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一、强化自信 一/Strengthen the confidence
不管你现在是成绩拔尖,Still have certain disparity with other people,Don't forget to get up every day with confidence.No matter how personal circumstances,Each have their own advantages and disadvantages.Some classmates based solid roots go deep,No matter how change examination,All can;Some students thinking agility,Have certain innovative thinking,Understanding ability is strong,On the topic especially adapt to innovation;Some schoolmates reading widely,horizons,Good psychological quality,Strong ability to resist down,Good at to play over our heads.No matter what,On the eve of an examination,Don't blame myself too much for their own shortcomings and the insufficiency,Want to see more/Want to more/Many have their own strengths and potential,Inspire confidence.
每一个There are杰出成就的人,In the journey of life and career,As the forerunner to his strong confidence.Hilton is king world hotel,Now his hotel branches all over the world,But when he started only $200.What made him successful?Hilton said:Only two words,That is"confidence".
可见,Confidence breeds success,Confidence can make you create miracles.Napoleon said:"Nothing is impossible in my learning Canon this word."It is this confidence inspired his matchless wisdom and potential,Make him a generation star sweeping Europe.
在现实中,Confidence may not be able to make you successful,So lost confidence will lead to failure.A lot of excellent scores in students failed in the examination,They are not lost on the knowledge ability,But in faith.
二、优化情绪 二/Optimize the mood
心理学认为,People learn in life,Emotions play a very important role,It is like stain,Make people learning to live with all kinds of color.
There are这样一个故事,There is a old woman very love her two daughters,The two daughters are all vendors,A selling umbrellas,A sell cloth shoes,The mother-in-law sunny worry big daughter umbrella can't sell,Crying all the day,Rainy days and worry baby cloth shoes don't sell,And tears all day long.Street, adjacent to her mother-in-law told her to cry.Then a man open, "she said:"I'm happy for you.Clear your older daughter umbrella sold well,Rainy day baby shoes of the qiao."After listening to her mother-in-law,His face immediately turn to shine,By a cry to smile,Street, also called her smile her mother-in-law.
哭婆婆变为笑婆婆的故事说明:The same thing,Different perspective,Emotions are different,The result is different.Transformation perspective,The mood naturally adjust to come over.In facing the review and examination,Learn to shift,Will adjust their mood to the best state.
在mood紧张的时候,Listen to some light music,Hum minor.,Or stretch hand,Curved waist,Shake the neck,Twisting, ass;Or walk outdoors,Look at the clouds,Listen to the pre-pubescent;Or to chat with my classmates,Tell me about the fun,Humor humor.Can deep breathing in the examination place/Looked out of the window.Through these,Adjust the psychological,Optimization of the mood.
三、自我减压 三/Ego decompression
临考前降低心理预期目标,Don't always think about must be admitted to the finish high school,Admitted to major work class.Want to know that examination is only a stage in life and not all of them.As long as you treat exam with common heart,Give full play to its own level is victory.
以怎样的心态对待复习与考试,To enter the best relationship is very large.If the review and examination as a challenge,Inspire yourself in the mood for love;Regard it as a kind of exercise,With peace of mind;Regard it as an opportunity,With a positive attitude to meet.
四、自我质辩 四/Self quality, and the defendant
Self quality, and the defendant是心态自我调整的良方之一.Such as the,There are"The nearer the middle school,Then more concerned about their ability"Concerns of students,Might as well argue the following self quality:Ask yourself:This worry is necessary?Since the answer:There is no necessary,At ordinary times oneself always learning seriously,Although not very good,But as long as seriously prepare for test,Normal play,This test can test good,Didn't have to worry about this unprovoked.
又问:This worried about good?Since the answer:Don't have,No it has,It let people's morale,People pay attention to the target,If he does not rule out as early as possible,After the exam will be too late to regret.
再问:What should I do?Since the answer:What matters most is confident about the exam,To organize the review work,Required to prepare for test.Through this self quality,The concerns of the heart also will resolve.
五、积极暗示 五/Positive hint
Positive hint能强化自己的信心,Eliminate worry.Negative suggestion will reduce people's confidence,Freaking worried.The test will be according to your own situation,To actively suggest,himself."Our bank,I'll do","My potential","I progress","I like to challenge".
