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yesterday(16)Sunday is the first working day after the New Year,Back to unit to start the New Year work professionals in addition to greeting each other,Many people talked about we met before and after the Spring Festival,Version of the spell became a reality"The Spring Festival stopping way".
“囧”事:单身成公害 "orz"things:Single into a public nuisance
Just go to work yesterday,Wuhan older female youth xiao-he a advertising company,A met office next door, another of the older female youth Kim h d,Immediately rushed forward"The bitter".
Xiao-he nearly thirty years old,The returned rural hometown Chinese New Year Spring Festival,Extended/priest saw her,Soon came to a man,All topics are around"boyfriend",Xiao-he feel very dizzy.Is the most embarrassing xiao-he annual 4 night 12 PM,Suddenly xiao-he sent message to a distant relative:"Children ah,Your parents were in white hair,How so don't understand?"
This message,Xiao-he sleep immediately break up,She hurriedly call explanation,The result is relative"lesson"At 1 o 'clock in the morning.Xiao-he grief hurried to find,Zha himself into public nuisance?
Xiao-he bitterness also don't fall out,Kim h d also can't wait to echo:The Spring Festival at home,Although parents did not urge marriage directly,But a moment and said"Next door girl pregnant with",For a moment and ask:"Your classmates are married?"This so she can't answer.
“囧”事:让人纠结的特产 "orz"things:Let a person of tangled speciality
During the Chinese New Year,Wuchang a company employee who ya,Just for it to not bring colleagues, special local product.
Once ya said,Go to work after the Spring Festival last year,Met embarrassing things:She gladly took parents do mung bean balls to the unit,And especially with good plastic bag packing,Send to colleagues at home hot pot,Results while going off work,Only two colleagues walked two bags,The rest more than ten bag was left in public areas of the office.By contrast,Their hometown in sichuan colleagues bring exquisite packaging a spicy rabbit meat is very popular,One pack of demand.
In the evening,Once ya and classmates about this matter,Students immediately inspiration.:You use a plastic bag packing,Not only didn't visit fortune-teller,And someone afraid to eat this"3 without"The product.After the students a little direction,When back to the han Chinese New Year,Parents want her again with local products,She will feel very contradiction:With it,Afraid of colleagues not effusive;Don't take it,The colleagues will bring,You can't eat just don't send it?
And as tangled and hunan rural guy who ya Chen,Yesterday when I went to work,He was very hesitant to give LaYu will be brought from home/Bacon and other local products to the office and share with colleagues.Before go home,Jokingly told colleagues:"Hunan food,Chinese New Year will bring us a ah!"But look at LaYu from home back to wuhan,And not sure what do you want to carry him to the office,"Home and preserved,No packaging,Fear of the colleagues don't like,I bring a trip is not easy,To waste a also love dearly!"
"I've heard that you company is making a lot of money this year,Give you the treatment is very good!"When the Spring Festival,Met a few years didn't see high school classmate xiao gang,Their hometown in yichang hui is very happy,How many times after talking,Xiao asked about working in an IT company in shenzhen hui salary problem.
Hui promised to answer"ok/ok",Xiao gang inquiry:"There are daily in a year?"It makes work in wuhan,Salary for five or six ten thousand yuan hui felt sorry got home,Don't know how to is good for you to pick up words.
和周辉一样囧的还有胡冲,做销售的他因为今年业绩不佳,年终奖都没拿到手。过年一回到家,遇到亲朋好友的询问,他没地可逃。“你一个月才拿4000元?骗我们吧,你还是大学生,我们村里那个海娃,只读完初中就去外面打工,现在一个月还能拿到六千多呢!”这样的话,总是不时撞到胡冲耳朵里来,让他感觉一个字:囧。(来源:楚天金报 记者 徐玲玲 通讯员 匡庐)
Also sorry Hu Chong as hui,Do sales because of his poor performance this year,Year-end bonuses didn't reach.Got home New Year,Meet friends and relatives to ask,He didn't escape."You only get 4000 yuan a month?Lie to us,You are college students,The sea Eva in our village,Just finished reading junior high school to work in outside,Now also can get more than six thousand a month!"Such words,Always hit the Hu Chong ear from time to time,Make him feel a word:orz.(source:Chutian Xu Lingling correspondent KuangLu slipped to journalists)
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