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候诊时娃痛苦倒地5成年人无人让号 让一下这么难?--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  千辛万苦挂号排队等着看专家号,如果一名痛苦万分的孩子也在队伍中,而且恰好排在你的后面,你会怎么做?是坚守自己排队的原则,还是让孩子优先就诊?近日,协和医院神经内科副教授徐雁发的一条微博,在网上引发大讨论5名成年患者竟无一人肯让孩子优先看病,这种冷漠让在场的医生护士欲哭无泪。 Having registered queue waiting for the visit,If children are in an agony,And just behind you,What do you do?Is the principle that stick to your queue,Or let the children first?In recent days,Union medical college hospital, associate professor of neurology Xu Yanfa a tweet,Sparked debate online 5 adult patients with no one is willing to let children preferred to see a doctor,This kind of indifference to the presence of doctors and nurses want to cry.


The reporter sees,The weibo release time is late January 30.Xu Yan doctors wrote in his microblog real-name certification:"In the afternoon,Expert outpatient service,See a girl lying on the floor in the waiting area pain.Ask children's family,Learned that hanging is 6.The nurse communicate with front 5 patients,Could you let the little girl to see a doctor first.As a result,No one agree with 5 adult patients.The whole afternoon,Abnormal depressed feeling consulting room,Have the urge to want to cry..."


冷漠说 Indifferent to say


人性的善良被磨光了 The goodness of human nature by polishing

  无疑,这条微博触动了人们敏感的神经,数百人参与了转发和评论。在参与讨论的网友中,有谴责,也有理解,其中更不乏一些医生的仗义执言。有的网友认为,这种情况下,肯定要让孩子优先看病。“急诊部门有权按病情严重程度对患者分档安排就医,医生护士就该有这样的权威。” “如今的社会把人性的善良都磨光了,剩下的只有冷漠了。”

There is no doubt that,This tweet touches people sensitive nerve,Hundreds of people took part in the forwarding and comments.In the online discussion,There are condemned,Also have to understand,Including some of the doctor's brave words.Some netizens think that,In this case,Must let children preferred to see a doctor."Emergency department shall have the right to step arrangement according to the illness severity of patients go to a doctor,Doctors and nurses should have such authority." "Today's society have polished the goodness of human nature,The rest of the only apathy."

  而另一些网友也表达了理解之情:“协和的号都是熬夜排队挂的,抑或是从票贩子手里高价买来的,成年患者的焦急心理可以理解。”“也许不是5位患者不愿意,而是他们挂号也不容易,但是看着痛苦的孩子还无动于衷的人们,太冰冷。” “现实不是童话,谁也不能把谁一竿子打死,各有各的苦楚。”

And some Internet users also expressed his understanding of love:"Concord of number are queuing up to hang,Or buy from a scalper, and the price,Adult patients with anxious psychology is understandable.""Maybe not 5 patients were not willing to,It's not easy but they registered,But looking at pain of children also indifferent people,Is too cold." "Reality is not a fairy tale,Who also can't take a bamboo pole killed,Each have each suffering."


理智说 Reason says


家长和医生都有责任 It is the responsibility of parents and doctors


but,There are also people who believe"In front of a few also is to see the doctor,Children feel can go emergency",Children of parents lack of basic medical knowledge,Singlemindedly recognized experts.Have more Internet users will be directed at the hospital:"In this case,Hospital should arrange visits according to the priorities of the patient?What is the heart of indifference,Dereliction of duty or the hospital?"


In the face of such situation,As a doctor in the doctor-patient relationship,What should be how to deal with?Emergency department superwoman in warbler and popular microblogs are joining in the discussion.The warbler said in reply to Dr. Xu's weibo:"Don't let the nurse to next time meet this kind situation,Out call patient himself in.Do you want to know,Many patients defying the nurse didn't dare offend the doctor."Zhongshan school of medicine, professor Xie Rushi doctor sighs:"It's a pity that now only asked to do a qualified doctor,Not required to do a qualified patients."


In many message,The reporter sees,There are two weibo special attention,Two friends by telling his experience,Called on the people a good frame of mind,Spread the positive energy.Net friend"Smallwindow"said:"Pregnancy is a big belly,One day upset stomach,Painful to walk,Go to the hospital to hang the emergency,Someone in front of the queue,So pain and worry about the baby,Want to discuss with can you give me a number,Don't agree with,Baby finally still can't keep."


Net friend"Drop public welfare the sea"said:"During the Spring Festival in 2008 volunteers to beichuan, the children in chengdu and I bought for the winter goods,3, a robbery took place at 4 o 'clock in the morning,A woman shouted robbery,No one to intercept,I will chase up instinctive reaction,None of the people around to help,Eventually recover twenty thousand yuan,The other is not even a thank you.Our society has many contradictions,We should to pay more/To build,Determined to do their,Spread the positive energy."


专家说 Experts say


让孩子优先看病是最基本的道德 Let the children preferred to see a doctor is the most basic moral


Yesterday afternoon.,Famous sociologist/Xia xueluan, a sociology professor or university expressed,In this case,Should let the child to see the doctor first,This is a basic moral."Attitudes towards an underage people,Reflect a society/A nation's civilization degree and the future."Xia xueluan, said,The yueyue incident from the year before last,18 people turn a blind eye to indifferent,Today happened to Beijing five adult patients refused to yield a child,This reflects our society at the same time of economic progress,The lagged development of an ethical culture.and,Hospitals also have do not reasonable place.The hospital should strengthen the guidance,Avoid to adults and children registered at the same time.Parents should let their children to also specializes in pediatric clinic,It can reflect the principle of equality in the queue.All in all,In this event,5 adult patients is subject to social criticism.(The reporter LiuLin)
