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Jiangxi province in sperm bank!Guangdong province in sperm bank!Henan province sperm bank?


"At present smooth operation,But a slight decline."Henan province human sperm bank director LiYuShan said,Enter since September,With the college students in succession,Growing Numbers of sperm donors,But because it now needs a big increase in the infertility,So the supply is still tense,People love to calling for love.


【现状】 [status]

  许多省份精子库陆续告急 Many provinces to be in an emergency in succession sperm bank


On September 4,,Guangdong provincial population and family planning commission director LuoWenZhi a line of guest guangdong"Praised hotline".In the audience and the exchange said,With the rise of sterility crowd,Guangdong sperm bank perennial be in an emergency.He called for the health of male citizens to donate sperm,"Donate sperm very healthy,Do not hurt the body,More won't dead."


In fact,recent,Our country sperm bank announced publicly in not only a guangdong sperm bank.


The end of August this year,Jiangxi sperm bank in micro blog announced to be in an emergency:"Jiangxi province human sperm bank fine source to be in an emergency,Please the love people to donate compassion,Sperm bank to volunteer highest award for 5000 yuan..."


 我省情况怎么样? Our province how is it going?


"Now it looks,Smooth operation,But a slight decline."yesterday,In a telephone call in,LiYuShan said,Before a summer holidays college students,The number of contributions to sperm bank less,One day five or six people,And now with all the university,Toll has started to increase,"At present there are 10 to 20 people every day".


It is understood,National strictly prohibited sperm buying and selling,But in order to make compensations compensation donor,Henan province human sperm bank regulation,The initial screen every time can get traffic subsidy 30 yuan,Eligible every time a subsidy of RMB 200,Complete the whole contribution after the process,Also give love reward 500 yuan.


【比例】 [proportion]

  大学生是主体占到近九成 College students are subject to account for nearly ninety percent


In these donate sperm in number,Main still are college students,"About 80% ~ 90%."LiYuShan said,The more college students,First, because they accept new things is faster,The second is energetic/energetic,And no husband and wife life,Every time the quality of sperm donors generally can guarantee.It is considering these reasons,Sperm bank in zhengzhou city in each university has activist,Don't regularly take turns the door propaganda.


This year,In order to expand propaganda surface,Henan province human sperm bank also specially opened qq group,To donate sperm propaganda started network channels.


"Offer essence and blood donation/Offered as bone marrow glory,Is a kind of noble humanitarian behavior.and,It to the donor's request more strictly."LiYuShan said,Offer better threshold is very high,The most basic requirement is aged 22 to 45 one full year of life/Height not less than 1.70 m/Technical secondary school degree or above,And the body health/No infectious diseases/Genetic disease and genetic disease family history.


but,In the work,LiYuShan also found that,There are still a few people in the name of sperm donors to the physical examination,"About 5% ~ 10% of the people said to donate sperm,But after medical qualification,Call again,But not answered the phone."


It is understood,Donor in semen after passing,Can be free to enjoy a value yuan medical,Including chromosome examination/Hepatitis b antigen antibody/Hepatitis c antibody/syphilis/gonorrhea/AIDS/The examination such as chlamydia.


【遗憾】 [Sorry to]

  大学生精子合格率勉强过两成 College students had barely twenty percent qualified rate of sperm


but,Not everyone can donate sperm,Sperm donations of standard than birth standard is much higher,The actual get gifts opportunity is not much.The office worker for pressure big sperm quality difference there are few will get through,And college students,Percent of pass are barely more than 20%,Social personage the qualified rate of less than 10%.


National population research data shows:From 1981 to 1996,Our country male semen quality is at an annual rate of 1% decline,Sperm activity ratio and normal morphology sperm ratio decreased by 10.4% and 8.4% respectively.


LiYuShan said,Sperm quality and density downturn is irreversible,It is difficult to return to the former level.1990 sperm density per milliliter 66 million is normal,In 1999, down to 20 million per milliliter is normal,And the latest"International standard"Every milliliter and dropped to 15 million.Denmark a scholar the study concluded,The male sperm count in 50 years reduced by more than forty percent.


