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On February 11,,Annual lunar calendar,Shanxi AnZeXian,The noise of the festival still hangs over here.
This a few days,11-year-old Guo Chenhui not greasy in front of the TV as usual,No and friends playing in the village,But singlemindedly to drill in the school every day.The horse wall two spacious classrooms in elementary school,Although with a dozen children,But can't hear a bit nosy.The children or doing hard,Or the production model of science and technology,Every little face is permeated with happy smiles.
To cheer them,Is this last November in AnZeXian had just settled in the most remote rural villages and towns of the children's palace.200000 yuan of money/All kinds of children's books/Open the wisdom of science and technology model,Let the village children winter holiday has some different color.
The whole morning,Guo Chenhui engrossed himself in the study of this specification,Only two pieces of,Hands of the amount of this can be accomplished,The hover blue sky."I've only seen on television the city children to play with model aircraft,He could have assembled a couldn't dream that."Guo Chenhui shiny eyes with excitement.now,The rural cultural center has become every day she and her friends like to place,Because of the"Hidden here is full of unknown knowledge",Also for them on the wings of dream to fly to a better life.
"Let alone the children,Even my own all is an eye-opener!"Attached guide assembly model for several children,Children's palace of part-time teacher tinkel slightly ooze with sweat on his face."The children's palace before the official opening,I was still in taiyuan for a week of training,Learn the daily operation of the children's palace expertise and production of various kinds of science and technology model.A lot of models I haven't seen before,Rural children can assemble now,This is a big change!"
In the sigh,One side of the horse wall elementary school principals Li Yanfang cheerfully opened mouth, too:"Can you imagine not,This group of children were two years ago in a mud hut in class,How many times reinforcement,Or a dangerous house.Every time it rains the snow are fearful,‘The library’In only a few this volume/Couldn't be breaking,The children don't have interest in reading.It's couldn't dream that,Two years time,We moved into the new school,And such a good teaching resources.The New Year,I hope we can become more and more modern buildings,The teacher will become better and better,Rural children and city children really stand on the same starting line!"
In the countryside children excited expression/Rural teacher emotion behind the words,The small country of the children's palace reflect,Is the mountainou area to do education and moving feelings,As well as the significant achievement of education equality.
"39 primary and secondary schools throughout the county,Almost every school has the education resources are similar!"Let the children feel happy,Also taught AnZeXian director liu hopson most proud thing to promote standardization school construction."From 2006 to 2006,The county has invested 17.2 million yuan,Completed the 64 primary and secondary schools, 28095 square meters danger old building transformation task.In 2012,,We also launched the obligation education standardization and equipment engineering,Involved in 37 schools,With a total investment of 8.93 million yuan.In addition to these,We are working to advance teachers' balanced,Explore and establish urban and rural teachers exchange system,Specification management,A balanced,Promote balanced programs.Now the county children no longer choose to go to school,Because in the city and in the countryside are the same!"
而面对到来的新年,刘合生也有着自己的期望。“为了让孩子们上得起学,我们已经实现了义务教育阶段住宿生膳食补助和教辅用书、作业本全免费,还提前将高中纳入了义务教育,实现了学费、书费、住宿费全免。今后我们想继续加大投入,早日实现全县学校多媒体、理化生仪器、科学仪器、音体美器材和图书的全面达标!”(记者 邓 晖)
And face the coming New Year,Liu hopson also have their own expectations."In order to let the children to learn,We have implemented the compulsory education stage in residence meal allowance and teaching assistants' book/The homework all free,Also included in the compulsory education to high school in advance,Implement the tuition fees/books/Accommodation is free.We want to continue to invest in the future,As soon as possible the county school multimedia/Physical equipment/Scientific instruments/Comprehensive standards body beauty equipment and library books!"(Reporter deng CDH)
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