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近几个月来,On the international violence against women emerge in endlessly,India, for example, several women to suffer from gang rape/South African Olympic champion"blade"Allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend, etc.
对于受Domestic violence侵害的女性来说,Once warm family bay into a battlefield of life,In addition to the heart is hurt,Marriage is the flashing red light.In order to give women a world without violence,Ban ki-moon's words,"Everyone must come into the fight".
暴打老婆 Beating the wife
全球都有 Global have
"blade"Oscar pistorius shot supermodel girlfriend case reveal to the world the true side of South African society:Great man's doctrine prevailed,Domestic violence as a norm.Medical research council for a household survey has found,40% of South African men for their spouse through violence.Not only is South Africa,Women have been family violence has become a global problem.
美国明星之妻常挨打 The us star's wife often beaten
2011年10月14日,The former baseball world series most valuable player manning Mr Ramirez accused of family violence and was cited.On September 12, 2011,His wife told police Mr Ramirez imposing slap,Lead to injury on their head against the headboard,Mr Ramirez was arrested.
无独有偶,In the reality TV show[Basketball wife]Popular tania Williams in 2011 were also disclose to media violence.Tania says,She used often by her ex-husband/Basketball star Jason Williams beat.
2012年9月,NBA player dwyane wade's ex-wife vaughn theo reported a surprising news:"flash"Once crazy ou yourself at home,Which can lead to injury on the body.
这只是冰山一角,Domestic violence is not only happen to pop star wife,More appear in ordinary American homes.In New York alone,The police received 700 complaints of domestic violence every day on average.The U.S. centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) released on December 14, 2011, according to a survey,A quarter of American women said they had violence by her husband or boyfriend.
日领事施暴遭捕 Day consul by violence
2012年5月7日,Japan consulate general in San Francisco, vice consul long house jiaming to be many times at home on the outskirts of San Francisco slap to his wife,Including the stampede/Push her to get off tooth fracture and other damage,Was arrested by the California department of justice.
2012年4月份出炉的调查结果显示,Japan's domestic abuse victims with 32.9% of women admitted that he is.25.9% of them had punched at home by her husband.17.8% of Japanese women surveyed said their"dignity"By oppression,Often by her husband treated with vulgar language/Forbidden to go out and monitored.In addition,14% of disclosure was pushed by her husband in the bedroom.
在韩国,Also seems to be not optimistic.The late actor choi is a victim.She married sports star Zhao Chengmin during repeatedly been her husband's beating.Even in the case of separation,Didn't stop Zhao Chengmin to choi atrocities.While in South Korea more than 100000 foreign spouses,Nearly half the people had suffered domestic violence.
据俄罗斯[LaoDongBao]reports,Every two seconds,There is a Russian men beat their wives or girlfriends;75% of men at least once,Most of the more than once.According to the interior ministry,Some 14000 Russian women die each year from domestic violence.
在动荡中的阿富汗,Eighty percent of women suffering from domestic violence,Even suffer torture, sulfuric acid, etc.A lot of girls because do not love and be the man to use torture disfigured,Women with child marriage is to be victims of all sorts of domestic violence.
拉美受害者多数沉默 Latin American victims most silence
According to the statistics,On average every 10 of Brazilian women,There are four domestic abuse damage suffered.In Argentina,From January to October 2010, 206 women died of gender violence,Mostly by her husband/Partner and future husband killed,Increased by 19% than the same period in previous years.
泛美卫生组织今年1月17日发布研究报告称,They carried out the investigation of 12 Latin American countries,Found a quarter of women in one of seven countries experienced domestic violence in marriage life.Among them,In the Dominican republic lowest probability of women suffering from domestic violence,Of 17%,Neighbouring Haiti(The poorest countries in the region)It is 19%.And in Bolivia,In 2008, more than 25% of women suffering from domestic violence or rape.In the domestic violence,82% of women suffer from the physical trauma including covered in bruises/Bone fracture/Abortion and burns, etc.Even so,Among them there are still 28% to 64% of people choose not to tell anyone or ask for help.
奥巴马哥哥施家暴 Obama's brother to domestic violence
3月4日,Barack Obama's half-brother brother malik to participate in political elections in Kenya.But soon he beat his wife and philandering scandals.Allegedly malik has 12 wife,The latest is he seduce a female student,The girl was only 17 years old.The wife said:"Malik often hit me,Most of the time he is dirty/grumpy."
