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17岁少女生子对男方毫无了解 难找“责任男”--亲稳网络舆情监控室
子女打父母成“新型家暴” Children make parents"New type of domestic violence"
According to the statistics,Complaint reporting complaints of guangdong province in 2012,Guangdong women's federation system received marriage and family class 22499 JianCi letters and complaints,Accounted for sixty percent of total of letters,Rise compared with last year.Letters in the marriage and family problems mainly focus on domestic violence/Child support/Mate was having an affair/Cohabitation disputes, etc.,The family violence/Issues such as child support proportion increased year on year.
It is understood,In recent years,Complaints about domestic violence continues to grow,Of marriage and family rights complaint rate is also increasing.In 2012,,This kind of complaint reaches 4102 pieces,Accounting for 18.2% of the marriage and family rights and interests of the appeal.We have learned,In 2010, the all-china women's federation has domestic violence problems,Results show that the national more than thirty percent of the family violence happened in family.Among them,The pearl river delta region from domestic violence complaint case,Therefore also a region of higher incidence of domestic violence across the country.
In addition,Adult children parents, etc"New type of domestic violence"The emergence of the family violence also reflects a problem that nots allow to ignore.The relevant person in charge of guangdong women's federation QuanYiBu is introduced,In the form of domestic violence in addition to the traditional marital violence,Parents, especially the parents of minor children/Adult children for their parents/Cohabiting couples between/After the divorce of violence between husband ex-wife,Yangjiang Ceng Mou abuse of his wife/Zhuhai small art art is stepmother abused, etc,Reflect the domestic violence issues need attention.
未婚同居难有法律保障 Unmarried cohabitation has a legal guarantee
The data shows,In the guangdong women's federation system in 2012 to accept the complaint reporting complaints,Involved in love dispute of cohabitation complaints for a total of 1737,Accounting for 7.7% of the marriage and family rights and interests.It is understood,In a dispute involving living together in love,Mainly includes the woman because of love/Cohabitation cause miscarriage/Induced labor to make the body damage,Hope to pay compensation to the man's complaint;After wedlock,The man refused to admit or raising a child.
According to the relevant person in charge of guangdong women's federation QuanYiBu,In recent years,Disputes involving love living together showed a trend of younger age,Some complaints women younger age,Nothing to the man understand it instead,The man refused to admit after pregnancy,The woman cannot provide basic situation of the man,Rights are very difficult,"Last year we accepted most of the young unmarried pregnancy disputes,I only 17 years old woman,And the man is neither love nor cohabitation,Seen it several times,Pregnancy after looking for the man,The man didn't show up,Also don't admit that is my children.But no understand men,Just know the name."
对此,该负责人表示,由于现行法律只规范了同居期间的财产和子女方面的问题,对于同居双方的义务关系没有明确界定,一些问题难以通过法律途径解决,妇联组织仅依靠调解手段,如对方不予配合,难以强制对方承担责任。因此,需要提高妇女自我保护意识,树立健康的恋爱观婚姻观,避免合法权益受到侵害。(记者郭苏莹 通讯员 粤妇宣)
For this,The official said,Due to the current law only regulated over the property and the problems of children,Co-habitation relationship did not clearly define the obligations of the parties,Some problems difficult to solve through legal channels,Women's organizations rely on mediation means,If not to cooperate with each other,Hard to force the other party liable.so,Need to improve women's ego to protect consciousness,Set up a healthy love, marriage,Avoid the legal rights and interests are violated.(Reporter Guo Suying correspondent yue fu xuan)
作者:郭苏莹 粤妇宣
The author:Guo Suying yue fu xuan
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