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Golden rice storm has lasted for nearly half a month,yesterday,China's centers for disease control and prevention released golden rice research progress,The CDC says does not participate in the golden rice research,The program also fails to submit the health examination and approval.CDC researcher in the shadow, and because of the involved and inconsistent,Has been suspended and accept investigation.


yesterday,CDC said in,This year in August 1, published in[American journal of clinical nutrition]The gold rice test of the issues involved,Has established the special scientific review committee,Check relevant scientific research files,And the paper involves the related units communication,Collect relevant material,To the main content of the paper mentioned in-depth understanding and each check.


For disease control in the survey said,Scientific research files after examination,CDC in nutrition food and other directly under the units are not approved and participate in relevant"Golden rice"research.The paper described the research content of no in accordance with the provisions, present ministry of public health ethics review committee and the ministry of health examination and approval.


According to the ministry of health issued in 2007 in the biomedical research ethics review measures,Human trials of the prerequisite is in complete before a large number of clinical research,Confirmed its safety/effectiveness,The food or pharmaceutical department after examination and approval,Issue the approval certificate of clinical trials,Then after ethics committee approval,Then through the subjects[Informed consent]Agree to sign,Just can begin to human trials.


after,On September 5, is also published the results of the survey said,Involved in the CDC researcher shadow and Ann says the project is the United States and zhejiang academy of medical sciences cooperation projects,And has been zhejiang academy of medical sciences ethics committee review.Zhejiang academy of medical sciences, officials said,Really review over,But this project was not review period implementation.


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  海安“黄金米”非“黄金大米” haian"Golden rice"not"Golden rice"

  海安县农委会称非转基因大米,只是商标名称 HaiAnXian council says not genetically modified rice,Only brand name

  据《人民日报》报道 日前,有网络传言称,江苏省海安县规模种植转基因大米——“黄金大米”,并指当地一家公司涉嫌提供“黄金大米”给湖南一所小学进行“转基因大米人体试验”。

According to[People's Daily]A report,A network rumors,Jiangsu province HaiAnXian scale planting genetically modified rice --"Golden rice",And refers to a local company provide suspected"Golden rice"To a primary school in hunan"Genetically modified rice human trials".


HaiAnXian agriculture committee said,Learn online after rumors,Set up expert group for review.The basis of,HaiAnXian existing rice planting area of 550000 mu,All use conventional varieties,No transgenic varieties,Not growing genetically modified"Golden rice".


The council also confirmed,Nantong hundred food co., LTD production"Golden rice"Only registered trademark name,This product is organic rice,Color is white,not"Golden rice".open"Golden rice"packaging,Present is milky white rice,Not yellow.


For online popular"Haian planting golden rice"said,Nantong network GuoXiaoPing person in charge said,Because the web editor don't understand"Golden rice"and"Golden rice"difference,From the Internet to find pictures and material,added.


 【进展】 [progress]

  中疾控涉案研究员停职调查 CDC researchers involved in the investigation of suspended


According to the results of the survey,The paper third author/The United States tufts ShangGuangWen in China's main partners researcher shadow and before and after the Ann does not agree,At present,CDC has stopped in its work,Investigation shall be ordered to accept.


After investigation,Shadow and Ann has said,In the United States before of papers published,He received[The American journal of clinical nutrition]Papers published notice,Sign agreed on.But at the same time,And he said,About the American tufts ShangGuangWen responsible for project study,Whether you used the"Golden rice",Is not familiar with the.The two saying obviously contradiction.


CDC said in,Center science review committee has contact the author ShangGuangWen paper responsibility,Required to provide paper described the relevant research materials and detailed implementation procedure specification;At the same time demand that the United States tufts on the project survey,And provide details report.

  中疾控还称会对该论文进行全面、客观、公正的调查。调查结果将及时向社会公布。新京报记者 蒋彦鑫

The CDC says of the paper will be comprehensive/objective/And impartial investigation.Survey results will be released to the society in time.The Beijing news reporter JiangYanXin
