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政府用投资效益“敲打”高校 28高校获奖3.8亿--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  一个明确的信号已经发出:中央政府对高等学校的“投资效益”愈发看重。 A clear signal has been sent:The central government for institutions of higher learning"Investment benefit"More value.


recently,Because in tianjin university"Project 211"Results in the construction of three periods,Access to the ministry of education/The national development and reform commission/Approved by the ministry of finance 13.6 million yuan reward.Days old"Project 211"Construction of the office/Degree and subject construction, director of the office of graduate school professor Chen Zhihua told reporters,This is the first time that the central government"Input and output ratio"Higher bonuses to colleges and universities.


There are 28"Project 211"Key construction university won the special prize,A total of 383.23 million yuan.


Many years ago["Project 211"Construction management measures]It was pointed out that,School of achievements and benefits/Key discipline construction units and individuals,Will be given recognition.


Chen Zhihua think,Now for implementation"Real money"The bonus,On the one hand because,As the financial education funds amounted to 4% of GDP,Education investment increased significantly,The Treasury has a certain money to reward good,This is"Project 211"A period of/Phase ii do not have conditions.On the other hand,At present"Project 211"3 period has ended,The next phase in the preparatory stage,The prize could make remarkable achievements/Results highlight the project obtain uninterrupted support.


He told reporters,Countries in recent years has been emphasis on performance appraisal/The performance evaluation.The prize money clearly reflects the orientation of performance evaluation,Will make the base pay more attention to investment results.


Place since 1995"Project 211"Is higher education of our country's educational history the first large-scale key projects,Target is oriented to the 21st century,Key construction about 100 institutions of higher learning and a group of key disciplines,Since the implementation of 112 colleges and universities.The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated has said,"Project 211"Have already closed the door,No more new members in the future.


In 2012,,112 colleges and universities gradually accepted the national acceptance.The acceptance is 2008 ~ 2011"Project 211"Three phase of the construction project.As a result"Several joy several sorrow",Some colleges struggle,Easily by others.


According to the results of the acceptance,The ministry of education/The national development and reform commission/The Treasury decided to reward excellent 28 universities,The ministry of finance 130.95 million yuan,National development and reform commission (NDRC) a total of 252.28 million yuan.Can independently determine the reward fund use plan award colleges and universities,But to all for discipline construction,And will report to bonuses to use solution.


It is worth noting,Although China's 39 is a top priority"Project 985"Colleges and universities are"Project 211"Colleges and universities,But only 10 this won the reward,Is Beijing university respectively/Renmin university of China/Tsinghua university,/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics/Tianjin university/Harbin industrial university/Fudan university/Shanghai jiao tong university/University of science and technology of China/National university of defense technology.

  而在这些名校之外,一些知名度相对逊色但颇具特色与实力的高校也获得了奖励。奖金最多的是云南大学和西北大学,均为1483万。其他高校如天津医科大学、第四军医大学、第二军医大学、北京工业大学、北京林业大学、南京航空航天大学、南京农业大学、南京师范大学、苏州大学、华中师范大学、华中农业大学、上海财经大学、北京邮电大学、华东理工大学、华南师范大学、北京外国语大学,均是在某些学科领域“一招鲜”的高校。一些属于地方院校 ,比如,湖北地区的入选高校是华中师范大学和华中农业大学,华南师范大学则是广东惟一的获奖高校。

In these schools,Some fame relatively less but characteristic also received awards and the strength of colleges and universities.The bonus is the most yunnan university and northwestern university,14.83 million.Other colleges and universities, such as tianjin medical university/The fourth military medical university/The second military medical university/Beijing university of technology/Beijing forestry university/Nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics/Nanjing agricultural university/Nanjing normal university/Suzhou university/Central China normal university/Huazhong agricultural university/Shanghai university of finance and economics/Beijing university of posts and telecommunications/East China university of science and technology/South China normal university/Beijing foreign studies university,All is in certain subject areas"A one-trick pony"The colleges and universities.Some belong to the local colleges and universities ,Such as the,In colleges and universities of hubei region is the central China normal university and huazhong agricultural university,South China normal university is the only award in guangdong colleges and universities.


