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学生可以开除 老师可以解聘 Students can be fired from the teacher can dismiss
教育部“史上最严”论文打假 The ministry of education"History's most severe"Anti-counterfeiting paper
专家认为严格执行才是关键 建议弱化“以文论人” Experts say strictly implement key recommendations is weakening"In literary theory of the people"
In recent days,The ministry of education issued[Treatment method of the dissertation fraud],The dissertation made a specific penalties fraud.In accordance with the regulations,To buy/Who has to write the essays for stiff penalties.
As a thesis and closely linked,High school students/Teachers and experts is how to think about this"History's most severe"The provisions of the?Reporter launched an investigation.
严处“买家和卖家” introduce"Buyers and sellers"
[Treatment method of the dissertation fraud]Applicants to degree of fraud to make the rules.
Buy a dissertation/ghostwritten/Plagiarism or fraud that falsified data,Did not get a degree,Cancel the qualification of degree application;Have a degree,Revoke the degree,And cancellation of degree certificate.Starting from the date of the decision within three years,Each degree-conferring unit shall not accept its degree application.
If degree to apply for personnel are students,Can also be expelled from the student.If the degree is on-the-job personnel apply for personnel,Degree-conferring unit besides given the disciplinary action,Also shall notify his work unit.
For others to write dissertation/Sell dissertation or thesis organization/People write,Belong to the students,Can give student disciplinary action;Belong to the degree-conferring unit of teachers or other staff,Can be fired or terminate the employment contract.
Not only that,Way of college also/Instructors and degree-conferring unit,There are corresponding penalties.Such as teachers fails to fulfill its education academic morality and academic norms/Thesis guidance, and audit checks, etc,Its guidance of the dissertation is a false situation,Degree-conferring unit can give the warning/demerits;If the circumstances are serious,Can reduce the post level,Until the fire or terminate the employment contract.
发论文还要交“版面费” Paper also"Page charges"
As in the role of writing papers,How is degree applicants for this?In an interview,Most people are very support.
Classical text, wuhan university, Dr Lee said:"Dr College requires every above C publication issued at least 2 paper or article 2 above.At present,Want to line up a fastest core journals published more than a month,Layout fee is a lot of overhead.I am very support for school such a request,The first can ensure the quality of doctoral graduate;In the second,Doctoral students for high levels of papers published is should be,Nothing to complain about."
Students also have question for the evaluation system.Central China normal university art XiaoXiao think Dr:"All along going to school we publish two or more scientific research papers,But now's section core journals is less,Magazine about high quality academic papers,Some of the core journals published cycle is very long,More important the page fees for a full-time PhD us as required,Is a lot of overhead,It also indirectly contributed to academic fraud actions……so,Needs to improve current system of education evaluation,Isn't it can more reflect humanistic care?"
网上“源头”难以控制 online"The source"It is difficult to control
As a university administrator,Hubei second normal college educational administration department chief Xia Li thought,When college students write a dissertation in colleges and universities,Mostly write their own,Does not rule out some in order to save trouble,Directly find writing the essay writing.
"As a school,We first need to guide students to write their own papers,And tell them once a paper fraud at what price.The rules,To further strengthen the misconduct."
but,Xia Li think,I am afraid, the role of universities is limited to this."Students to buy papers,Generally will not find their own school students to write.Essay writing on most sellers or social organizations.To control the paper,The key from the source,This is not a school can solve."
The reporter understands,Currently selling papers on the Internet is very common,Most of these institutions"Thousand words, one hundred yuan"The price of,Directly through the online trading,Really difficult to management.
论文造假处理不严 Paper processing is lax
Xiong bingqi, deputy director of 21st century education research institute said in an interview:"This regulation is lax.Domestic have always been people who have similar provisions,Not only is carried out,To strengthen again now."
Xiong bingqi said,In a foreign country,If a paper fraud,ZuoJiaZhe will be expelled from school,Within the loop from now on can't stand up.Domestic are still not so strict,"The fraud cost is too low,The present paper a false chaos."
Xiong bingqi thinks,In the process of executing the regulation,Colleges and universities is the key."Many colleges and universities in order to pass their own reputation or paper,A false tend to take on paper‘Does not perform/Don't study/Do not deal with’Sometimes rules."
In addition,Change of degree awarded by the competent department of education system is also very important,"Don't always use paper to evaluate a person,It is actually a disguised form‘BiLiangWeiChang’."
记者屈建成 翁晓波
The reporter QuJianCheng WengXiaoBo
实习生陈攀宇 左思琪
Interns Chen Panyu zuo si qi
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