improving,Some manufacturers have no longer use benzene class as solvent,But the use of ketone(acetone,Compared with benzene class material,Toxicity smaller)/Alcohol and lipid(Acetic acid/Ethyl ester,Is relatively safe)etc.Alcohol and water class is relatively safe and ideal solvent materials,But because of its volatile is poor,After use curing effect is not good,Also can make paper wet,Alter the effect not beautiful.Currently used more solvent materials mainly is benzene class/Ketones and lipid.
长期大量使用或影响神经系统 A large amount for a long time use or affect the nervous system
Dong golden lion said,Long-term or the use of correction fluid,One of the organic solvent if through inhalation and skin contact, etc into human body,Also can produce a series of hazard,Have an impact on the possibility of the nervous system of the body,Serious when even affect human memory and intellectual development,In addition,This kind of material on human respiratory tract/Oral cavity mucous membrane and eye also to have certain stimulation,The situation is more serious,These substances into the body,The human immune system will also have an impact,Likely to reduce the human body immunity.
Dong golden lion told reporters,In the use of modified when liquid,Try to reduce the dose,At the same time should pay attention to keep certain distance with paper,Don't lie prone on the correction fluid with the paper,Avoid smell directly through breathing into the body.In addition,Attention should be paid to the environment as far as possible in the ventilation use correction fluid,Such as classroom,If a student a lot of use,Due to the change of liquid volatile strong,The air there may be a lot of volatile matter,To the human body is also harmful,Pay attention to a window ventilated may reduce a large number of such material,At the same time try to reduce the direct contact with the skin.
香味文具 Fragrance stationery
大多添加人工合成香料 Most synthetic spices added
In addition to modify fluid,Now a lot of stationery have fragrance,Such as rubber/Fluorescent pen etc..this,Dong golden lion explain,Rubber is mainly due to the fragrance of added spice's sake.
Most of them are synthetic,relatively,Natural perfume safe,But the general chemical product add spices are synthetic,There are usually contain some aromatic hydrocarbon,benzodiazepines/Ketones and esters material,These organic matter are volatile,Only to human body harm,There is no profit.
Some students often smell the fragrance of the rubber,this,Dong golden lion explain,Since the human body can smell the fragrance of the rubber,Explain the nervous system of the body have perceived the presence of the smell,This kind of material on the nervous system has certain paralysis effect.Often smell the smell,Might be dizzy/Decreased appetite wait for a phenomenon,More serious is,The respiratory system enter the body,If into the blood system,On the body of the cell development impact,For human liver/Organs such as kidney affect.
In fact is not only the fragrance stationery,We often use perfume,Also not suitable for open.We do not suggest to buy fragrance special thick rubber.In addition,Rubber itself is white,After processed,Will be colorful,These are all human added,In order to attract consumers' eye,But when the choose and buy should try to avoid color special bright-coloured and taste special thick rubber and other stationery.
荧光染料有一定毒性 Fluorescent dye have certain toxicity
On the market at present some common fluorescent pen also have fragrance,And there are a variety of different color.Dong golden lion explain,Fluorescent pen added fluorescent agent,In addition,Fluorescent pen also includes part of the liquid material,And of the above mentioned modified liquid ratio,Just different solubility,The added material to the human body also has certain harm.
ShenYongJia told reporters,Some stationery have fragrance,Mainly because of the added essence.The essence of the adding amount of a few,To the human body little mischief,But everyone in essence the sensitivity of the smell/Fitness different.The same kind of scent,Some are very adapt to,Some people feel uncomfortable.Fluorescent pen added fluorescent dye,Some fluorescent dye has certain toxicity,Because they add capacity is very few,Normal use fluorescent pen will not cause damage to adults,But is not recommended for children to use fluorescent pen.
Dong golden lion Suggestions,After use fluorescent pen,Should cover the cap as soon as possible,Try to avoid direct or close contact fluorescent pen.In addition,If not be careful will fluorescent stroke to hand,Should use soap to wash your hands as soon as possible,In order to avoid these substances through the hands enter human body.
专家提醒 The expert reminds
修改液溶剂具可燃性 Modified liquid solvent with flammability
Reporter discovery,Also some products in the package to remind consumers the matters that need attention in use,Including not near fire, etc.Dong golden lion explain,Modify the organic solution with combustible liquid,Near fire may cause combustion.
不慎接触皮肤 Case contact with skin
可用酒精清洗 Usable alcohol cleaning
ShenYongJia Suggestions,If he will correction fluid to get the skin,Due to its composition is irritant to skin,Should be clean as soon as possible.Because modified liquid contains synthetic resin,Has a certain viscosity,It is difficult to separate water rinse thoroughly,Can be a little high concentration alcohol cleaning.
热点问答 Hot question
避免购买有刺鼻气味的文具 Avoid buying a pungent smell of the stationery
Q how should choose when buying non-toxic harmless stationery?
Dong golden lion:If the product allows trial,I must first trial,Before deciding whether to buy.Pay attention to smell the smell of stationery,If there is a pungent taste or eye irritation,Generally speaking,Toxicity is bigger,Should try to avoid buying.
Q skin direct contact with such stationery will cause harm?For skin allergy crowd,What are the matters needing attention?
北京地坛医院皮肤性病科主任伦文辉:如果不慎皮肤接触到涂改液或荧光笔,相对来说是安全的。从临床上来看,出现这方面皮肤过敏的病例非常少,正常使用一般不会出现问题。(记者 张秀兰)
Beijing ditan hospital skin venereal division director WenHui Aaron:If he skin contact to remove or fluorescent pen,Is relatively safe.See from the clinical,In the case of skin allergy is very little,Normal use general won't appear problem.(Reporter ZhangXiuLan)
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