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《只因不听话 老师狠摔4岁女童》追踪 [Because they don't obey the teacher hard 4 years old girl]tracking

  信息时报讯 (记者 何小敏 通讯员 潘声) 只因做运动不配合,儿童康复中心的女老师许立欢竟将4岁女童吊起致头部撞地,成重伤。时隔半年多,许立欢已获刑6年半,女童瑶瑶仍在医院接受治疗。昨日下午,番禺区法院公开开庭审理了瑶瑶诉儿童康复服务中心、法人代表谭添尹、许立欢人身损害赔偿案件。

Information times dispatch (The reporter He Xiaomin correspondent Pan Sheng) Because exercise don't cooperate,Children's rehabilitation center for the female teacher Xu Lihuan in a 4 year old girl lift to bump to the head,A serious injury.After more than half a year,Xu Lihuan has been sentenced to six and a half years,Girls YaoYao is still in the hospital for treatment.Yesterday afternoon,Panyu district court trial publicly YaoYao v. children's rehabilitation center/Legal representative tan tian Yin/Xu Lihuan personal injury compensation cases.


 受害者索赔44万余元 The victim claims more than 440000 yuan


On December 6, 2012,YaoYao to panyu district people's court to lodge a civil action,Request ordered panyu district hui children's rehabilitation center/Tan tian Yin/Xu Lihuan three shall bear joint liability for the defendant,Compensation for medical treatment/Hospital cost/YingYangFei/Mental damages, etc. A total of 440000 Yu Yuanyuan.


The trial of yesterday,The plaintiff thinks,Xu Lihuan YaoYao beaten to badly behavior,Not only for YaoYao personal caused serious damage,But also the whole family of YaoYao great spiritual damage,Tan tian Yin to teacher recruitment and management of chaos,The damage is the main reason for the event.


康复中心辩称无过错 Rehabilitation center argues that without fault


Panyu district hui children's rehabilitation center/Tan tian Yin entrusted agent of the thought,This event is deliberately YaoYao damage for Xu Lihuan personal reasons,Should be caused by its own assume all responsibility,As an employer's rehabilitation center did not indicate YaoYao Xu Lihuan intentional harm,There is no fault,Does not assume liability to pay compensation on the case.


At the same time that,Xu Lihuan in center work is a nurse,To assist children in life at work,Don't need a higher degree,Also do not need special skills or teaching certificate, etc.so,Cannot because Xu Lihuan don't have the qualifications for a teacher as the center/Tan tian Yin at fault.The center, in this case is not at fault,Not bear the liability for compensation.But tan tian Yin as the collaborators and the legal representative,Nor shall bear several and joint liabilities.


Xu Lihuan agrees to compensate the plaintiff in the trial,Think the center also has certain responsibilities.


At present,The case is under further proceedings.


案情回顾 Review the case

  女童被老师摔成重伤 Girls fell into a serious injury by the teacher


YaoYao son in June 2012 in panyu district, hui children's rehabilitation center for training.The center for people-run non-enterprise units,The business scope for training people with autism/adhd/The language barrier/Learning disabilities of children with disabilities,Disabled children's learning ability.The legal representative of the tan tian Yin is the center,Xu Lihuan is the centre staff.


老师已被判坐监6年 The teacher has already been sentenced to six years in prison


On July 2, 2012 at 10 PM,Xu Lihuan during a sports class room in the center on the second floor,Because YaoYao did not cooperate to do exercise,So pull up YaoYao hands needs to lift it,Back and quickly left,His head hit the ground,Then pull up their feet situ 360 ° flip,To the unconscious.Followed by,Xu Lihuan and the center of the other teachers will YaoYao immediately sent to hospital for treatment.The forensic,YaoYao damage degree for injuries.On December 13, 2012,Panyu district court in intentional injury Xu Lihuan was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 6 years and 6 months.At present the criminal verdict has to take effect.


 女童仍住院治疗 Girls are still hospitalized


YaoYao panyu district He Xian memorial hospital/Guangzhou medical college second affiliated hospital and the guangdong tongjiang hospital treatment,Underwent brain surgery 3 times.At present,YaoYao is in guangdong tongjiang hospital rehabilitation.According to the attending physician,Need medical treatment cost about 580000 yuan.Panyu district son hui children's rehabilitation center early advances some medical bills,Xu Lihuan families paid 20000 yuan,Then both the defendant refused to pay.


9:00 - 17:30