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Dear every leader/Ladies and gentlemen/All my colleagues sincerely education group:


Good morning, everyone!


On December 21, 10 years ago,A heavy snow day,Sincere is also here ceremoniously held the 10th anniversary of the celebration.


Ten years ago the sincere,Although is only a single training education,But then sincere relying on its advanced education idea and scientific management system,Has developed into China's largest children's early English education base and the children's quality education base,Students all the year round for many years in thirty thousand.


Ten years ago the sincere,Nearly thousands of love education of people gathered on this,Teacher proud of can be taught in sincere,Sincerely learning for parents to send children to the right thing to do."Looking for a teacher to the sincere,Learn a foreign language to the sincere","Take him to love her children to sincerely",Almost become the consensus of many parents,Then sincerely in fact has become numerous parents preferred.


It is ten years,When we walked into the country's most sacred again,The most solemn halls,When I'm standing here once again,Can not help but sigh with emotion. "ten thousand.


indeed,Ten years is nothing,Twenty years is nothing,Just a brief moment in history,In China and the world,One hundred - year - old and are also countless,Because of this,We don't have to completely take notice in 20 years,Besides, from now on,From one hundred, sincerely,Way to go,Still have a far way to go!However, in here,I want to say is,Sincerely this 20 years along the way,Experienced so many hardships,Too much wind and rain,Too many obstacles,So much hone.......


Recall the culture at the beginning of the school education,poor,Life is difficult,No money/Has nothing to do/No students,Even a complete desk, can afford the rent,All the roughing.In order to save five minutes at that time,In order to save every coin,Would rather take a bus at a stop in advance;Also back to primary school founded early encounter situation,The embarrassing,The school is being malicious water again and again/Power outages/Stopping air/Blocked the last gate,Forced to give up spend heavily to decorate good schools.


Back to every new venture,Each new areas of development,Each new project start,Each new institutions/Team construction,Start is difficult,Sorry tale.Since 20 years of sincere always take an unusual way,Is a always in pursuit of the path of exploration.


Along the way we do not have any object to follow,Don't have any experience and lesson let us learning and using for reference,Everything needs to start from scratch.Back in the past 20 years,Every time a new idea,The concept is put forward,Have encountered resistance,Don't understand,Even the conflict and confrontation,Is normal,There is little time for you to feel that things can be smooth sailing.


Back to training,Record of formal schooling/preschool/The family education/Founded at the beginning of the individuation and so on several big business plate,Without exception, encounter to the students plight of for many years,To make ends meet.Training education is facing the great migration of again and again to school,Also encountered two big relief policy changes,And the sudden SARS,Vicious competition of the market...


All kinds of serious difficulties,If not because of persistent,On the vine due to early.


Sincerely this recall 20 years,Since the formal in non-government education began that day,Not only I,Joint and several of my family,Since there is no the concept of family,365 days a year,Even on holidays/Summer and winter vacation,No rest for a whole day,Because of the,When societies are holidays,Exactly it is our most busy time.


Sincerely this recall 20 years,Although often makes us stressed,However, the pride of our 20 years,Which is just.We never is a lucky dog,The age and the industry,No such right to us,We can only make a stream of mighty men.


Once upon a time,We again and again to tears,But we have always been able to dry the tears,In the sun to go ahead,Never stop,Never complain,Never fear,Never give up!


This is the sincere twists and turns/persistent/The real 20 years,Review sincere 20 years,There are several important time node,We should always remember,It is both sincere peak in the development of it,Is also a sincere and a new starting point.


We stand on those nodes,As has been achieved,Successful gratified;At the same time,Standing there,Looking further ahead ceaselessly.


Twenty years,Sincere has experienced five times entrepreneurial success.The first time business,At the beginning of the is in absolute sincerity.At that time of China,Also in the exam-oriented education and English learning"The dumb English"The stage of,Is sincere first puts forward a new concept called juvenile's English,Is sincere first proposed the concept of foreign language teaching should return to the nature of language application,Is sincere the first launch of the notice to hear that/Cultivating language using ability/And there is a clear training objectives of four-year juvenile's English class.


Sincere with remarkable achievements,To win the"Learn a foreign language to the sincere"The reputation of the,Truthfully established sincere regard China as the position of the first brand of children's English,Established the Chinese children's English builder and leading position,Sincere children English success,Laid a solid foundation for the development of sincere.


Absolute sincerity of secondary successful entrepreneurship began in 1996.The first big burden,Almost all of the education training institutions were forced to close,And sincere always uphold the concept of quality education,But will this disaster,Turned out to be a new opportunity in the development of our cause.


.There's a big market in all kinds of cram school is society,But as parents know level of continuous improvement,Many enlightened parents need more a kind of brand-new education pattern,Namely in the transmission of knowledge at the same time,Pay attention to improve the learning interest,Cultivate their study habits,Master the learning method,Enhance the ability to learn,Learning at the same time also can fundamentally get obvious improvement,this,Educational philosophy is sincere.


