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  自主招生是中国高等教育改革的重要尝试,各校都在探索考试模式,因为题目新奇就大惊小怪,实在没必要。 自主招生是中国高等教育改革的重要尝试,The schools are exploring the test mode,Because the topic is novel would make a fuss over it,There is no necessary.


"The jade emperor and the Buddha who is big""[Journey to the west]Inside there are a few monsters"......March to April,To pay close attention to the people of higher education,Independent recruitment of students test question is undoubtedly the hottest topic.The independent recruitment of students colleges and universities interesting questions is smile,Become a hot topic online,while"God question""Strange questions""shocking""wulitou"This evaluation has been reported by the media.Can independent admission of examination questions"god"?The author seems to,As long as can help select talents with innovation potential,Examination questions"god"Some also just as well.


人们通常将考试理解为考查一个人的知识,In fact,This is just a test function in the primary stage,Because the primary education is focus on students in reading and writing/Arithmetic such as basic training,Check whether to learn a word/Understand a word,Whether remember my multiplication...Independent recruitment of students test is completely different,It is the selection of specialty and innovation potential.To choose such people,Just test basic knowledge is not enough.


2013年国家最高科技奖获得者王小谟院士曾说,Give you a topic you want to know how to do,This is the most important.The topic of when a at first glance, ridiculous lies ahead,Take an examination of is not a specific knowledge,But the reaction.Is there any way to find a way?How to analysis?How to form a logical/Summed up in it and express it?The examiner can get a lot of information in the process,Accordingly to judge a student.


教育部规定,Autonomous enrollment in grades,Generally cannot is located below the candidate's undergraduate course a batch of minimum control fractional line.This means that all students attending the independent admission examination,Must have confidence in themselves beyond the university entrance exam finish line ready or.Want to be in a group of students in the university entrance exam finish line above may have sift,Is not an easy thing,Is not wholly rely on conventional topic can do.He puts a high school principal:Similar to the"Such as come the jade emperor"This kind of item,Never prepare for,Even last year's exam,For this year will not have much reference value,This requires that students in their daily study/In the life accumulation thickness.


自主招生是中国高等教育改革的重要尝试,Test mode is also exploring the schools,"God question"Although in the media occupy a large amount of space,But only a small proportion of the actual exam.There may be further room for improvement for these subjects,Maybe you can find a better way,But because the novel is making a fuss,Really it is not necessary.(Is largely)
