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200字小说写下浓缩版“小剧场” Write 200 word novel condensed version"Small theater"
在新传院学生会的weibo上,Reporters found the small stage for the said requirement,Not only have distinct themes,arrange,Have a story or scene within 200 words fully expressed.Look slightly difficult writing standards really someone can reach?In BiLeiJing weibo,There's plenty good films.
排名第一的是一篇名叫[Jump off a building]The scene again."The girl looks handsome of MAO,Alive, good to die!"A girl want to jump off a building,Cause lots of onlookers.Of course,,Also have coincided with a mere spectators,"Zha don't jump?’Focus on waiting for some of the people".But the real mystery reveals,It is a national outcry,"Down is just the girl shook down advertising banners,‘East building, 9999 / square meter’,Rather than a girl!"Spectators angrily spit out a word,use"Call the police"Two words ended the drama.The plot ups and downs this sorry tale,Very much.
大学生们热爱的小情感和小文艺在Tiny said大赛里也必不可少.so,[Walden pond]Author Thoreau was also"pull"Dream into a modern industry.Henry David Thoreau found that wake up,Yourself in the modern civilization of fireworks in the air,The air pollution,The unemployment of migrant workers,And a bad rainy day,Is getting wet.但Tiny said的最after还是让梭罗回到了自己熟悉的Walden pond,Sigh with emotion a,"Ok it was just a dream".Semantics is concise and agile,Compared with DaFangZhiGu no inferior feeling.
90后作品更爱“志怪小说” 90after作品更爱"Mystery novels"
Tiny said需要的是人气,So xinchuan courtyard student association will entries posted on the Internet,And college literature teacher were invited to a professional evaluation.Not only is BiLeiJing teacher,Xinchuan courtyard ancient literature teachers YuXiangShun also on his own microblog drying out as a tiny said the feeling of the review,"Alone in the study,The seventh time.If it is not afraid of‘The leaks’Or infringement of reputation,I really want to paste several articles.Alone le le than the lele."
记者注意到,Tiny said on weibo Posting writings,A lot of literature is also actively participating students.But due to nowadays"Through the wind"The influence of,Quality of work seems to have made a discount.90after的孩子们作品中充满着"Through the""mystery"Elements such as,Yu teacher also in weibo"Of the disorderly god of the strange power":"I insulation in the grave/paranormal/ghosts/Such as through the,Grading the work today,We never know the‘blame’/‘disorderly’/‘god’Has become the mainstream.Stick a paper again:night,Suddenly a sense of urgency,Then get out of bed.Roommates are asleep.Before a couch to kwai,Is the same trick,With hand pulled my clothes.I get sleepy at,Not resistant to,tao:Don't make.Pat opened his hand,Shi ShiRan go toilet.morning,We never know the aoi in car accident yesterday,In the spallation,The corpse of one arm alone."
微小说要有情节,更要有现实意义 Tiny said to have a plot,Should have more realistic significance
为什么[Jump off a building][最after一杯水]Works can be said in a small competition in the higher professional points?yesterday,The reporter dialed NaShiDa xinchuan BiLeiJing teacher's phone."Tiny said story,At the same time length is too short.If we can have an unexpected ending,Can move the heart."Never put off till tomorrow what you can teacher told reporters,[Jump off a building]Is able to obtain higher scores,"Inversion of drama"The plot of the setting is essential,"College students can carry on the attention to the social problems,This let the work have a certain irony meaning."It seems to BiLeiJing,This piece was also some shadow of lu xun's words,"Work also wrote about the mere spectators psychology,In 200 words LiBiao reveal such living scene,It's not easy."
而俞香顺老师也在微博里表达了自己对“微小说”这一创作体裁的看法:既然忝任评委之一,不免聒噪几句:“微小说”或“微型小说”与“微博”同属“微言”,但毕竟有自己的文体特征。我的大学老师凌焕新是国内研究微型小说的权威;这次评阅作品之前,我又重温了一下相关知识。一言以蔽之:“微小说”必须要有情节,短幅之中藏曲折。(扬子晚报记者 杨甜子)
而俞香顺老师也在weibo里表达了自己对"Tiny said"This writing style:Now that your President of one of the judges,Not noisy:"Tiny said"or"Miniature novels"With the"weibo"Belong to the same"A lot",But, after all, has its own stylistic features.My college teacher Lin new is the authority of the domestic study of miniature novels;Grading the work before this time,I relive again the knowledge related.In a word:"Tiny said"Must have a plot,A short picture of twists and turns.(Yangzi evening news reporter Yang sweet son)
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