As a large number of superfine teacher,Teacher joined in succession,One new discipline embodies the concept of quality education,Were developed successively.The Beijing's best teacher/Senior experts,Developed a refreshing course:Children's thinking ability training/Children's skills training,Training children's intelligence,Of the training,Mathematical olympiad training and innovative courses, such as children's philosophy,Once the launch,Soon won the general recognition of the students' love and parents.


It is because of sincere accurate market positioning and pulse,Once again sincerely to enter a benign development of the fast lane,Since for many years,Students rise significantly,For in 1400 the size of the classes.At the beginning of 2000,Sincere culture school has developed into the largest in the country with all-round implementation of quality education for the idea of comprehensive children's education training institutions,Create too much training education field in China, the first and the only.


Sincere people dare not the love of ease,And made a challenging decision:Formally enter the degree education,Began the third startup.


In the face of hot sincere culture school recruitment of students,In the face of shrinking degree run by the local education present situation,Sincerely this decision,Has been widely questioned.


After years of struggle,Let the spirit of sincere people formed a kind of persistence,No matter under what circumstances,Look for things can only unremitting,No retreat;Can only be successful,Not to fail!


We are determined to enter the record of formal schooling education,Is based on many considerations.In people's mind,Training institutions tend to be too utilitarian,Of the difficult to appeal,Vulnerable to human factors from all aspects/Policy factors of interference,Even if the operators have a good idea,It is hard to smooth development.At the same time,Because the training education its own properties/The content/The particularity of pattern,Determines its instability.


On the other hand,Ten years of experience in education,Let our team education have a more profound understanding,Heyday of word of mouth,Let's have a greater sense of confidence.Just at this time,We have the first independent schools of their own,All this let sincerely once again threw on the road to a new exploration.


In developed countries,The best school,Most of them are private schools,Sincerely want to do we can do the best private schools in China!With the beautiful vision,We hit the road again.


But difficult,Or is beyond our imagination.At the beginning of the school,All the six grade less than 40 people,One of the only one grade.In this case,We are still a student for this without hesitation,Also like other classes or excellent teacher.


We in good faith,With successful teaching practice,To the society/The parents made a most convincing answers.For many years,The vast majority of graduates into the key school downtown,Even the experimental classes.Relying on distinctive language features/Teacher characteristics/Characteristics of moral education,Not only gain a sincere experimental primary school,And steady development,growing.A short span of three years,Students turned over nearly 10 times.


At the same time in the absolute sincerity of the development of experimental primary school,Another opportunity came to the front of sincere.


In 2005,,With the growing demand for international education,In chaoyang education support encouragement,Sincere international school founded on the agenda,Started the sincerely entrepreneurship for the fourth time.


The same,Sincere international school also experienced the lack of students,Experienced team members strong collision between different thoughts,but,today,We can proud to say that today,Sincere international school has been successfully entered a rapid development period.In 2012,,Sincere international school is saturated,Was forced to turn away many students seek.


Fifth successful entrepreneurship began in 6 years.


Based on the chaoyang district government/District education commission for sincere trust,Panjiayuan street agency hope sincere takeover panjiayuan kindergarten.Recall at that time,Park shabby,The scene that a decline,however,Due to return of chaoyang/This simple idea return society,We eventually push through,Decided to take over panjiayuan kindergarten.


Six years of time,We successively invested a huge sum of money on the original building on a large scale reconstruction,Make it become a local landmark and the best quality nursery school,More by the government last year/Rated primary class of kindergarten education departments.


Twenty years,Successively five successful entrepreneurship,Let the sincere from a single development become a collection of academic education training institutions/Preschool education/Training and education/The international education/The education industry/Education services for the integration of a diversified comprehensive education group.thus,Created the Chinese private education a new school-running mode.


Constant innovation,Continued success business,Give us courage and motivation to go on,Do Chinese the most high quality education beliefs,Will be sincere to make the one hundred - year - old education goal,Let the sincere to explore in the field of private education in China,More determined!


Inventory of 20 years of sincere,Along the way,Despite the ups and downs,Has abundant fruit,In spite of this,But we never have any satisfaction and burnout,Because we know a truth,You felt,Not to advance is to go back.


In 20 years time and time again we broke through and overcome obstacles and nightmares,The courage comes from:We dream in the heart,China's education dream in one hundred!


Standing above the sincere inheritance of 20 years,We more clearly than ever,If you want to do with conscience education,If you want to do the best private education in China,We need to meet more/More difficult challenge,but,Even in the face more challenges,We will always stick to sincere unchanging principles:No matter in any case,We will always stick to education people's bottom line and conscience;Don't always stick to the heart of the static soil is defiled;Always adhere to the integrity of running a school,Not only to teach,More education!Always stick to the essence of public education,Will never be shaken!


In the course of 20 years,Sincere group after group of loyal employees,Selfless dedication.We are grateful these employees.Based on creating value with the principle of Shared value,We will reform the compensation system,Let employees make outstanding contributions,Let employees dedicating himself in various positions can get good returns.We want to make sincere level of overall compensation,With the development of the enterprise,Always keep it in the same industry's competitiveness!We want to prove to the same industry:Choose to do companies have moral education,Never mean poor!


