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  龙虎网讯 随着日前人民日报官方微博开始向网友征集最让人反感的“官腔”活动的展开,“官腔”这个长期存在又长期被老百姓所厌恶的词语再度成为公众关注的焦点。截止 到昨天晚上,该条微博的转发次数已经超过了1.2万次。“高度关注”、“及时、确保”榜上有名。网友集体吐槽自己眼中的万能官腔。

Longhu webex as official by the People's Daily microblog wrote to collect the most revolting"newspeak"Activity of the,"newspeak"This long-standing and has long been people hate words has once again become the focus of public attention.As of last night,This microblogging forwarding number has more than 12000 times."High attention"/"In a timely manner/Make sure that"On the list.Universal newspeak netizen collective vomit slot in your own eye.


@人民日报 @ the People's Daily


征集最反感官话 Collect the most mandarin

  1月7日晚间的10点30分,这已经是很多人休息的时间了。而就在这个时候,新浪微博认证的@人民日报忽然发表了一篇名为“你最反感的官话套话 是什么”的微博。微博中表示:“‘讲话没有不重要的,鼓掌没有不热烈的;领导没有不重视的,看望没有不亲切的;完成没有不圆满的,成就没有不巨大的……’ 官话套话空洞无物,多年来相沿成习,会议中官话套话至今不绝于耳。人民日报读者来信版现向网友征集“你最反感的官话套话”,欢迎实例实录哦。”

On January 7th night 10:30,The rest of the day this has been a lot of people.But at this time,Sina weibo certified @ the People's Daily published an article called suddenly"What is you most dislike the rhetoric of mandarin"The weibo.Said in a microblog:"‘Speak not is not important,Applause not warm;Leadership has no value,See no friendly;Do not satisfactory,Achievement without huge……’ Mandarin every day empty,Turned down for many years,Meeting in mandarin every day so far.Against the People's Daily readers wrote to collect now"Do you most dislike the rhetoric of mandarin",'oh welcome instance."


The text also attached a picture below,A group of officials like read report are expressionless,They are wearing a huge hat on his head"rhetoric"hat.There is a limerick:"Lips turn up and down,Size officials simultaneous,Look all across Europe,All know that doesn't work."


"The People's Daily has published collection of such information!"This is the first reaction of many net friend to see.And soon,Curious and enthusiastic netizens have been involved,As of last night,Forwarding number has more than 12000 times,Comment on over 4300.Judging from all accounts,"Attaches great importance to"/"Further investigation"List of antipathy, etc are included in the crowd.


官话模板 Mandarin template


教你“打官腔” To teach you"DaGuanQiang"

  采访中,记者发现了一个奇怪的现象,就在大家在网上热议对官腔深恶痛绝的同时,网上有关怎么写官话的教程却比比皆是。在百度上搜索“官腔”,前 排出现的就有一篇名为“教你如何打官腔”的文章。四千多字的文章里,通篇都在教授如何来写出一片官腔十足的文章。作者更是自信满满地表示,如果按照他的方 法来写,公务员[微博]考试肯定可以得到65分以上。

In an interview,Reporters found a strange phenomenon,In newspeak hateful to you buzz on the Internet at the same time,Online tutorial abound about how to write mandarin.Search on baidu"newspeak",There is a paper entitled front row"Teach you how to DaGuanQiang"The article.More than four thousand - word article,Throughout in teaching how to write a piece of newspeak is dye-in-the-wood.The author is said confidently,If according to his method of writing,Civil servants (microblogging) exam can surely get more than 65 points.

