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上海留学增加 大量无资质机构和个人“抢生源”--亲稳舆论引导监测室
据[Evening news]reports,In recent years,Shanghai number of study abroad continues to grow,But Shanghai 15 legal study abroad intermediary institutions abroad business volume is generally down.Yesterday at the 2013 China international education exhibition press conference,The Shanghai education commission, deputy director of the international exchange place Zhang Jin disclosed,In 2012,,After 15 legitimate agents approved by the ministry of education,Successful handling 10442 students to study abroad,This data was down about twenty percent from 2011.The personage inside course of study analysis,Data drop could be cooperation in running schools/DIY/Overseas universities recruit students directly and other factors.Is of particular concern,Study abroad in the current market,Is there is a lot of no qualification study abroad in institutions and individuals in carrying out consulting services,Should be cause for concern.
去年通过合法中介出国留学人数降20% Studying abroad through legal intermediary number drop 20% last year
Yesterday at the 2013 China international education exhibition press conference,The Shanghai education commission, deputy director of the international exchange place Zhang Jin disclosed,In 2012,,After the ministry of education approved the establishment of and engaged in study abroad intermediary services in Shanghai 15 legal agents,Succeeded in orgnaization of the 10442 students fanned out study abroad in 27 countries.The data from 2011, down about 2.At the same time,Last year the Shanghai students obtaining a visa,85% went to the United States/The UK/Australia/Canada/Five countries such as Japan to study abroad.Among them,To study abroad and travel to the UK to study abroad the proportion were 30.5% and 20% respectively.
对此,Shanghai future marketing manager Zhu Ying think going abroad,Now the market is two-way choice,This is not just students choose the relationship,Is different with various agents are faced with the situation/Their different development status."From the data of our company,Customer number is growing."Zhu Ying for instance,The company was founded in 2009,Only 1 wujiaochang center,Now has developed to xu jia hui(002561,stocks)And lujiazui(600663,stocks)Etc. A total of three centers.These information can be opened,Mainly because of the increase of customers.
上外留学副总经理孟军也说,Through 15 Shanghai legal study abroad intermediary institutions to reduce the number of the students in abroad,Does not mean that the customer number 15 agents have declined."To our study on its application or the increase in the number of overseas."Allies say.
学生留学选择趋于多元化 Students choose the diversity
在留学人数增加的At the same time,By the number of formal institutions application worse instead,These students where to go?Zhu Ying think,First of all,Now there are a lot of cooperation in running schools project China's institutions of higher education,Through study abroad intermediary service is not the only way to go abroad.The cooperation in running schools project can directly with overseas counterparts,Students don't need intermediary services,This phenomenon is common.
其次,Now as the information is more and more symmetrical,College students'/Graduate student of DIY to deal with more and more proportion of students studying abroad.Especially in commonwealth countries to study abroad more mature market,DIY is relatively easy to overseas.From the current study abroad market,More than 20 students study abroad in DIY ways are not uncommon.In addition,Now there are many international schools in Shanghai,Such as Cambridge center,Students read international course at the international school,The application stage,Some students through the school help applying for overseas universities,Some students choose to pass intermediary applying for overseas universities."Also, some students may be find some informal institutions abroad."Allies say.
中智海外教育中心总经理袁正翔补充道,In recent years, some overseas universities directly to Shanghai were recruited five key high school.Through this channel,Students can also need not pass application for study abroad intermediary to help,But this part number is less.
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