Talent is always the core competitiveness of the enterprise,Sincerely want to do one hundred years brand,Need talent,Need team,We will always adhere to the identified at the start of business"To do things but fine,To be a person but a sincere"The enterprise culture,We will also adhere to"Career advancement opportunities/Emotion recognition/Treatment of retention"The values of the,Retain talent,Condensed team.


In the future,We will also actively explore,The introduction of modern management mechanism,Complementary to the introduction of the capital,Shareholding system reform,Sincere management mode and the mechanism reform,The inexhaustible power for sincere long-term sustainable development.We want to make the sincere people and elite,With shares or options,The master of the sincere business,Make sincere sincere for everyone!


In the next 10 years,We will also be more firmly take the path of public education.


We will hand in hand to the best of a charitable foundation,Make full use of our education resources,To carry out public welfare activities,Comprehensive start sincere love fund.


We will continue to hold public ZhuXueBan,Once again to open the second YingMo children children's English class,Make more poor families children learning a foreign language,Change the fate;Let the good no longer bleeding and tears,So as to,Advocate more people yong line.


We will also be supported by a group of professors and experts,Officially launched childhood education project,reading"Qian xuesen's q".


We will also explore and create the conditions,Held for pension) solitary court vision,Set up/The construction of special"The second family",Abiding by for the society,Practice our social responsibility.More than saying,This is my personal ideal.


There are a lot of retired from a line of our country,The excellent education workers devote your life to education,They are eager to the lifelong accumulation of experience and the ability of contributing to society.At the same time,So far in China there are many because all sorts of reasons,Unfortunately orphaned children,No one to raise/displaced.


We are exploring a way,Let the old education workers give full play to their heat;Let those who lack parental love orphans,Get the best quality cultivation and education.We will establish a second home for each of the orphans,Make for their children are not around or lost and lonely child old education workers to do these children"parents",With the orphans live together.


The old people tending orphans,Let the children are no longer lonely and helpless,In the process of nurturing children,The old people also can fully feel the extension of their own value and social responsibility;


At the same time,We also hope to treat these children"parents"As sincerely as filial piety and take care of the old man's life and living,Make the old people enjoy the good and happy relationship,In the process of care for the elderly,Orphans can really feel his value and the warmth of family.


Sincere devoted to explore/To promote/This new practice/Interactive mode of reorganization of the family education of science,Once the pattern is exploration and successful practice to large-scale implementation,To effectively solve the social problems are caused by empty nest old man in our country at the same time,Also find a healthy growth of orphans/Become a important path,Make China a more harmonic,A better place.


Sincere in this invites the social from all walks of life to actively participate in the experiment and exploration,And promote to the whole country,Benefit of the Chinese.


In the next 10 years,In the preschool/Record of formal schooling/training/International education and so on various business sectors,We will be more closely combined with social responsibility,The sincere do big,And stronger,To build a sincere dream of education.


We will strive to build"Elegant kindergarten"And the arts/Foreign language kindergarten.Let our children can know the books/to/Set up the integrity/The nature of grace.


We will sincerely elementary school built the best private schools in China,Break the spell of Chinese private schools without high quality.


We will effort to revive the sincere training and education,Reshape the training education,In the"Learn a foreign language to the sincere""Looking for a teacher to the sincere"On the basis of two card,The third card of creating children's art education.


We will also conform to the need of society,To develop our international education,Make sincere international school in Beijing,Even the best international schools in China,Provide better education for common people.


Sincere exploration success,As in the"days,The right place,And the".Sincerely this twenty years past looking back,We have unlimited regrets and appreciation.


Over the years,We met many enlightened/The leadership of the clean,In the first big burden huge impact,We have met many people,Let the sincere can rescue,One good thing came out of it.In order to support the sincere man,We can only do better.


We would like to thank sincerely the older generation of pioneers.They under extremely difficult conditions,Not name,Not for profit,In order to love,Choose sincerely.


We want to thank the selfless dedication sincere culture of school staff.Is school years of accumulation of human culture/Financial and material resources,Support the leading diversified exploration in 20 years!


We would also like to thank,For absolute sincerity to our super teachers and teacher,Facing the bid,Has been firmly said: in this life,In addition to the sincere,Don't go anywhere.


We would also like to thank,For many years like one day,Even in the hardest time,Also sincerely colleagues showed no retreat and shake.here,I want to solemnly promise to you:Absolute sincerity will not disappoint you,Absolute sincerity will use practical actions and achievements to confirm to you:Your choice of absolute sincerity,Is this life the most correct choice!.


The revitalization of national education,The rise of the revitalization of China's education need to private education,Absolute sincerity will,勇做,Do the pioneers of private education,explorer.

  精诚愿为中国百年民办教育史 树立教育至诚品质的榜样!

Sincerely willing to China's one hundred private education education sincere quality set an example!

  精诚愿为中国百年民办教育史 树立俯首奉献的榜样!

Sincerely willing to bow offer set an example China private education in one hundred!

  精诚愿为中国百年民办教育史 树立发展模式的榜样!!

Sincerely willing to China's private education in one hundred set up the model of development model!!


Thank you for your attention!