  文章从题目开始,到后面的开篇语、正文、结束语都做了详细的指导。比如开篇语要求“陈述现象和相应的政策”,分析原因时要写到“形势的表现为总 体稳定、趋于好转的发展趋势与依然严峻的现状并存”,结束语里要写“对推动我国经济社会发展转入科学发展轨道、走上社会和谐之路,推进全面建设小康社会意 义重大而深远。”

Article starting from the title,To the back of the first language/The body of the/Conclusion all did detailed guidance.Such as the opening language requirements"Phenomenon and the corresponding policy",Analysis the reason when you wrote"The expression for total body stability of the situation/Improving the status quo of development trend and is still grim",To write in the conclusion"To promote China's economic and social development to scientific development track/Took to the road of social harmony,To promote the comprehensive construction well-off society important and far-reaching meaning righteousness."


What is more interesting,In paragraph puts forward countermeasures,The article warned fans to write"Problem solving is not meaningless,Must have a guide and guarantee mechanism,At the same time also require intensify propaganda strengthening leadership at all levels of the government,To carry out the task.In the implementation of the scientific concept of development/The background of building a harmonious society……"


In the article,"High attention"/"Hot issue"/"Strong reaction"We usually familiar words appeared frequently.

  网友投票 最熟悉的陌生词

Online voting the most familiar to the unfamiliar words


From the comments on weibo and BBS,Reporters saw many reply,We list their hate of mandarin,Journalists here also for them to make some generalizations.


"Attaches great importance to"


@ citizens on behalf of my surname:Leadership attaches great importance to,The first time rushed to the scene disposal,And made important instructions,Now family members emotional stability,The social order was not affected industrial and agricultural production.

  @王利达:事故发生后,高度重视,当即作出批示,要求不惜搜救人员,全力抢救伤员,查明事故 原因,积极做好善后工作,并注意搜救人员安全。当晚赶到事故现场指挥搜救,并决定启动预案,接着连夜赶往 看望伤员。目前家属情绪稳定,有关救援工作正在有序进行!

@ Wang Lida:After the accident,Attaches great importance to,Immediately make instructions,Requirements at the search and rescue personnel,To rescue the wounded,Find out the cause of the accident,We will do our best to help the aftermath,And pay attention to personnel safety.Arrived at the scene of the accident rescue command on the night,And decided to start contingency plans,And then on an overnight trip to visit the wounded.Now family members emotional stability,About rescue work is orderly!


@ YWSJ Yang Wu Jing:Relevant departments have been investigated……Attaches great importance to


"To further"


@ romeo:The meeting:Don't…Don't…Don't…!to…to…to…!vigorously…vigorously…vigorously…!in-depth…in-depth…in-depth…!also…also…also…!Holding up…To speed up…To promote…explore…Adhere to the…Make sure that…To hard…Vigorously promotes the…Struggling to…!


"Correct leadership"

  @李季oo:年终总结 在×××的正确领导下在×××的支持和帮助下……

@ Li Ji oo:Year-end summary under the correct leadership of XXX in XXX's support and help……


"In a timely manner/As soon as possible/positive"


@ the eagle Kanas:Urge the relevant departments to implement as soon as possible/To solve.


@ flied in the sky the rain:"This question is very important,Leaders are very seriously,We will ask related departments to study carefully,We will actively yet prudently handle events"


"Relevant departments of the"


@ Su Zhijiang:The most common is"Relevant departments of the".Good things all have specific department,Bad thing is"Relevant departments of the".


"Further investigation"


@ friEND:Authorities said,The matter is under further investigation


@ as well as free and unfettered:We will study on this matter


@ the locust tree zheng of may:To say again;reconsider;To study;Discuss it later;And look at;again……again……again……


"Resolutely curb"


@ ShuHang:"Strict accountability of the accident,Intensify the accident investigation,No matter which layer involves/What person involved,As long as there is illegal disciplinary violations,Should be accountable……


"The successful completion of"


@ LiuDeRe doctor:From who spoil you the best:On-site command,Fully recognized,Spoke highly of,Is to grasp implementation,The successful completion of.positive,In a timely manner,immediately,Make sure that.Relevant departments of the,Work to be,Important speech.