We have learned,Bonus basic 28 universities in 13.6 million yuan.In view of the"Objective and fair/Around the core;Classification of reward/Overall consideration;According to the school rewards/Appropriate support"Appraisal principle,Some special areas and regional colleges and universities.


"Project 211"Acceptance of the construction project process is,After the project is due,Colleges and universities to the competent ministries or local governments to submit an application for project completion acceptance report,After review the competent ministries or local governments to the national development and reform commission to apply for the completion acceptance report,then,National development and reform commission directly or entrust the competent ministries or local governments about construction project organization work completion acceptance.Acceptance of the panel by the state council"Project 211"Hire inter-ministerial coordination group office.


In 2012,,Three ministries take the network acceptance/Spot check acceptance/Entrust social acceptance form, independent institutions,In 112 the completion of the goal for colleges and universities/Service management of funds/Construction work and the symbolic achievements/Project management is/The overall evaluation for acceptance,Finally decided to reward the key discipline construction project integrated rank/And has a certain number of outstanding key discipline construction projects(In the field of this subject belongs to level the top 10%)The colleges and universities.


Renmin university of China won the acceptance of feedback as a result,The eight key discipline construction project integrated score of 90 points.In which the"The economy"Ranking level field,"Economics system with Chinese characteristics"Construction project ranked first in the country,"Fiscal and monetary policy and management"Ranked the second.The school decided to reward 13.6 million yuan fund is mainly used in key subject/Personnel training and incubation infrastructure and support needed for the emerging interdisciplinary talent training and discipline construction of high level of laboratory construction,Continue to improve the quality as the core,Adhere to the"The connotation development".

  陈志华告诉记者,天津大学共有9个重点学科项目,经过建设,学科优质率得到明显提升,其中3个学科进入所属一级领域排名前10%,分别是“重大水利土木工程与防灾”、“能源高效转化与综合利用关键技术研究 ”、“精密检测技术及装备”。

Chen Zhihua told reporters,A total of nine key subject project of tianjin university,After the construction,Academic merit factor got obvious improvement,Three disciplines into the top 10% belongs to level field,Respectively is"Major civil engineering water conservancy and disaster prevention"/"Comprehensive utilization of energy efficient transformation and key technology research "/"Precision testing technology and equipment".


In tianjin university"Project 211"Phase 3 construction summary cited the ministry of education in degree and graduate education development center in 2007 ~ 2009 subjects assessment results,The school in the evaluation of chemical engineering and technology disciplines/Instrument science and technology subject ranking first in the country.But Chen Zhihua told reporters,Any ranking is not the basis of acceptance and bonuses,Acceptance of the content involved in scientific research/Aspects of very detailed indexes.Experts offer acceptance score,Judge the key discipline construction project overall rate.


According to Chen Zhihua,Universities will project report is submitted,Accept the network acceptance.Some universities are separate sampling.And commissioned independent institutions of society,Not refers to the university ranking,Is hired to check some experts in the field of finance.


The prize money to make more firmly established in many colleges and universities"Character development"The direction of the.Tianjin medical university, said,The school will in order to improve the quality as the core,Adhere to the connotation development,"At different levels/Different area characteristics/On the level of".


In the award notification,The three ministries and commissions such as the ministry of education said,To reward achievements in their construction of colleges and universities,To implement the national education plan for spirit,Guide colleges and universities"Pay more attention to strengthen management,Pay more attention to improve the efficiency,Reform of the management mode/Introducing competition mechanism/Implement the performance evaluation",In order to award construction/Promote the tube with awards,We will speed up the establishment of a high-level university and key discipline,Improve the quality of higher education in an all-round way.


About the"Performance evaluation of"Statement of the from[The national medium - and long-term plan for education reform and development(2010-2020)]."outline"Pointed out that,Will speed up the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines in the future,We will continue to implement the"Project 985"and"Project 211","Improve management mode,Introducing competition mechanism,Implement the performance evaluation,For dynamic management".


Our tianjin on January 16 (Reuters)
