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In recent days,Management of the ministry of education office of education collects fees in disorder to 2012 education collects fees in disorder letter-inquiring-and-accusing is dealt with and investigate of 10 typical case report.
1. Many schools in chongqing ZeJiaoFei violations charged and education"The refund fee"The problem.No. 11 middle school in chongqing/The second foreign language school(Run by the local people)Wait 12 primary and secondary schools and one kindergarten violation charge ZeJiaoFei 173 yuan for 173 students parents and school choice"The refund fee"375867.4 yuan.After investigation and verification,All illegal charges repel;To interview criticized the offending area county education committee;Charging for violations of 12 schools shall be reported,For violations, if the circumstances are relatively serious in chongqing no. 11 middle school responsible for the vice President of warning shall be given administrative sanctions according to law,To order the second foreign language school(Run by the local people)The vice President of the board to give the school responsible for the administrative disciplinary warning.
2. The problem of ningxia ninghxia county primary school for preschool sponsorship fees.The ningxia hui autonomous region, ninghxia a small/3 hours/Four small 3 schools during the preschool teachers' day in 2012,By asking parents to buy"Support ticket"In the way,Violation charge sponsorship money 59500 yuan respectively/136300 yuan/113200 yuan.After investigation and verification,Ninghxia discipline inspection commission to give 3 school principal administrative disciplinary warning,Repel all violation charge,And in the county-wide education system about the matter.
3. In changsha city of hunan province by tianxin AngTianHu primary violation charge sponsorship money problems.2010-2011,Receipt of donation student 1.3943 million yuan AngTianHu elementary school.After investigation and verification,By tianxin in changsha city bureau of education from the school principal,Will be responsible for the general teachers transferring financial jobs.District commission for discipline inspection of the above two other issues have to initiate an investigation,Balance will pay zone Treasury funds.
4. Guangyuan middle school in guangyuan city in sichuan province forced the students to buy teaching material problems.Guangyuan middle school charge 1608 class of 2012 students teaching materials for a total of 1.4472 million yuan.After investigation and verification,Shall be ordered to guangyuan in guangyuan city high school principal/Trade union chairman make a deep review,And JieMian conversation,Has been removed from trade union chairman position,Will show the 185597 yuan to finance.
5. Guizhou province ZunYiXian sixth middle school fees collection classes, etc.ZunYiXian sixth middle school in guizhou since autumn 2011 use winter holiday on Saturday and 2012 on the part of the ninth grade students make up a missed lesson 51 days,Collection classes 389 people is 194500 yuan.Since 2009, the seventh grade freshmen military training charge for per person/Registration fee is 100 yuan,A total of about 80000 yuan.After investigation and verification,ZunYiXian give the school principal party disciplinary warning,The school leadership JieMian conversation,On the violation charge county informed criticism,The remaining $128000 classes all repel to the student.
6. Guangxi guilin guangxi county in the first primary school teachers in the school training institutions for problems.Cassia county in the first 22 primary school teachers to every weekend"God is the ink"Training institutions and"Chaoyang culture"Training institutions engaged in make up a missed lesson,Participate in the training of students including cassia county in the first primary school/The second primary school, a total of 66 people,Each charge 300 yuan/per semester,Training institutions per pay 15% management fee,The teacher according to the number of students/Class taken money,A total of 218660 yuan.After investigation and verification,Guangxi in the county education bureau to cancel in prohibited make up a missed lesson 22 teachers assessment qualification,And criticized disciplinary action within the scope of the county.
7. Jingzhou city, hubei province jingzhou middle school"Fine feature class"The problem.Jingzhou middle school(15)BanBan committee that students don't abide by the rules for financial penalties.After investigation and verification,Jingzhou city bureau of education to school cancellation penalty rules,To examine and check,Fine refunded to students;Revocation of the teacher in charge of the post,Cancel the PingXian/qualification,Order them to make a written examination;To report events within the school,And to carry out the self-check.
8. Shaanxi province GanQuanXian four schools charge test fee and so on questions.YanAnShi GanQuanXian 1 primary school in the final exam fees charged by the violations to the students/On examination paper fee/Unit test fee total $31207.8,GanQuanXian final exam fees charged by the second primary school violations to the students/Month, and the mid-term exams/Unit test fee/New curriculum reform guiding case costs a total of 42580 yuan,GanQuanXian exam fees charged by the violations to the junior middle school students/Classes for a total of 562008 yuan,GanQuanXian high school exam fees charged by the violations/Classes for a total of 363886 yuan.After investigation and verification,Shaanxi province education department/YanAnShi commission for discipline inspection/YanAnShi education bureau ordered four schools return all violations fee $999681.8 students and their parents,The YanAnShi GanQuanXian collect fees in disorder problem,For the entire province informed criticism;Give GanQuanXian education bureau of the party disciplinary warning,Give GanQuanXian first elementary school principals/GanQuanXian second elementary school principal party disciplinary warning,Given administrative disciplinary warning GanQuanXian junior high school principal.Submitted to the YanAnShi discipline to dispose GanQuanXian senior high school principal.
9. Part of hainan province school students to buy"The school shoes"The problem.Hainan province teachs hall work-study programs do violations issued[Wear in hainan province teachs hall work-study office about promotion"Love, joy"Of the pilot students brand shoes],Haikou city of hainan province/DingAnXian/LinGaoXian/TunChangXian/Qinlan economic development zone, 9860 primary and middle school students in five areas such as purchased"Love, joy"Students brand shoes,Involved in 7 middle school/Eight primary schools.After investigation and verification,Education department of hainan province dropped the file,And for those responsible for serious criticism;Cancel LinGaoXian of hainan province primary and secondary school education garment factory production uniform the winning enterprise qualification,Prohibited to participate in the next round of hainan province primary and middle school uniform production enterprise access qualification of bidding,The students began to be return unconditionally refund;Notifying relevant school leaders and teachers to give criticism.
10.广东省湛江吴川市学生自购桌椅上课问题。广东湛江吴川市13所学校在经费拨付充足的情况下,存在学生自购桌椅上课问题,自买桌椅6076套。经调查核实,吴川市要求13所学校足额配齐桌椅,并通知学生家长带回购买桌椅;对川西中学、黄坡镇大院小学、振文镇中心小学3所学校校长作出先免职后调查的处理决定;吴川市纪委对振文镇中心小学副校长、黄坡中心小学校长、黄坡镇大院小学原校长、振文中心小学原校长党内警告处分。吴川市纪委正在责成有关部门对负有责任的吴川市教育局、川西中学、黄坡镇、振文镇有关领导给予责任追究。(记者 焦新)
10. Guangdong zhanjiang Wu Chuanshi students purchased desks in class.Guangdong zhanjiang Wu Chuanshi 13 schools in the case of funds allocated enough,Students purchasing furniture class problems,From 6076 to buy table and chair set.After investigation and verification,Wu Chuanshi asked 13 school full specified amount to match neat desks and chairs,And inform the parents of students back to buy tables and chairs;The western sichuan middle school/Compound Huang Po town primary school/Vibration in town central primary school 3 school headmaster made first investigation after removal of the decision;Vibration Wu Chuanshi commission for discipline inspection of town center elementary school vice principal/Huang Po center elementary school principals/The original principal compound Huang Po town primary school/Vibration, the original principal party disciplinary warning center elementary school.Wu Chuanshi discipline is Wu Chuanshi instruct relevant departments responsible for education/Western sichuan middle school/Huang Po town/Vibration town about leadership responsibility.(Reporter jiao new)
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