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新潮学生校服一套300多元 家长称贵得离谱--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

yesterday,Many parents call hotline:"We are in the lake district teachers' further education school affiliated elementary school students' parents.Last week,,Every students in a school‘Suit type’School uniforms,Fabric is very thin but very expensive,Each set to 300 yuan.and,Our children read grade 6,Don't wear a few months will graduate.This is too unreasonable!"
For this,The school responded:School uniform students first to try it on,Not compulsory purchase.
一套校服,要300多元 A school uniform,To more than 300 yuan
The lake district teachers' further education school affiliated elementary school,Is by the lake district/Founded by the district government public primary school,Lake is located in fang,The existing students thousands people.
yesterday,Many parents surveyed said,Last Thursday,School issue uniforms give every student,Issued a notice again,Let the students to take home.
On the arrival notice,With a uniform price, etc,The school also does not forget charged to parents:As soon as possible delivery of the money to buy school uniforms.
We have learned,The original,Schools each year, custom duty summer two sets of school uniforms,Style is given priority to with sportswear,Cost 100 multivariate;This time,,To more than 300 yuan per unit!
Parents say,after,The school has never been to purchase school uniforms with their communication,This makes them very angry:"I read the sixth grade children,Will graduate in July this year,The school uniforms can also wear a few months?"
冬天,女生要穿短裙 In the winter,Girls wear short skirts
yesterday,A shabby rented room fang lake in the lake,A parents haven't come up with two sets of pull down the power of school uniforms,Boys and girls each one.
From the design point of view,The school uniform is not traditional"sportswear",Pour a bit like Taiwan in the school play"A suit and tie"aron.
Among them,Boys school uniform jacket and trousers are black,There is a white shirt,Add a small vest and tie;The girl's school uniform difference is,As a red plaid skirt,It is a skirt.
The parents who spoke on condition of anonymity said,Daughter put on the dress,Can barely cover the thigh,The knees are not covered,"and,This is winter,It's so cold,You call the child how to wear?"
indeed,With the hand touch,School uniform jackets and vests are thin,Seems to be difficult to keep out the cold.
Don't look at the thin uniform,But not cheap.The parents said,Boys school uniforms cost 310 yuan,Girls school uniforms cost 330 yuan.
That is to say,In order to buy the two sets of school uniforms,The parents have to pay 600 yuan.He rented the house now,The rent is less than 400 yuan a month.
学校回应:不强制学生购买 The school responded:Don't force students to buy
Huli district teachers' further education school primary school attached to a claim to be the school general affairs office is responsible for the people,Explained to reporters:Parents is a misunderstanding to the school.
This personage introduction,The uniform design is novel,Fabric is good also,Not only applicable to the dressing,Also apply to school events, etc.The comprehensive consideration,The school decided to choose this kind of school uniform,The procurement process/The price is closed to the public,The choose and buy of design also is not in violation of the provisions of the education department.
but,Many parents think that school uniforms"Is very expensive",Is the fact that does not dispute.For this,The school general affairs of the people in the room is explained:The distribution of school uniforms,Is to give students"Try it on",If parents agree,Will pay for,If you don't agree with,The school also not force.
The reporter understands,Most of the students or parents though is too expensive,But because of"Fear to"The school,Have to pay to buy.
The matter,Remains to be further education department investigation.Talk about for parents to consider?
A thin uniform,Say it's winter,But can't keep out the cold,And the price is expensive than a student and his family's rent.So it seems,Is not cheap.
Although the school has repeatedly stressed,Purchasing public,Also didn't break the rules,But it seems to reporters:Some parents make money is really not easy,For the family is really very tired,School considered for them?
其实,挑选校服时,校方大可挑选布料厚实一点的、价格稍微便宜一点的,多为家长想想,而别只想着好看。(海峡导报 记者 曾毓慧 沈威 实习生 魏柳枝 文/图)
In fact,When choosing school uniforms,The school can choose cloth a bit thick/The price a bit cheaper,For parents to think more,And don't just to look good.(Strait herald reporter Ceng Yuhui Shen Wei intern wei willow branches/figure)
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