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昨天上午,记者接到暂住常州市新北区晓红的反映,称自己在常州一所学校已通过试用期,却被多名家长举报她从一名中职生考上研究生,起点较低,不适合当老师,要求撤换晓红,学校无奈放弃与晓红签约。原来,家长们从网上查到,晓红竟然在2009年还是河南省广播电视中等专业学校的一名中专生,身份证也完全一致。然而,事实上,晓红从河南周口鹿邑县一高毕业后,考入河南师范大学,毕业后又考进了西安一名校读研,并于2012年7月顺利毕业。这到底是怎么回事?扬子晚报记者就此展开层层调查。 扬子晚报记者 梅建明
Yesterday morning,Reporter received a reflection of the changzhou new north district XiaoGong hunters,According to own a school in changzhou has passed the probation period,Has been more than parents to report her from a secondary admitted to graduate students,Low starting point,Is not fit even to be a teacher,Calls to replace XiaoGong,Schools have signed XiaoGong weaned.The original,Parents to check it from the website,XiaoGong unexpectedly or broadcast TV secondary specialized schools in henan province in 2009, a secondary specialized school students',Id also.however,In fact,,XiaoGong from henan zhoukou, already high after graduation,Henan normal university,After graduation, again get into an ivy league graduate school in xian,And in 2012, graduated in July.How did this happen?Yangzi evening news reporter begins layers of investigation. MeiJianMing yangzi evening news reporter
She felt really cause!
名牌院校研究生毕业,却被家长举报学历造假 Brand-name colleges and universities graduate,Are parents to report false claims about his academic qualifications
XiaoGong told reporters,She graduated from zhoukou city in henan province in 2006, already high after,Went to henan normal university,After the four years college life,And smooth was admitted to graduate student of xi 'an is a famous university,Two years later graduated in July 2012 and passed the related education qualification at the same time.
"I graduated and went to changzhou,Audit and passed a school,Has entered the phase of trial."XiaoGong told reporters,In November 2012 after checking through elementary school,In early December in the university three grade to try,Waiting for signing.however,Just at this time,Trouble is coming.XiaoGong said,Because in the teacher,After the parents know to find her materials from Internet,Only from baidu search out she was from 2008 to 2008 in broadcasting and TV secondary specialized schools in henan province was studied,And get off on fall and spring two season funding of $1500.
"The classes more than 50,There are more than 30 parents of my education and background in the joint education has been questioned,The principal also suspected my degree was a fake."XiaoGong said,Oneself is wrong,Never in the technical secondary school,Did you get any more allowance,How is on this site?When she put the related certificates provided to the school's leadership,Although leaders believe is true,But the parents have to it"Starting point is too low/Making false claims about his academic qualifications"grounds,Require schools to replace.In desperation,The school also should be signed a contract with XiaoGong,Pull out the.
层层调查 Layers of investigation
1 从高中到大学再到研究生,都能证明她的学历的确不是假的 1 to graduate from high school to university,Can prove her degree did not false
The reporter sees,XiaoGong surname is uncommon,And her name is pretty strange,Is a rare.then,XiaoGong education experience actually how?Reporter conducted by verification.Reporter contacted first XiaoGong graduated from zhoukou already high,At the beginning is XiaoGong headteacher Wang Yuefei teacher,Now already is, deputy director of research at the school.Wang Yuefei confirmed,XiaoGong was indeed his students,In 2006 entered a normal class undergraduate course after graduation.
XiaoGong calls education specialized undergraduate course graduated from henan normal university,The school website shows her in the undergraduate stage,In the department of education of the college department of quality expand was elected.And the head teacher of henan normal university XiaoGong undergraduate course four years class Hu Chunli also confirms to the reporter,XiaoGong is her students,And a very good performance.
XiaoGong graduate majored in xi 'an for a university education,The reporter sees in the university website,Graduate student scholarship and the recognition of society in 2011, reward in the list of the public,XiaoGong impressively in columns,Won the honor of outstanding graduate student.
At this point,Can prove XiaoGong haven't been to henan broadcast and TV technical secondary school,then,Does not apply to receive grants.
2 被指曾在河南一中专就读,身份信息一致,还领了1500元补助金 2 is refers to in a technical secondary school study in henan,Identity information is consistent,Also received grants of $1500
Press input XiaoGong name on baidu,The first pop up her relevant information,Radio and television secondary specialized schools in henan province,For computer application major.Click on the account,Pop up a table,Information display is XiaoGong in 161th,Not even a word identification number,At the same time there are a total of 1500 yuan of subsidies.
"The world which have so qiao?"From the perspective of the recording of XiaoGong provides,Henan broadcast and TV secondary specialized schools, a responsible for the management of student status the teacher has said,XiaoGong student status is not in the school,Has nothing to do with them,Kick the ball to the XiaoGong's already a computer school teacher wang.Is teacher wang said XiaoGong information,Let her to contact miss wang,But the other is ignored.
Reporter called this name is wang teacher's cell phone,He told reporters,XiaoGong is processing,When told of the identity of the reporter,Hurriedly said is not clear,Hastily hung up the phone.
3 河南省学助网称,身份信息可能被盗用骗取补贴,将进行追查 3 of henan province to learn network said,Status information may be stolen diddle subsidies,Will be tracking
Affiliated to the jurisdiction of the student financial assistance management center in henan province department of education,In a column in school funding,XiaoGong data comes from here it is.As such a's website,Hard to avoid can cause parents questioned,Is also smashed the XiaoGong accordingly"Iron rice bowl".
Reporters to the management center, director surnamed huang,Mr. Huang told reporters,The center each year for the secondary vocational student financial assistance, such as list of submitted the strict screening,Also published on the Internet,Weed out the unqualified.Mr Huang said,Any cracks,There is this kind of situation,Defrauding the state subsidies for secondary vocational life,They will check on this immediately,Is verified,Not only to recover more of subsidies,At the same time,Also want to pursue the responsibility of relevant people.
(At the request of respondents use aliases.)
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