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机构名称: Organization name:艾迪国际教育

Eddy international education


体验时间: Experience of time:3月5日

On March 5,


地点: place:崇文门外大街3号B北京新世界中心写字楼B座7层

Chongwen door street 3 B Beijing new world center office tower B 7 layers


评分 score:环境(20%):60分 服务(30%):60分 专业水准(50%):70分

:The environment(20%):60 service(30%):60 professional standards(50%):70 points


总体印象分 Overall reputation:63分(各项满分均为100分,总分按比例计算)

:63 points(Full mark for all of 100,Total score calculated on a sliding scale)


收费标准 Charge standard:基本收费28000,如果是排名特别好的学校另收费

:Basic charge for 28000,If the charge is ranked very good school


服务内容 The service content:前期规划,选校指导,文书翻译、撰写,后期签证辅导

:Prophase planning,Choose the school guidance,Documents translation/writing,The late visa counselling


咨询案例背景 Consulting case background:大四考研失利决定留学,GPA3.3,无语言成绩

:Senior year one's deceased father grind defeat decided to study abroad,GPA3.3,No language achievement


Eddy international American Canadian study in the area of the department is not very big,The door on both sides of the rack on the relevant brochures,Two or three students in consultation.The author did not make an appointment,At the front desk gave the author waiting in front of the round table,And brought a cup of warm water,But did not let me fill in the related table.After about ten minutes,A female consultant to the author.Consultant for the list,Ask the author of some of the basic situation,The author claims to be one's deceased father grind this year after losing to the germination of the idea of going abroad,GPA3.3,But there is no language achievement,Major is hotel management,You want to get integrated in the top 100 schools in the United States.The consultant told me,Because there is no language achievement,This year's application time has passed,The fastest you can go next spring,And advise the author first toefl and GRE,As for the top one hundred schools is promising.The author said he had one course to hang,Advisers say can be revised grades meet a purpose through the school,Leave more beautiful subject.


I ask how many schools can apply for at most,The adviser said can apply for a 6 schools in general.Asked about the charge situation,Advisers say generally is 28000 yuan,If it is to get special offers good university,May be additional fees.I asked about the 28000 RMB charges will be included,Advisers say including prophase planning,Choose the school guidance,Documents translation/writing,The late visa counselling and so on.But the data mailing costs and the visa fee is not included.When it comes to paperwork,The author said,It is said that a lot of intermediary to help write the document is not good,Advisor said eddy international documents the teacher has many years experience,If not satisfied with documents can also be changed,And email password will give students in the process of application,Let the students can follow up the progress at any time.


I asked about if no study has been applied for any school admission or been accepted by the author was not satisfied with.Advisers say if not be accepted,Can be free of service charge to apply,If schools are not satisfied will be back around 5000 dollars.


When the author asked eddy international advantage when compared with other agencies,Advisers say the United States department of head has a life of 30 years of experience in the United States,And also special professional team.


later,To a find is in for the consultation of the teacher.Consultant, let me wait a moment,After a while,Went to a"State university of New York office in China"The teacher,Give the author more than half an hour his university is introduced,The author in words at all,Also feel puzzled.The author is to advice study in the United States is not the school,Let the author listen to so long time school is introduced,It is torture.


体验感受: Experience the feelings:艾迪国际的顾问老师还是比较专业的,并不是一味推销,也没有劝笔者签约。但是不知道是下午犯困还是怎么回事,总觉得咨询师的情绪越来越低,最后还把笔者丢给纽约州立大学中国办公室的某位课程顾问,给笔者介绍了好长时间的自己的大学,笔者想走又怕打断不礼貌,好不容易才找到机会脱身。虽然艾迪的老师没有一味的推销,服务也算礼貌得体,但总是感觉少那么一点真诚。

Eddy international consultant teacher is more professional,Not blindly to promote sales,No advised I signed a contract.But I don't know is afternoon sleepy or what's the matter,Always feel emotions more and more low,Finally, the author throw it to the state university of New York a course consultant of China office,To for a long time in this paper, his own university,I want to go again afraid not polite to interrupt,Very not easy to find opportunities.Although Eddie's teacher not blindly to promote sales,Service was polite,But always feel a little less sincere.
