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  燃气热水器泄漏致5学生身亡 Water heater burning gas leak to 5 students


Police announced the cause of death,As carbon monoxide poisoning death;Family members said installation workers were detained

京大学生煤气中毒身亡续:家属称安装工人被拘6名哈医大来京实习的学生在水立方前合影。其中5人在此次事故中遇难。网络截图 Six HaYiDa internship students group photo in front of the water cube in Beijing.Five people were killed in the incident.Network capture

京大学生煤气中毒身亡续:家属称安装工人被拘调查称排气管老化漏气。   The survey said exhaust pipe aging leak.京大学生煤气中毒身亡续:家属称安装工人被拘


The survey said water heater installed improperly.


"5 HaYiDa students suspected of carbon monoxide poisoning death"tracking


On February 4,,A rented accommodation in chaoyang district,Harbin medical university(daqing)Five senior students were found dead.Yesterday morning,Police released five students cause the results of the survey,Rule out murder,As carbon monoxide poisoning death.Many students' families,Water heater installation workers was criminal detention.The police statement has not been confirmed.


中毒死亡三个原因 Poisoning death three reasons


Yesterday at 10 PM,China-japan friendship hospital on the second floor conference room,The police called killing five families of college students,Students reported cause of death appraisal result.


Many students' families,Police say five students death a homicide has been ruled out,As carbon monoxide poisoning death.


Families of the recording shows,Police say deaths of students for three reasons,A gas water heater is installed incorrectly,Second, exhaust pipe aging leak,Three is the student use improper water heater.


家属质疑“使用不当” Family members of the question"Improper use"


Student's family said,Five pipe connection of the water heater,One connected to the toilet.Students after using the bathroom,Button on the toilet flush,No jumping up,Water flows have been,Water heater has been open.Plus the exhaust pipe leakage of ageing,Due to the gas flow backward,Caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.


But for the students to use improper water heater,Several family members are not accepted.They say,Five students we haven't an accident,How do you suddenly had an accident this time?If water heater is ok,Who won't be an accident.


“学生曾反映热水器问题” "Students who reflect the water heater"


Many students' families,The host of the house to go abroad,Will be rental housing carte Blanche to intermediary company.Five students rent house to take a shower,Intermediary company to install water heater,"Students to rent room in water heater before,But the exhaust pipe has no change,Aging in the exhaust pipe leakage."


A student's parents said,Previously heard that students reflect the had to intermediary company,Water heaters have problems,"But the mediation has not repair".


For this,Could not verify to mediation.


Student family members said,Police said,Now workers install water heater has been detained.But could not check into the matter to the police.


家属认为五方都有责 Family members think five parties is responsible for all


For death by five students who bear the responsibility,Many students' families,The landlord/Installation company/The mediation/The school/China-japan friendship hospital,"Five parties are not escape its responsibility".


Relatives said,At the time,The five students have not graduated from school,The school as a guardian,Should also take responsibility,"Students are arranged to china-japan friendship hospital internship,Schools and hospitals should have agreement,Students practice occurs when the matter,Hospitals can't escape from its responsibility."


"Didn't the child,Compensate more money and have what use."For compensation,Several family members didn't consider temporarily.


逝者 The dead


儿子找到工作,本想过个喜庆年” "Son to find work,Would like to have a happy year"


Guo Peipei,Twenty years of age,Harbin medical university(daqing)Senior student.


Due to the excellent grades,Selected by the school Guo Peipei,Arrange to china-japan friendship hospital internship.


In June last year,He and five together to Beijing internship students in the class,Introduced by a classmate relatives,Connection to a housing intermediary company,Rent in chaoyang district YingHuaYuan tung street a house.


The house is two rooms one hall,Area of about 60 square meters,A room to put two or three beds.


The rental house,Became Guo Peipei five students, such as the end of your life.


最大愿望做医生 Biggest wish do doctor


On February 4,,Beijing,Spring begins,From the Spring Festival with only 5 days.


Guo Peipei outside more than 600 kilometers from Beijing home in zhengzhou,The father Guo Xuezhan is arranged special purchases,Specially bought son likes to eat the food,Delighted son home for New Year's day.


Yet to receive news.


Mother's eyes,Son 1 m 6,At ordinary times special obedient,Grades or.


Guo Peipei biggest wish is to be a doctor.My father said,Son has to find a good job,In a large hospital in henan.On January 19 this year,Son to go to zhengzhou to carry out the work.Because of the time in a hurry,Guo Peipei didn't come home to see parents,"Didn't expect unexpectedly apart of Yin and Yang".


"Son to find a good job,Would like to have a happy year,Red incident heavy."Guo Xuezhan said.


每隔一周给家打电话 Call home every other week


Guo Peipei very filial piety.


Mother's memories,Since the son to go to college,Will come home every holiday.In June last year to Beijing after the internship,Go home once a year.At ordinary times special filial son,The in the mind have words always make a phone call to mother.Every once in a week,Son always make a phone call about work and life,"He said the internship tired,But the in the mind very happy,As a student teacher to him special care."


On January 23 this year,Guo Peipei mother call back the congratulations on birthday,"I was the in the mind very happy."Guo Peipei's mother said.


"Before the incident,Son bought tickets already,Said December 18 come home,Thought suddenly didn't."Know that bad news,Guo Xuezhan temporarily can't accept it,The night,He was alone out of the hotel,Secretly wipe the tears.

  新京报记者 刘保奇

The Beijing news reporter LiuBaoJi


探访 To visit


物业贴出安全通知 Property notice posted on the safety


Yesterday afternoon,The residential buildings of the elevator,With property notification.


Notice said,When quality problems or improper installation of water heater and flue gas emissions are not at that time,Prone to gas leakage and safe hidden trouble such as carbon monoxide poisoning,Directly endanger the life safety of the occupants.Property to remind:Residents who use gas water heater in the home,Please immediately contact the manufacturer of water heater,Request factory send someone for inspection and maintenance of water heater exhaust treatment.Exhaust pipe shall be directly from the corridor Windows in each layer,It is forbidden to discharge waste gas in the corridor.(The reporter LiuBaoJi)