But more let a person is due,On the one hand is sperm percent of pass down,And on the other hand,The crowd of infertility is greatly increased.


ZhengDa establishing affiliated hospital of two of LeiFang had published a set of data,20 years,China accounts for sterility patients of population(Between 20 to 40 years old)proportion,Has increased from 3% to 12.5%,More than 40 million.


"This is equivalent to every 10 couples of child-bearing age to,There is a pair of can't normal birth."LeiFang said.


And henan infertility patients is expected to more than 260,More than thirty percent of them to help child treatment,By natural reproduction,Can only be the dream of a lot of people.


 【疑问】 [doubt]

  捐精是否会引起近亲结婚 Donate sperm will cause intermarriage


"Won't."LiYuShan said,In order to avoid the occurrence of intermarriage,The ministry of health has formulated strict laws and regulations,Require a donor can only to a sperm bank for fine,And a fine for those most sperm supply 5 women conception,Once the full five,The sperm will be destroyed.


At the same time,Our country executes is donating donors and acceptors keep couples"Mutual blind"/Donor and implement human assisted reproductive technology to keep the medical staff"Mutual blind"/Donor and offspring remain"Mutual blind";At the same time for fine must be informed consent signed with the sperm bank,Donor and the offspring of a without any rights and obligations.


In addition,According to LiYuShan introduced,The national each sperm bank will each donor of the material strictly Numbers,Lock to safe preservation.If there is through the sperm donor children born out of the marriage,All can be in accordance with the Numbers inquires the own situation.


【提醒】 [remind]

  这些生活细节请男士们注意 These life details please men attention


Of course,For the present man sperm quality decline,LiYuShan and especially to remind,He said,Environment pollution and stressful work and lifestyle change,To the male fertility's influence is gradual,To a certain extent will interfere with the body endocrine,Lead to semen sperm population decline/Sperm motion ability reduce and sperm morphological abnormalities,Reduce the male fertility.


therefore,He reminded,To improve the quality of sperm,Will eat healthy food,Don't stay up late,Don't wear tight pants,To strengthen exercise,At the same time we should pay attention to the details.


Less sauna:Sperm is the most afraid of high temperature.In life,Try to avoid high temperature,Such as sauna/Hot bath,Does affect sperm formation.


Avoid sedentary and long-term drive:By the same token,Sitting for a long time,Also will increase the temperature of the seminal vesicle,And drive more influence,so,Sat for a long time,Must let yourself up"cool".


Pay attention to radiation:Although mobile phone/Computer radiation/Office machines and tools to the influence of human body is uncertain,but,For insurance for the purpose of,Mobile phone best don't put pants pocket,With portable computer,Don't carry them in his bosom.


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  英女子吁立法规定 The woman was the legislation

  已婚男性捐精须经妻子同意 Married men shall be subject to donate sperm wife agreed to


According to[Times of India]On August 28th reported,A British woman is calling for changes in the law,Will sperm as"Marriage property"processing,Provisions in the married men before sperm donor,The hospital must to his wife for advice.

  据悉,这名女子来自英国萨里郡,她的丈夫不久前在她不知情的情况下捐献了精子。根据英国2005年出台的法规,通过捐精出生的孩子有权在长大成人后寻找生父。因此这名女子担心将来丈夫捐精生下的孩子可能与他们取得联系,破坏他们的家庭稳定。这名女子给英国人类受精与胚胎管理局写信称,应该把精子当做夫妻间的“婚姻财产”来对待,规定已婚男性捐献精子必须经过妻子同意。 (大河报记者李晓敏实习生周丹婧)

It is reported,The woman from the British surrey,Her husband not long ago in her without the knowledge of the donated sperm.According to the British in 2005 on the introduction of the regulations,Through the donate sperm was born child shall have the right to grow into adults looking for biological father.So the woman worries about the future husband donate sperm gave birth to children may get in touch with them,Destroy their family stability.The woman to British human fertilization and embryo administration write says,Should put the sperm as husband and wife"Marriage property"To treat,Provisions married men to donate sperm must pass a wife agreed to. (The river news reporter LiXiaoMin interns ZhouDanJing)
