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部分大学生英语水平不如高中 课本成摆设--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
In recent years,four/Six levels of English as a door in the university four years learning career"Study section",For most students to have a headache.however,With the"crazy"English exam craze is inconsistent,Part of the students in colleges and universities in the province said,On the university after the English than high school,There a lot of people even eat high school English"The fund"The phenomenon of.The reporter visited some universities in the province.
The reporter understands through investigation,Different schools English teaching materials is different also,A lot of people in order to cope with four/Six levels of tests,"passive"To learn English,Coupled with the college English course credits is low,Make the English class in some universities is almost an ornament.
现象 phenomenon
英语课本成大学生的摆设 English textbooks into the decoration of the college students
The reporter understands,Regulations of the state, when they graduate from college students to get credit is in commonly 160 ~ 180,And general class comprehensive university and polytechnic university English course credits are set by around 20.At this rate,Only one or two times a week English class,And in the university three grade has no English lesson later.
Reporters visited part of nanchang university found,Different schools English teaching materials is different also,College English course credits are generally lower,English textbooks in universities has become more decoration."I seldom watch English textbooks,Feeling very hard also very boring,Not much effect."Jiangxi university of finance and economics, classmate jiang told reporters,Junior has no English class,In order to four/Six levels of tests,Had to do.
大学英语靠吃高中“老本” Eat high school at the university of English"The fund"
Journalists at a university to a class 45 personal sampling survey,The results found that,By more than sixty percent of students said they eat high school English in line"brace"Until now.
"I think learn English well, really is a process of accumulate over a long period,I has a keen interest in English since primary school,But after college,Relax for English learning,Only in the final exams will read carefully."Accounting professional Korean classmates said.
教学方式无益于提高英语水平 Teaching mode is not conducive to improve my English
A decrease in the level of English for university,In an interview with reporters to hear a lot of college students:"School English class teaching requirements,Divided into two parts, listening and classroom.Classroom English and high school teachers teaching the same way,But the teacher to student's demand is very low,No homework after class,We tend to put books directly from class to one side.Listening in class,Part of the teacher in order to reduce trouble,Directly show to the students.Don't teach any questions relating to the listening skills,Cause English is more and more bad.So every four/Caught off guard when they are six levels of tests,Don't know from which aspects to begin review."
"English test papers,Teacher source draw that school is a part of the reading material,Some direct is the teaching of reading after class.Right before,Teacher can tell students about the number of range."Senior student wen said,Some universities such response,Has caused many students always go in right before the answer back,This to improve the level of English no good.
困惑 confusion
大学英语成绩还不如高中好? College English achievement is not as good as high school?
The reporter understands in the survey,Professional course on college students in the province is very attentive,And in stark contrast,In the English class has many students on sleeping on the desk,Some don't even open the book.Why do college students attitude to English and attitude is so different?"Feel the teacher give us English lessons now,Also say some sentence patterns,Let's write down the words,Even some of the teacher let us watch foreign films,This can't satisfy for four/Six level of test requirements,So there have to spend more time to prepare for four/Six levels of tests."Advertising professional wang classmate told reporters.
We have learned,Nanchang university English course more only two class hours every week,In addition,The homework less,Enough practice is also a remarkable feature of college English learning,Many college students complain that their English level is worse than high school.Nanchang temperature engineering school students told reporters,"My college entrance examination English score is high,But after the university basic don't learn English,Are all small bites to cope with examination by the high school,Result in cet 4 test four times before,Is a great tragedy."
四六级考试前再备考也不迟? Cet exams before the test is not late again?
For fresh out of high school"relief"A freshman,Should have been filled with keen interest in English.But the reporter discovers in the survey,In addition to a small amount of special professional requirements,Most college freshman can not enter oneself for an examination of four/Level 6,So they think that English can lay first,Before the exam review again for reference.
Some college teachers argue that,Nowadays, many college students because of the misunderstanding,Lead to exam review dragged on,Until the senior year some people haven't even by four/Six levels of tests.English learning is a gradual process,If you want to four earlier/Level 6,Since freshman should arrange one or two hours a day of time to learn English.
支招 action
加强自主学习,合理利用时间 Strengthen the autonomous learning,Reasonable use of time
In addition to English majors in the university departments,General compared with high school students of learning English time is greatly shortened.Limited time in class,A lack of practice after class,English as a language and slightly boring for a long time,How to make better and more effective learning,This is a problem to be solved.
For this,A university professor,"Today's university relatively free learning environment,College English teaching compared with high school,Classroom teachers teach a shorter time,The homework is also less,It's more reasonable require students to organize my time efficiently,Autonomous learning.And they have a variety of all kinds of activities,Many students in the face of the academic and activity,Should want to make a rational choice."
“一刀切”的授课方式效果不大 "One size fits all"Way of teaching effect is not big
Reporter found that,Some universities have a common fault in the teaching mode,Is to make"One size fits all",It is difficult to take into account each student in the class.A university teacher Yang told reporters:"Due to the limited teaching conditions of college English,Is usually a big class teaching,As the use of an individualized foreign language school/Targeted small-class teaching model.The students' English foundation is different,Different strengths and weaknesses respectively,Because the class is‘One size fits all’The way of teaching,Implements democratized teaching guide for all the students,Hard to avoid can cause problems,In the process and lack of teacher's guidance and counsel,A lot of students will take the initiative to give up,English inevitably fall."
In view of the exam-oriented teaching mode,Students to do homework is learning and the teachers in the first place/Strengthen communication and exchanges between students.Encountered do not understand questions to ask the people around in time,To receive constructive guidance and help,To develop a plan of practical English learning,If you can take 1 ~ 2 hours to recite every morning English,Improve English listening, speaking, reading and writing.
多看美剧多做笔记,养成英语思维习惯 See beauty play take notes,The English thinking habit
In view of the college students hope to master English learning skills and confusion in the short term to improve your English,Nanchang a training agency director Mr Zhu gave his thumb,He said to the reporter:"Suggest that college students can login newyorker intensive reading an article every day,The article everything there,The difficulty is moderate;Introduction to spoken English‘Across the United States’,Then see TV drama,How to take notes,Every episode;A week, more sentences write English essay express themselves thought,Every 200 words,After learning English thinking habit,Can more easily deal with all kinds of test.Practice spoken English,Suggest finishing watching films,The first time look normal,The second time like doing intensive reading,She pick the details,Then recite to imitate,Will have accumulated some good results.In fact,,Learn a foreign language and learn Chinese,There is a process of accumulation
记者 黄小路 实习生 吴婷
Reporter intern Wu Ting yellow path
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