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妻子欠债20万欲离婚 中学教师12年为其还清债务--亲稳网络舆情监测室
"A recent debt already paid off in May 2012,A big burden for 12 years to finally put down the back,Can relax this year to a year!"Danzhou city Bai Majing middle school teachers/DeYuShi director Li Yulin has happily told reporters.
The 48-year-old Li Yulin teacher family background,1985 teaching jobs."Have their own work that you love,Have a warm family,Day was happy.In 2000 for his wife do business failures,Once in trouble at home."Li Yulin laments.
At the beginning of 2000,Due to bad wife borrow joint venture development land with others,Owed nearly $200000 debt.This for Li Yulin when monthly wages 600 yuan only,A bolt from the blue.
"Let's divorce!"Wife of merit month filed for divorce a few times."Is debt I owe,I don't want to slow you down,Drag this home."After many years,Remember at the beginning still merit month full of guilt."If two people can't afford to carry,You a person to be also?Wife's debt also,God's truth."Li Yulin rebuffed the divorce his wife.then,He and his wife, create a list of the creditor,And keeps one at home,To gain understanding in order to lengthen maturities.They with creditors promise"A minute don't owe pay off debt".After understanding the creditor money demand,Li Yulin arranged to pay according to the priorities in order.
"Wife, soon found a job in the fishing port wharf,Subsidies to home,I have to set aside 200 yuan a month from the wages to maintain a family life,All other debts.According to plan,We must be at least 20 years to pay off the debt,Didn't know that national policy is good,Teachers' salaries have increased several times,I paid for so many years in advance."Li Yulin said.On September 20, 2011,Li Yulin in the third session of the national moral models selection won the title of national model the honest code of honor.
Now the school is on holiday,Li Yulin is working with them and clean the house health.But staring at the water seepage of broken house,Li Yulin also couldn't figure out how to make the festival atmosphere is more a little at home.Li Yulin a father-in-law is now living in the unit was established in the dormitory of the 1960 s,Two rooms one hall,To 60 square meters,Everywhere one deep cracks in the wall,White large loss,Bare of rusty reinforcement can be clearly seen on the ceiling."The main thing is that the rain will stop weeping,And doesn't even have a toilet,The mother-in-law brings great inconvenience to suffer from severe diabetes."Li Yulin guilt.
Li Yulin told reporters,Recently had the opportunity to move rooms,Schools have a workshop to temporarily live in school teachers."At the time scale,I first,Can a set of two rooms one hall,But I give up.Because I am a Bai Majing local teacher,Again difficult also has its own nest,But many foreign teacher also in rent,They alone to our country when the teacher is not easy."Under his lead,Bai Majing middle school teachers of all local there is no application to room,More than 20 sets of workshop to all the foreign teachers.
还债的这12年间,李郁林夫妇没买过一件新衣服,每年过年女儿的新衣都是爷爷奶奶给买。“2012年女儿考上了大学,我的债也还清了,今年春节女儿的新衣我包了!”李郁林底气十足地说。(本报记者 王晓樱 魏月蘅 通讯员 马 珂)
To pay the past 12 years,Li Yulin couple hasn't bought a new dress,Every year New Year's day her daughter's clothes are grandma and grandpa to buy."Daughter to go to the university in 2012,My debts are paid off,Daughter's new clothes I package the Spring Festival this year!"Li Yulin said confidently.(Our reporter Wang Xiaoying Wei Yueheng correspondent horse cosette)
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