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沪7成受访者年终奖万元以下 年终奖与学历成正比--亲稳网络舆情监测室


27薪、63薪,20万元、500万元……高额奖金频频爆出 And pay/63 pay,200000 yuan/5 million yuan……High bonus out frequently

  你对自己的年终奖满意吗? Your own award satisfaction?


Our investigation shows that:More than respondents award in ten thousand yuan of the following

  “拿了多少?”春节将至,“年终奖”开始成为职场人的目光聚焦点。“27薪”、“63薪”(即分别为月基本工资27倍和63倍),20万元、500万元……频频爆出的高额奖金传说总让人咋舌,地产、金融、垄断行业……更是成为人们心目中“吸金大户”,有网民高呼 “我又拖后腿了”。事实果真如此吗?

"Took many?"The Spring Festival will come,"award"Has become the workplace the gaze of people focus."And pay"/"63 pay"(Which month are the basic wage 27 times and 63 times),200000 yuan/5 million yuan……Frequently came high bonus legend always let a person be left speechless with wonder or fear,Real estate/financial/Monopoly industries……This is a people's heart"Suction gold large",Internet users have shouted "And I was dragging".Was this really the case?


 年终奖多少与学历成正比 How many and degree award is proportional


For the last few days,About the award,The network is made up of many kinds of the list/survey/ranking.Media said,53% of the people award in 20000 yuan of above,500000 yuan as high as 5%;But another media research is showing,Nearly of the enterprise did not issue year-end bonus plan.

  实际上,网上很多数字未必准确。近日,本报社会调查中心和QQ-survey联合进行了一项 “年终奖拿到多少”的调查。调查在线随机抽取了月收入区间相对均衡的800位上海市民。结果显示,年终奖在2500元及以下的为41.7%;2501元至 5000元的为 17.5%;5001元至10000元为17.6%;10001元至25000元的为13.3%;25001元至50000元的为6.4%;超过5万元的仅有3.5%。显然,超过7成受访者的年终奖在10000元以下。调查中还发现,年终奖的多寡与受访者的月薪成正比关系,也与受访者的学历成正比关系。

In fact,Online a lot of Numbers is not necessarily accurate.recently,The social survey center and QQ - survey jointly conducted a "How much to award"survey.The online survey a random sample of monthly income interval relative balance of 800 Shanghai citizens.The results show,Award in 2500 yuan and the following is 41.7%;2501 yuan to 5000 yuan for 17.5%;5001 yuan to 10000 yuan for 17.6%;10001 yuan to 25000 yuan for 13.3%;25001 yuan to 50000 yuan for 6.4%;Only 3.5% of more than 50000 yuan.obviously,More than of the respondents award in 10000 yuan of the following.The survey also found,The amount of bonus with respondents monthly salary is proportional to the relationship,And with the respondents degree is proportional to the relationship.


“吸金”行业?没那么夸张 "Suction gold"industry?Not incredibly

  南京某房产企业的500万元 “巨奖”,让房地产成为人们眼中年终奖发得最多的行业。但接受采访的业内人士纷纷表示:年终奖没那么夸张。

Nanjing some real estate enterprise's 5 million yuan "JuJiang",Let the real estate become people's eyes award out most of the industry.But the interview of the industry have said:Award not incredibly.


A famous shenzhen real estate enterprise Shanghai company's staff, told reporters,Although this year they completed more than 100 yuan of the sales task,But with the high cost,The company profit rate is not high,And even lower than the industry average,The hook with the award also have the danger of shrink,"To maintain the level of last year even if good".


Huawei has been exposed to the $12.5 billion as a year-end bonus,A former huawei staff said,Although large amount,But many huawei staff,Common staff wouldn't get many fundamental.


Financial insiders told reporters,This year do fixed income department efficiency is better,Award may be higher.But for ordinary for salesman,Because base salary is low,Some only 23000 yuan,So 100000 yuan of award not.


多数“微涨”,少数“下跌” most"up",minority"fall"


Most industry this year's award is given priority to with the rising.But limited to environment,Or generally not,Even individual brokers appear"Inverse growth".

  据调查显示,在一些传统行业,职称、职位、从业年限差不多的同事,年终奖数额趋同的情况非常普遍。“这与国企或传统行业的考核体系拘束,绩效分档少直接相关。”一位在互联网上从事中高端服装定制的私营业主说。这位老板表示,2012年,企业经营状况并不如前一年,但年终奖还是涨了,“为了留人”。(记者 毛锦伟 张驰 马松)

According to the survey,In some traditional industry,title/position/Working life almost colleagues,Award amount of convergence situation is very common."The state-owned enterprises or traditional industry evaluation system at home,Performance step is directly related to the less."A on the Internet in the high-end clothing customization of private owner said.The boss said,In 2012,,Enterprise management condition is not as the year before,But the award or rose,"In order to attract".(Reporter MaoJinWei MaSong edging)
