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贵州一希望小学因修路遭征用 校舍被村委会养鸡--亲稳舆论引导监测室
QingJiHui response Carey laoshan hope primary school has been deprecated
据新华社北京电 针对媒体报道的贵州省凯里市龙场镇灵泉老山希望小学投入使用仅一年多就被弃用一事,中国青少年发展基金会25日公布了调查处理结果。
Xinhua Beijing on media coverage of guizhou kaili dragon town hippocrene laoshan hope primary school in use over one year has been deprecated,China youth development foundation, survey results released on the 25th.
According to the Chinese QingJiHui is introduced,Hippocrene laoshan hope primary school formerly known as Carey city dragon town, old mountain village to teach children,Built in the 1980 s,Having been neglected for years become D dangerous house.After village relocation,To solve the problem of students' reading,Kaili city bureau of education actively raise funds to build new elementary school.The contact Carey pku,Hong Kong hippocrene donor agreed to support charitable foundation.In March 2008,Hong Kong hippocrene charitable foundation donation of 200000 yuan,Kaili city match 150000 yuan and built a new school.The new school is named"Hippocrene laoshan hope primary school",Covers an area of 3.5 mu,Building area of 460 square meters,Planning to recruit around five villages and several small coal mine near 200 school-age children.In March 2009 when put into use,For more than 30 household villagers moved to dragon town,And the surrounding small coal mine closure,The floating population to reduce,Causes a decline in the enrollment,Actually enroll more than 30 students/Points in grade five.
In January 2010,According to kerry to yuqing highway construction planning,Hippocrene laoshan was overall requisition hope primary school.In September 2010,Kaili city bureau of education to the elementary school the last 11 students into a dragon all elementary school.Hippocrene laoshan hope primary schools after the vacancy,Education department commissioned laoshan village temporary custody.Followed by,School buildings is used for raising chickens,Six months ago and was used as a temporary scrap goods sorting.The highway construction,School buildings will be demolished.
According to introducing,China's QingJiHui has been clear about the related regulations"If is really necessary removal and hope primary school,To adhere to the hope primary school brand is not lost/Don't lose hope primary school donated assets"The principle of.A consortium comprising China QingJiHui and guizhou QingJiHui investigation team,Request the local government will hippocrene laoshan hope primary school assets were transferred to the new school.Local education departments eventually decided to school land compensation of 549900 yuan for laoshan elementary school teachers and students in the school the dragon school building construction,Kaili city to form a complete set of 3.3501 million yuan,A total of 3.9 million yuan.After the completion of the complex building named"Hippocrene hope complex building",And engraved inscription,Hong Kong hippocrene charitable foundation ACTS of kindness.It is understood,Dragon field primary school building will be on the march/Starting in April,Is expected to be completed by the end of.Hong Kong hippocrene charitable foundation expressed understanding and approval.
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