"Satisfied with the answer"


@ hwan Kim imSMl:"Will give people a satisfactory answer"

  对于人民日报的征集活动,大多数网友都表示了欢迎。网友@涂怀如说:“人民日报替人民发声了。”大家也觉得,征集官话、套话容易,但要解决起来 难度不小。其实,大家讨厌的是那些官话背后的某些官员说一套做一套的不良作风。网友们@宜之格格:“所有说到而做不到的话都很令人反感!”还有网友说: “官话的实质是说一套做一套,这个实质不改,就算把主题讲话改成单口相声,该不爱听还不爱听。只要知行合一,言出必践,自然会有拥趸。”

For the collection of the People's Daily activities,Most netizens are welcomed.Netizens @ TuHuai as said:"The People's Daily on behalf of the people's voice."You also feel,For mandarin/Rhetoric is easy,But to solve difficult.In fact,You hate is the mandarin behind some of the officials said a do a set of bad style of work.Netizens @ appropriate division division:"All said to and can't do it very distasteful!"Another netizen said: "The essence of mandarin is said that a to do a set,The substance does not change,Even if change the theme speech to stand-up,The don't want to also don't want to hear.As long as the unity of,Put it out will practice,Naturally there will be fans."


网友试写万能官话 Try to write everything mandarin


Some Internet users according to the form template,To the masses education fairness issues of concern,Try to write a paragraph.


Along with our country economy sustained and rapid development,(Education fair)Problems are increasingly apparent,Are playing an increasingly important position in the social economy and national security.In such a situation,Currently produce(Education fair)Problem gradually into people's horizons,Has aroused people's attention,Become a hot social problem,Cause a strong reaction.


In recent years,(education)booming,As China's rapid economic development made outstanding contribution,Gradually become the important pillar industry of the national economy and the backbone of the socialist construction.But at the same time,(Education fair problem is still outstanding.)


At this stage of our country(Education fair)The situation,Performance is generally stable/Improving the status quo of development trend and is still grim.Severe situation with shallow levels of factors,Also has a deep contradiction;Both the history of precipitation,Have produced under the new situation, new problems.

  树立,解决,(教育公平问题)不是一句空话,必须要有机制上的引导与保障,同时也要求各级政府加大宣传力度加强领导,落实任务。在贯彻落实科学 发展观、构建和谐社会的背景下,(教育公平)具有强烈的现实紧迫性。因此,我们必须立足当前、着眼长远,下大力气抓好(教育公平)的工作。

Set up,To solve,(Education fairness)Is not a bosh,Must have a guide and guarantee mechanism,At the same time also require intensify propaganda strengthening leadership at all levels of the government,To carry out the task.In the implementation of the scientific concept of development/Under the background of building a harmonious society,(Education fair)Has the strong practical urgency.so,We must be based on the current/Take a long-term perspective,We pay special attention to(Education fair)The work of.


【新华时论】 [When xinhua theory]


“万能官腔”当弃之 "Universal newspeak"When the left


"Attaches great importance to"/"Fully recognized"/"By theirselves"/"On the ground"……On January 9,Has the media to Internet solicitation and published some"Do you most dislike the rhetoric of mandarin".

  “会议没有不隆重的,闭幕没有不胜利的;讲话没有不重要的,掌声没有不热烈的;领导没有不重视的;看望没有不亲切的,成就没有不显著的……”通 过民谣不难看出,群众对于那种“正确的废话、漂亮的空话、严谨的套话、违心的假话”是何等地厌恶。改文风,首先要拿这样的“万能官腔”开刀。

"No grand meeting,The closing shall not victory;Speak not is not important,No warm applause;Leadership has no value;See no friendly,Achievement has no significant……"A ballad is not hard to see,For the masses"Correct nonsense/Beautiful words/The rigorous rhetoric/Despite of the lies"How to hate.Change style,First of all take this way"Universal newspeak"operation.