梦露曾被前夫施家暴 Monroe was her ex-husband applied to domestic violence
2010年,An exposure to Monroe never diary for content of the new book published,Horrifying Marilyn Monroe in the book by her ex-husband/Before the yankees star Joe di jstars suddenly and violently.In 1952,,At an Italian restaurant,Monroe and dimaggio introduced by friends,Two people fall in love at first sight,In January 1954 for the wedding,It's a pity that this marriage lasted only nine months.
“冷暴力” "Cold violence"
也是一种伤害 Is also a kind of hurt
早在2005年,The then British prime minister Tony Blair's wife cherie was pointed out,In addition to personal attack forms,Domestic violence should also include the mental or psychological abuse."Such as the,If the husband scold his wife is ugly,Result in a severely damaged his wife,This is also a kind of family violence."This is known as the family violence"Cold violence",Due to its concealment and unpredictable is often overlooked.According to the statistics,"Cold violence"The frequency of rising year by year,In some countries have accounted for more than 70% of the domestic violence.
从今年3月份起,The expanded legal definition of domestic violence and abuse,For the first time the body violent oppression and threatening behavior.It means forced family shall not go out and family shall be forbidden to use telephone contact with the outside world similar behavior can also be prosecuted.The deputy prime minister Nick clegg said,"Domestic violence and abuse are more serious than people think/更为complicated."He said,Domestic violence is not just physical violence,Has long been the psychological and emotional pressure and threats is intolerable.
其实,The French government in 2010 introduced a new bill,If husband and wife or cohabiting couples insults at each other in the process of arguments,It will be added to him(she)Criminal record.The law applies to both married and unmarried couples cohabiting partners,And the equality between men and women.The law will cover any form of insult,Including the partner looks rude remarks/The false allegations of infidelity and threats to use physical violence, etc.They shouted at his wife,Or use language to insult her husband,All belong to the category of the law of the jurisdiction.For starters,The police will be warned,But if you often teach not to change,Will face fines/An injunction or even imprisonment.
而日本似乎行动得更早,The country for the first time since 2004 to verbal abuse is defined as the family violence.
家暴“毒瘤” Domestic violence"A cancer"
铲除不易 Rooting out is not easy to
记者 reporter
声音 voice
Zhao Haijian
家庭暴力其实是一个古老的/Worldwide topic.Women are the main victims of domestic violence,Even accounting for over 90% of the domestic violence.它形成的原因很complicated信奉"Strong power"The history and culture/Men and women relation of inequality/The protection of minors is not enough/Let a person produce impotence of the wealth gap and adult male unemployment rate is too high, and so on.
在南非社会,There are many factors that induce violence,And believe in"Strong power"The history and culture is one of them.South Africa's underage pregnancy rate is very high,The young mother is never ready to raising a child.so,South Africa's family less at ordinary times to see his father.South Africa's children is raised by biological parents,so,You will see a lot of children is nobody's business/Insulted and abuse,The passage of time will turn into a domestic violence.thus,Many children have"Strong power"The consciousness of.
在日本,People who use violence in front of the children man should account for 42.5%,These persons who saw the parents violence since childhood grow up to be the probability that the perpetrators are higher than the average person.
但南非的悲剧是,Violence against women are seen as the most"normal"Of the things.Is a popular opinion even on South African society,Think to make a woman for yourself,Violence is inevitable.Since 1999,South Africa's murder case has fallen by 50%,But rape crime rate remains high.
同样的情况也出现在印度,The India black bus earlier triggered protests in India's month-long mass demonstrations,But after the gang rape of events still occur from time to time.In India because of men's eyes,Women's low status"appurtenances",Rape can reflect men's power.
Domestic violence不绝于世,Also, because some women had to choose silence.Many women in childhood will have suffered domestic violence,So they chose the bear in the face of her husband's violent behavior after marriage.And therefore,The women suffered from childhood not violence than those women suffering from domestic violence.And in Japan,A lot of women's economic status is not independent,Life can only be attached to men,In a weak position in the home,Only domestic violence toed the line.
而在欧美国家,Economic recession in recent years,Unemployment is high,Indirectly lead to sharp increase in domestic violence cases.Usually in a bad mood out of jobs,Behavior is easy to out of control.And if both husband and wife are unemployed,Increases the risk of domestic violence.At the same time,Because of the lack of funds,Ability to provide help and service for victims of domestic violence has also been weakened.
家暴“毒瘤”产生的根源错综复杂,想要铲除自然不易。 文字:赵海建
Domestic violence"A cancer"产生的根源错综complicated,Did not want to removed.words:Zhao Haijian
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