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儿童消费贵族化超成人 过年平均花费2500--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


A set of children's wear after yuan,A few thousand yuan point reading machine,A children's playground and yuan,A remote control car or yuan...This is not I don't know,A calculate a fright,The Qingdao citizens take min not lamented:"I really don't willing to give up on themselves so to spend money."Like repairing the min,During the Spring Festival,The vast majority of parents all holds on"Poor what not poor children"The simple idea,Let the family get maximum reflect superiority in children.however,Children's consumption tendency of nobility,Not only brought more heavy burden to many families,Luxury is add to the children/Comparisons of the wind,For this,Early childhood education experts said,Problem is not with children,But in a body in the parents (microblogging).


出场人物:修世敏 The personages:Fix the min

  账本明细:儿童唐装 462元 儿童挂历 186元 两次儿童乐园 180元+50元 点读机 1260元 遥控玩具 369元 合计:2507元

Book details:Children 462 yuan tang suit children's calendar 186 yuan two children paradise 180 + 50 yuan point reading machine remote control toy 1260 yuan 1260 yuan in total:2507 yuan


算账篇 两个大人花不过一个孩子 Account two adults spend but a child


If not reporters,The citizens take min hasn't realized,To what degree were there to spend money on their kids by yourself."Is think before giving children spent a lot of money,But I didn't know that can I get to this level."Fix the min and his wife are urban white-collar class,Two month income adds up to about 7300 yuan,Because parents lived in a house,So take the susceptibility of relatively wealthy family life."In our home for the Spring Festival,It takes almost a QiBaQian dollars,But never figure out how much to the child."The min told reporters,He made after year-end bonuses,Offered 6000 yuan for New Year's day,Combined with wife when monthly wages,During the Spring Festival spent about 9000 dollars in total,And the light in children is almost 2500 yuan.


"It's not I don't know,A calculate a fright"Fix the min said,His son is only 3 years old this year,New Year's day nature wants to buy a full set of new clothes new shoes,"Shoes from the elder sister-in-law and his down coats are children,We only ask from Shanghai to buy a set of Chinese costume,462 dollars."In addition to this,Because this year's son in kindergarten for the first year,In order to leave a mark,He brought his child to yenji road before Spring Festival"Was fun"Children's photography,A set of photo to add a calendar spent 186 yuan.And nature is little not the Chinese New Year gift,"I think children began to go to school,Just bought a point reading machine,Then according to his intention to buy a remote jeep,Two spent more than 1600 dollars."Fix the min said,Now children expensive toys,Children watch is a electric motorcycle,But the price of more than one thousand dollars to repair the myint flatly rejected children"Improper requirements".


"The rest of the consumer is to take children to children's park."Fix the min said,The third day,Tesco on the third floor near his home with the children of children playing in the world,Once the price is 50 yuan,"Grade to all people,Those facilities are not enough children to play."In addition,People take the min take their children to zhonglian square, such as the world,Once is spending 180 yuan,"Just like a small world,Children can play in it,Is quite good,It's kind of expensive."


Lin Lin always count down,Before and after the Spring Festival this year,Fix the sensitivity on son spent about 2500 yuan,And this is not money to buy fireworks and for his son to buy all kinds of snacks and drinks."So a calculate,My wife and I are two people to spend money,Also one more without him."


探访篇 儿童商品猛刮奢侈风 Visiting children fierce wind blowing luxury goods


One of the children New Year's day will spend thousands of yuan,If in the past maybe is a rare phenomenon,But now,It almost become the island residents"The minimum consumption".The consumer market is a clear representation,On all"The child"Two word of the product,it"Homespun values".


