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三水区委宣传部昨日通报 Sanshui district party committee propaganda department reported yesterday


Sanshui female staff posts reflect colleagues suspected child abuse event with the latest progress.yesterday,Sanshui district party committee propaganda department released the news,After the police case investigation,Confirmed the poster reflects"Female teachers child molestation"fabrications,Department for naughty slander colleagues.After the incident,The post on suspicion of fabricated slander others,In accordance with the law by the police administrative detention for 10 days.


yesterday,At a press TongQiHui sanshui district party committee propaganda department,Teacher xu said the parties to the public security organ police.After police received a report to the police,Through the case investigation,Confirmed the poster reflects fabrications.A police investigation confirmed,To post for the kindergarten teacher pan a little class two.On March 2,,A pan was summoned to the public security organ shall cooperate with the investigation in accordance with the law.as,The intent of the pan a replacement the Posting is naughty,Because I don't like party teacher,Hence a figment related content posted on the Internet,It reflected the case is not true.On March 2,,A pan on suspicion of false facts slander others,Public security organs of 10, according to the provisions of administrative detention punishment.


For a person to report a perennial unlicensed ACTS as a preschool teacher pan,"Posting just kindergarten probationer."An announcement,Confirmed by the education department,Post a pan in September 2012 to teach at the kindergarten,The park and its trial contract signed a semester,Now the trial contract has expired.Posts to report after the incident,Kindergarten decided not to renew,She would be fired after the detention.

  昨日,记者咨询了三水法律界人士,有律师称,根据相关规定,公民的姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,除了可要求恢复名誉,消除影响,赔礼道歉,还可以要求赔偿损失。在刑事责任方面,如果以暴力或者其他方法公然侮辱他人或捏造事实诽谤他人,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或剥夺政治权利。律师称,根据媒体报道的情况,潘某的行为应当构成诽谤,遭诬陷的女老师可以向法院起诉发帖者,索取赔偿,警方的调查结果也可以作为庭上证据。 (记者杨波)

yesterday,Reporter consulting the sanshui legal professionals,A lawyer says,According to relevant regulations,Citizen's right of name/Image rights/reputation/The right of honour are violated,In addition to want to restore reputation,To eliminate impact,To apologize,Can also demand compensation for its losses.In the aspect of criminal responsibility,If an affront by violence or other means or fabricated slander other people,If the circumstances are serious,Be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years/Criminal detention/Control, or deprivation of political rights.The lawyer said,According to media reports,Pan a behavior shall constitute a libel,Smeared the users that the female teacher can Sue to the court,Claim compensation,The results of the police investigation also can be used as evidence to the court. (The reporter Yang Bo)