  明明看不出重视在哪儿,却不假思索地来一句“高度重视”;明明是一次不那么重要的会议,却也要“隆重召开”。人家用过我照用,不该用的地方还是 用,“万能官腔”让公众耳朵都听出茧来了。其面目可憎,可为什么使用率还那么高原因不外乎它占了“两绝”:一是“稳”,用“万能官腔”安全,不会出错。讲 新话、显个性,一旦没讲好,会让人家觉得太“跳”,甚至吃力不讨好,“安全”起见,不求有“新”,但求无过,“万能官腔”于是广为流行。二是“易”,说几 句不痛不痒的官话套话,最省心、省事,但要说出一番有个性有思想的“新话”,非得做一番刻苦的学习思考、调查研究不可,搞庸俗的“拿来主义”,思想的懒汉 越多,“万能官腔”也就越盛。

Clearly don't see where is the value,A without thinking"Attaches great importance to";Clearly is a less important meeting,But also want to"Is held ceremoniously".Someone used my photo,Should not use a place or a,"Universal newspeak"Allow the public to the ear to listen to come out of the cocoon.The detestable,But why utilization rate still so high reason nothing more than account for it"Two unique":One is"steady",use"Universal newspeak"security,Won't go wrong.Speak the new words/Show individual character,Once didn't speak well,Can let people feel too"jump",Even no,"security"For the purpose of,Not have"The new",But beg without,"Universal newspeak"So popular.The second is"easy",Say a few words of anodyne mandarin every day,The most worry/Save trouble,But to tell a personal thinking"The new words",Have to do some hard thinking of learning/Survey research is,Make vulgar"si",The more thoughts of idlers,"Universal newspeak"Will be served.

  领导干部谨言慎行,不等于僵化呆板,更不等于毫无个性。透过“万能官腔”,让人看到的是只对自己负责、不考虑党和人民利益的“精致的利己主 义”,是“官油子”作风。破除“万能官腔”,必须摒弃这种四平八稳的“万能哲学”,树立一种价值标准,倡导“个性新语”,鼓励讲新话,宽容讲错话,营造生 动活泼的氛围。

Leading cadres and proceed with caution,Is not equal to rigid and inflexible,More is not equal to without individual character.Through the"Universal newspeak",Let a person see is only responsible for yourself/Not to consider the interests of the party and the people"Delicate the self-interest of the righteous",is"Officer YouZi"style.To break"Universal newspeak",Must abandon this kind of play"Universal philosophy",Set up a value standard,To advocate"New personality",Encourage speak the new words,Tolerance, speak the wrong thing,Create a raw dynamic and lively atmosphere.

  几年前,面对主持人“抚河决堤百姓怎样”的焦急询问,时任江西省防总办公室副主任的平其俊却在电话里不厌其烦地强调领导如何“高度重视”;几天 前,面对公众“孤儿院失火事件”真相何在的关注,兰考有关方面却在情况通报里一再表明领导如何“亲赴现场”。“万能官腔”由来已久,根深蒂固,它所体现的 既是文风问题,也是作风、政风问题。人们对这些官话套话的反感厌恶,敦促有关方面尽快作出改变。刘庆传

A few years ago,In the face of the host"Caresses river burst its Banks and the people"Worried about,Ping, the then vice director of office of flood control in jiangxi province, its good but that goes on the leadership on the phone"Attaches great importance to";A few days ago,In the face of the public"The orphanage was on fire"What is the truth,Lankao officials have repeatedly shows that leadership in briefing"To the scene"."Universal newspeak"Has a long history,Deeply rooted,It embodies is a style question,Is the attitude/Government ethics problems.People for the mandarin's aversion to rhetoric,Urged officials to change as soon as possible.LiuQingChuan

  (原标题:网友集体吐槽万能官腔 最想和“有关部门”说拜拜)

(The original title:Netizen collective nitpick everything newspeak would like and"Relevant departments of the"Say bye bye)