In recent days,Reporter in renmin street, a big supermarket on the fourth floor of toy in the world to see,Here all kinds of toy prices generally in one hundred yuan of above,A set of barbie doll is the lowest price 200 yuan,The most expensive 1000 multivariate,The transformers/Three kingdoms is a wupan, a game for the model.And those big toys and imported toys price is higher,Such as remote control helicopter expensive 4000 multivariate,The cheapest also want 600 yuan.So sales of higher-priced toys?The store sales staff told reporters:"Price is your point,But as long as the children during the Spring Festival,Don't care the money,As long as the children insisted on going,Can always buy a two piece,A lot of sales."For such a phenomenon of a high price,Most parents think that some outrageous,"Again your toy,Kids won't cherish more,At most one or two months will play bad,Or tired of playing."Take children to buy toys Ms. Sun told reporters,Because consider the children's safety,Most parents tend to gravitate to a regular store to buy toys,But the price is a street shop several times,"A transformers,In the center of women and children were selling for $50,Available in the market will be more than 200 pieces."


Relative to the toy,Children's school things are expensive.In the carrefour supermarket point reading machine sales counters,The reporter sees,Here the point reading machine or machine learning,The most expensive 3000 multivariate,Equal to the price of a laptop computer,And the cheapest is controlled in 1000 yuan."As long as connected to the TV,We can like computer point reading machine,Children to learn what."Backgammon learning machine sales staff told reporters,The brand of machine learning is the most expensive to 2800 yuan,The cheapest also want to nearly 1000 yuan,But there are still many parents to buy,"In order to invest in the growth of children,It's worthwhile spending more money."


Liqun shopping mall on the third floor of renmin road in children's clothing sales area,Reporters found that the price of children's clothing and ChengRenZhuang almost flat,A pair of brand children's shoes were priced at 268 yuan,A set of five centuries dollars Xiong Bei two children's wear."Although the size is smaller than the adult,But the process just like adults."For this,Store sales staff explained,Children's clothing prices generally higher,Don't because of low cost and cheap raw materials,"Some famous brand children's clothing is more expensive than the adult."


调查篇 商家盯住市场“儿童效益” Survey paper merchants on the market"Child benefit"


According to a survey of urban children's consumption,Nearly eighty percent of working families,The child's average monthly consumption than an adult."Save yourself the point,Children spend more."Such consumer consciousness are widespread in the parents's mind.And as a profitable basis in businesses,Also creates children's consumer goods prices generally on the high side.But parents of blind consumption psychology,Also to a certain extent,Encourage the children wind and unrealistical compare popular luxury.


"Parents too meet the child isn't good,The points should be appropriate for the children."Qingdao in repairing the dean Wang Xiaoyan thinks that children's early education center,Now many of the children's consumption has been far more than they need,And the main cause of this problem,Not in children,But on parents."Children are not born love of luxury,High consumption of ribs or on parents."Wang Xiaoyan said,Now a lot of children early education class on just two or three years old,Who will compare to your shoes/Whose hat is good, etc,While in primary and middle school students,This phenomenon is more obvious."Children are the most sensitive group,When the society as a whole have unrealistical compare and luxury wind from time to time,Children will inevitably will this practice after amplification."Wang Xiaoyan said,How to set up a correct consumption view,At this point,Schools play a role of small,Parents kirka effect is more apparent,"Parents should be selectively to meet the requirements of the children,Rather than meet the children as much as possible,Let the child keep the hungry for a long time,Better the psychological development of children."


【结束语】 [conclusion]

  红红火火的蛇年春节过去了,红红火火的日子还在继续,而我们的春节账本系列也到了结篇的时候。旅游、餐饮、美容、保健、儿童消费……从这一个个账本当中,我们看到的已不仅仅是生活的改善、城市的进步,更多的则是大家身边鲜活的事实。1月份CPI同比涨幅回落至2%,给蛇年开了一个好头,也让老百姓对今年的物价调控更具信心,我们也将一如既往地关注社会经济动态,守卫大众民生百事。(记者 官华晨)

Thriving in the snake year Spring Festival in the past,Thriving day continues,Book series and our Spring Festival when the junction piece, too.tourism/Food and beverage/beauty/Health care/Children's consumption...From these books one by one,We see is not only is the improvement of life/The progress of the city,More is the fact of people's living around.The CPI in January fell year-on-year to 2%,Give the snake years made a good start,Also let people more confidence for this year's price regulation,We also will, as always, pay close attention to social and economic trends,Guard the public livelihood Pepsi.(Press officer brilliance)
