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On September 4,,A micro bo largeencyclopedia in jinshan software company that a 25-year-old young staff sudden death in the table,In the afternoon,Jinshan software company immediately confirm the company's"In xishan"Game studios have a young employee sudden death,But the company did not admit that it is"karoshi".


after,Kingsoft's another subsidiary company official micro bo has issued the company employees long overtime"For a week had not touched of the bed"Related information,Let the outside world to encourage the staff whether the excessive overtime atmosphere produces questioned.


Late on September 8,,Jinshan software company sent to our about this statement,says"The public security organ that investigation,The employee suddenly from the world for their own physical condition in sudden death,Has nothing to do with the external force.The colleague's testimony and attendance records show that,The employee from the former did not experience such as talk outside said continuous work overtime so that strain situation."


But today reporter discovery,Outside this statement remains controversial,Think this statement"Too official and far-fetched",More and more people to reflect on the matter.Overwork leads to the health and even death if some industry has become a common phenomenon and trend?Young white-collar employees health rights how to protect?


 猝死是否因为“过劳”? Sudden death is it because"overfatigue"?


It is understood,The employee only 25 years old,Death is the working time.


On September 4, at PM 40 points,Jinshan software confirmed the news,said"The company has the first time to his family report it to the situation/Expressed sympathy,And actively cooperate with the police investigation event reason.The police investigation is not over yet.We will be in the light of responsible for/Frank and humanitarian principles on the family pension and arrange follow-up work."


Since then,Jinshan software has been silent about it until September 8.


Because the recent years IT industries white-collar sudden death frequent events,And all were suspected and the excessive use of relevant staff,The incident also sparked jinshan software company to the question.


then,Someone turned out of the jinshan software company before its kingsoft Internet company official micro bo issued a staff in front of the computer lethargic photos,The micro bo said:The company has just released a new product,The employee of the company in order to ensure the smooth operation of new products and have to work overtime,"Continuous work overtime a week had not touched bed,Sleepy sleep table".


The micro Po release soon,Internet users have accused kingsoft Internet companies to show off the so-called overtime culture,Expense at the cost of employees' health,The staff at when the machine,Kingsoft Internet companies then delete the micro bo.


Jinshan software headquarters related working personnel on September 8, to our reporter later explanation says:"The micro bo is kingsoft Internet company official micro bo operation team staff individual behavior,Original idea is to make the leadership that our employees as new business to work overtime and hard busy,Didn't expect cause such a response,Already the micro bo delete,Has nothing to do with the matter."


Whether the employee is belong to sudden death"karoshi",8 evening jinshan software company released again[The staff unfortunately jinshan from the event rehabilitation treatment results statement]says:The public security organ that investigation,The employee suddenly from the world for their own physical condition in sudden death,Has nothing to do with the external force.


Jinshan software also said,"September 3, 2012 late,My company a staff(In line with the respect the privacy of the party to consider,In this hidden to its name)Cracked after work to choose in the company building the night rest."

  对于这样的解释,一些人认为 “过于官方和牵强”。还有人质疑“自愿选择在公司大厦过夜休息”说法让人无法接受,这则声明是把“公司责任推得一干二净” 。

For such explanation,Some people think that "Too official and far-fetched".Others question"Voluntary selection in the company building the night rest"Let a person can't accept that,This is the statement is"The company blame all" .


金山声明本着“人道主义精神”追加抚恤金 Jinshan statement in line with"Humanitarian spirit"Supplementary pension


Jinshan software company introduces to the reporter,The employee in March 2012 to join our company.More than five months,The employee by the earnest responsible/Diligence aspirant working attitude to win the recognition and trust of the surrounding colleagues,"For his accident from the world,We feel deep shock and heavy grief.On the day after the tragedy,We made contact with the staff family,Report it to the situation,And will they please to Beijing,With the company actively cooperate with public security organs investigation event reason/The consultation for rehabilitation."


Now families have identity jinshan software company to the aftermath of incident disposal,And jinshan software company has also and staff family pension problems is to reach an agreement.In addition to according to company's welfare system provide the pension,The company also in line with the humanitarian spirit extra additional brushstroke pension,Used for family members for the staff future life to provide security.


Jinshan software statement said:As the employee of the lender/co-authors,For this incident,Jinshan than others feel deeper sorrow.Recently the company internal will also hold small-scale ceremony,In honor of the,Comfort is still in the sad colleagues.


This is the statement also emphasized,Jinshan has always attached great importance to the staff's health problems,In addition to provide free health diet and fitness site,Also has been committed to provide health professional psychological consultation.In the future,According to the physical and mental health of employees guarantee benefits will also further strengthen.


When a reporter asked the protocol details and the amount of compensation,The other party says it is not convenient to reveal.


敲响行业“过劳死”警钟 Ring industry"karoshi"alarm


Reporter discovery,Many people are paying attention to the matter,All complain that some companies use the staff too hard,Don't pay attention to employee health rest rights maintenance.


Before this before long,Pricewaterhousecoopers young female master induction time is not long had life aborted,Once many times after exposure to work overtime,Baidu last year map a young when workers to take a vacation, heart failure and death,Had earlier said they 48 hours sleepless...


A IT company middle management personnel has revealed,9 to company work,11 PM leave company is normal phenomenon,Double cease day also often work overtime.He complained that,Hope company boss in making the project schedule,Want to consider to staff the real work time should be 8 hours,Employees are not machines,Also need to have a rest.

  据医学解释,“过劳死”是因为工作时间过长,劳动强度过重,心理压力太大而出现精疲力竭的亚健康状态,由于积重难返,突然引发身体潜在的疾病急性恶化,救治不及时而危及生命。 “过劳死”的温床恰恰是人体长期处于亚健康状态,急症猝发才成为了压垮生命的最后一根稻草。

According to medical explanations,"karoshi"Because the work time is too long,The intensity of labor is overweight,Psychological pressure is too great and appear the exhausted and state of health,Due to the text,Suddenly trigger the body potential disease acute worsening,Treatment and not life threatening. "karoshi"The human body is a hotbed of long-term of sub-health state,Emergency burst just became the overriding life the last straw.


"September all game to almost all the new expansion,Feel all companies are working overtime,We have good Sunday a day to rest,Some main programmers to seven days a week all at work,Drive plan."A game company staff said,Game department staff one day working 16 hours is common,Often work overtime to at three in the morning,Can't paid leave also don't pay us for it."We get is a sickness and midnight that meal hamburger food taken late at night.Excuse me,Really there are so many class need to add,Such work overtime freeze out a group of a group of people,To work overtime employees what security?"

  目前对于一些行业鼓励加班、罔顾员工健康的企业文化,业内人士也进行反思,“如果行业的发展是依靠身体透支与员工权益损伤换来,不仅是个人悲剧,也是行业与社会的悲剧。”IT观察员方兴东表示:“一系列事件已敲响了‘过劳死’的警钟,一方面员工要注重自身的健康,另一方面企业更要承担起保障员工健康权的责任。”(记者 车辉)

Now for some industries encouraged to work overtime/Disregard for health of employees enterprise culture,The personage inside course of study also reflection,"If the industry's development depend on body overdraft and employee rights for damage,Is not only a man tragedy,Is the tragedy of the industry and society."IT monitors square interest east said:"A series of events has set off‘karoshi’toll,On the one hand the staff should pay attention to its own health,On the other hand enterprise more should undertake the responsibility of security staff and health."(Reporter CheHui)


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