如遇到自己实在解不出的题难题也不要忧心忡忡。从狐狸吃葡萄的故事中我们可以得到启迪,狐狸吃不到葡萄就说葡萄是酸的,这并不是“自欺欺人”,而是 “聪明过人”之处。面对一颗自己确实吃不到的葡萄,与其在架下上窜下跳白费力,还不如说这颗葡萄是酸的,另找甜的——自己熟悉的、力所能及的,以长补短,同样可以成功。
如遇到自己实在解不出的题难题也不要忧心忡忡.We can get from fox to eat grapes, the story of the enlightenment,The fox eat less than grapes are sour,This is not"self-deception",but "clever"The place of.In the face of a yourself actually eat less than grapes,Under the frame up and down with a bad,As the grapes are sour,Find another sweet - familiar with myself/You can reach,With long repair short,Can also be successful.
通过良好的自我暗示,Can dispel melancholy,To overcome cowardice,Restore confidence,Stimulate the excitement,Their own state of mind/mood,Adjust to the best state.
六、潜心每一步 六/And every step
淡化对中考的神圣感与高不可攀感,Focus attention how to literally walk each step.Valentine is a famous American wire acrobats,People walk at an altitude of dozens of meters from the ground wire,No any safety protection measures,Escape it.But valentine without fear,We must win.
There are人问他成功的决窍,He said:"When I walk,I never thought of the destination,Just want to walk a tightrope,Devoted to walk every step,Regardless of gain and loss."Psychology later put the focus on doing your own thing,Was not swayed by other distractions of the psychological phenomenon known as"Warren of mentality".
考生要想获得成功,He should have this kind of valentine.在应对中考时不要把问题想得太complicated和困难了,Don't unjustly preset difficult for yourself,Let oneself didn't start the stage fright.As long as you don't take an examination to see it as sacred,So out of reach,You learn together/Dealing with will be much more relaxed.In fact,From the beginning every classmate,Every day to prepare for the examination,Every day, walked closer examination.The examination of June is only a comparatively larger testing.
七、正常作息 七/A normal schedule
考前保证充足睡眠,Mainly sharp is very necessary to meet the senior school.Burn the midnight oil,To sacrifice sleep time to when the workbook is not worth the cost.Little imagine topic is vast,You do a year again/Two years is also done.
头天睡眠不足,The next day, the brain is half dormancy,Mind is in a state of inhibition,Review inefficient results,Exam is a daze.But don't go the other extreme,Think it would let go DaXiu a week before,Stop to review,Designed the mentality,It would be counterproductive.
心理学家认为,People such as long-term in tense work and study,Brain center will establish corresponding nervous thinking mode of operation,People can learn to adapt to the intense work.If all of a sudden stop and nothing to do,The original body clock will be upset,Mental models will not fit,Candidates will have lost/Anxiety and discomfort of psychological phenomenon such as palpitate,So the candidate or the test according to the original normal work and rest schedules.
八、笑对考场 八/Smiles to the venue
心理学研究表明:Human expression is mutual promotion and inner experience.The experience of smile and confidence is the same,Promote each other's,Full of confidence to make people smile,Smile makes people confidence.
考前与考中微笑,Heart will naturally experience growing confidence.The examination room met classmate smile,Say hi will encourage each other,Meet the supervisor with a smile,Take the initiative to say hello,The teacher also natural regards to students,So disappear in casual in the strangeness of the examination room/The tension,Access to psychological sense of security.
九、坦对现实 九/Temple of reality
既然参加较大的考试都There are一点紧张,Then face the reality,Calm in the face of the examination room.When you enter the examination examination room a bit nervous,Don't care about too much,Might as well to remind yourself,This is perfectly normal,Test the scholar also nervous,Believe that will soon be over.
考前睡得着是好事,Sleep is the norm,Also want to open.Because of tension,Is often the awake at night.At this moment the most terrible isn't didn't sleep well,But because didn't sleep well and failure brought by psychological - this time I'm finished.fourteen/15 years old,It is functioning in life the best of times,Even if a wakeful night,On the second day of the test also had little impact,And influence is own messy heart first,Afraid of fear.
十、保持平常心 十/Keep the common heart
无论最终考试结果如何,Please keep a common heart,Old adage that:"Not by thing happy/To the oneself is not low",If the test result is ideal,It will have to prepare for the forthcoming high school life,High school curriculum or repeat high school English vocabulary learning in advance,Try to do an outstanding person in high school;And to not get ideal scores of the students,Don't lose heart,recovered,As soon as possible should come out from the sadness, disappointment,Analysis of the whole examination review each link,In preparation for the coming year to fight again.
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