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重点大学毕业生相信传销 自残逼父亲掏加盟费--亲稳网络舆情监测室


"Joining chain operation hand over 3800 yuan,Ensure you 9 months of 2 million."His girlfriend's commitment to,Feng Cheng to a key university graduate(Not his real name)Believe in.And in his father Feng Baoquan view,Such beauty is deception.To let the son see a pyramid scheme,On the 19th,He neglected cast of left leg broken,To accompany his son from shanxi jinzhong home will come to hefei"online".I didn't think,Son once wrong-headed,As for league to self-harm phase.


【沉迷】小额加盟坐赚200万?重点大学生还真信了 [addiction]Small joined by 2 million?Focus on college students really believed


High school in the school answer read 3 years,Feng Cheng eventually went to Qingdao, a national key university of 211,He read a senior this year 25 years old,Looking for a job has been no progress.The fellow townsman,A girl he met in hefei knife.

  今年春节,刀某打电话给冯城,说合肥这边有个赚钱买卖,9个月能赚200万。 “你赶紧过来,最好带上家人,交个3800元钱,就等着赚钱吧。”刀某的承诺让冯城很激动。在晋中老家,他把此事全盘托出,遭到父亲冯宝全呵斥,“这不明摆着是传销骗局吗,你一个名牌大学生也信? ”

The Spring Festival this year,Call Feng Cheng a knife,Said hefei side have a profitable business,Nine months can make 2 million. "You hurriedly come over,Had better take a family,Hand over a 3800 yuan of money,Just waiting for the money."A commitment to let Feng Cheng excited.In jinzhong home,He came clean about this matter,Father Feng Baoquan reprimand angrily to,"It is not clear the pyramid scheme,A famous brand college students also believe you? "


Whether to go to hefei,The father and son make stiff.But at 18,,Feng Baoquan seemed all of a sudden"think"the,15 PM on 19th,Get to hefei K896 train father and son.


【应对】机智父亲将计就计陪子来肥会“上线” [To deal with]Father playing along wit will accompany son to fat"online"


Two people to hefei,I was Ding Xing woman's warm reception.Feng Cheng said,Being is a friend of his girlfriend.then,Being a taxi took two people to binhu century city Joan grove village rental place.Feng Baoquan said,In the afternoon,Being let two people pay 3800 yuan"Chain business league".Feng Baoquan to"First take a look at physical objects"Refuse to.


afterwards,Under the control of the police being introduced,20.,With a von home father and son, she will be the two men"online".Being admitted to,His is indeed in the pyramid,A knife is down by her.She said,If there is no Feng Baoquan in side,Feng Cheng would have handed in the money,She can also catch some commission,"His father in front son repeatedly,With us online,Speak to tit for tat."

  冯宝全告诉记者,他这叫将计就计,“我想通过实际会面,戳破他们的假大空。 ”

Feng Baoquan told reporters,He this is called playing along,"I want to meet real,Prick their quixotic. "


【波折】索“加盟费”遭拒儿子持刀刺股相逼 [Twists and turns]Mr."Thus indicating"Was rejected son stabbed by force

  当着传销分子的面,冯宝全虽百般苦劝,冯城仍一意孤行。 20日晚,回到租住处的父子俩发生口角。冯城说:“明天如果还不交加盟费,我论文就不写了,毕业证就不领了。 ”

In front of the MLM molecules,Although Feng Baoquan every bitter advised,Feng Cheng still going her own way. Wednesday night,Back to the rental place of father and son spat.Feng Cheng said:"If you are not league is due tomorrow,Don't write my thesis,Diploma is not received. "

  昨日一早,冯城刚睡醒,就看到父亲背起包准备离开。“你人走可以,把钱留下。 ”冯城拽住父亲,一把把包扯下。冯宝全随即要求儿子跟他一起回老家,但令他没想到的是,冯城突然掏出一把水果刀,要钱遭拒后便向自己右腿扎去。一时间,血流不止。

Early in the morning yesterday,Feng Cheng it just wake up,He saw his father back up your bag and ready to leave."You can go,The money left. "Feng Cheng grabbed his father,Handfuls of bag off.Feng Baoquan immediately asked son to hometown together with him,But he didn't know,Feng Cheng suddenly took out a fruit knife,Money was rejected after it was to his right leg to go.At that time,bleeding.

  8时许,记者在滨湖医院急诊室了解到,医生正为冯城的伤口做清创缝合。 “伤口深三公分,缝了两针,伤了动脉,幸好救治及时。 ”医生说。

At about eight,The reporter understands in binhu hospital emergency room,The doctor is for Feng Cheng wound debridement suture. "3 cm deep wound,Two stitches,Hurt my arteries,Fortunately, the treatment in a timely manner. "The doctor said.


After the incident,The area rushed to the scene. Police,Take suspected of pyramid selling staff survey.


【醒悟】不再好高骛远踏实本分挣钱 [Wake up]No longer aimed high dependable duty to earn money

  “醒醒吧孩子,人家民警都说这是传销,别执迷不悟了。 ”当日15时许,经过父亲一番苦劝,冯城终于醒悟,“是我对发财太抱有幻想了。 ”他坦言,自己之前好高骛远,“总觉得赚钱必有捷径,庸人才会本分挣钱,我现在不这么想了,我要搀父亲回老家,治好他的腿,像他一样,踏实本分挣钱。 ” (吴洋)

"Wake up the child,Policeman the somebody else all say this is a pyramid scheme,Don't bigotry. "15 PM on the day,After a bitter advised his father,Feng Cheng woke up,"Is I too disillusioned to get rich. "He admits,Before their aim,"Always feel that there will be a shortcut to make money,Agent will duty to earn money,I don't think so now,I want to be made with father go home,Cure him of his legs,Like him,,Steady job to earn money. " (Wu Yang)
