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医改办近期或出台意见 医院药品提成从暗扣变明扣--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  医改办近期或出台《关于药品流通行业改革发展的意见》 Do cure the near future or issued[About drugs circulation industry reform, development and opinion]

  医院药品提成将从“暗扣”变“明扣” The hospital drugs from the commission will"hidden-interlocking"change"Ming button"

  将清除药品流通企业并购的政策障碍 Will clear drugs circulation enterprise merger and acquisition policy barriers

  《经济参考报》记者从消息人士处了解到,国务院医改办近期将出台对药品流通行业变革发展具有指导性的《关于药品流通行业改革发展意见》(以下简称《意见》)。业内人士指出,该《意见》与即将发布的新版G SP(《药品经营质量管理规范》),将对国内药品流通行业产生巨大影响。

[Economic reference to]Reporters from a source place to know,Cure of the state council recently issued will do to the circulation of medicines industry development change with guidance[About drugs circulation industry opinion of reform and development](Hereinafter referred to as[opinion]).The personage inside course of study points out that,this[opinion]With the upcoming new G SP([The quality control standard for pharmaceutical business]),For domestic medicine circulation industry will be a tremendous impact.


Medicine circulation bear the guide or organization manufacturing research and development production is safe and effective/The price is reasonable drug,And in time to drug distribution of urban and rural medical or retail drug terminal,Ensure that the people of the drug can be acquired and circulation of the drug quality safe responsibility.The service level directly influence the development of manufacturing industry,Affect the people health and health and social development.


It is reported[opinion]Try to solve the problems at present medicine circulation,Mainly includes four sections.


From a policy and so on various aspects give drugs circulation enterprise mergers and acquisitions between to support,Clear m&a policy barriers.


At present,The Chinese medicine group/Irrigation group and so on drugs wholesale three group sales scale accounted for the proportion of the whole industry nearly one-third,The seizure of the top 10 than 46%,Before the seizure of more than 73%.but,Since the circulation of medicines"1025"Planning approval,The national more than 13000 home drug wholesale enterprise pattern has not changed,Enterprise quantity is not significantly reduced."The national don't need so many wholesale enterprise,The enterprise earning money from drug tariffs.At present,The key to high drug prices virtual circulation link,To lower drug prices,Will reduce the circulation links and reduce the number of circulation enterprises."The source pointed out,[opinion]Merger and acquisition is expected to breakthrough occurred in all sorts of barriers,Urged circulation enterprise mergers and acquisitions,This will bring great influence to the circulation of medicines industry."No exaggeration to say,Medicine circulation revolution era coming."He said.


It is reported,Pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises to truly do drugs wholesale business is not much,Many are engaged in"A ticket/Speculative reselling of tickets"(Stripping bill of value added tax), and other illegal business.Although the ministry of commerce issued last year of drug circulation industry"1025"Planning encourage mergers and acquisitions/"1025"To make during the billions and billions of pharmaceutical wholesale group,But pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises in merger and acquisition in practical operation is difficult to.


"Enterprise bigger and stronger by capital and strength,In addition to three groups have advantage,Small state-owned enterprises/The private drug wholesale enterprises want to m&a is very difficult."Nanjing medical vice President ZhangXuan said.Kyushu pass a executives pointed out,Merger and acquisition transaction cost is too high.


In addition to the sufficient capital,Policy also bring a lot of resistance.Guangzhou medicine vice President luo will yi said,Some provinces and cities and policies,Only in pharmaceutical company was established at or above the county level,To have the basic drug distribution in the county jurisdiction.Some enterprises in the internal restructuring of merger and acquisition,Already a province original more than 10 subsidiaries integration for five,But in order to achieves the basic drug distribution qualification,Had to be split/Bid for."Virtually returned to the past,Increase the enterprise cost."He said.


In acquisition policy problems occurred in pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises."Because after the acquisition,Store the original medical insurance fixed-point qualification need cancellation,By acquirers to declare the store's medical insurance fixed-point qualification.Whether successful to obtain the qualification of great uncertainty,Especially in some places set up total limit/Requirements resume business for more than two years conditions,Significantly increased the risk of merger and acquisition."Common people big pharmacy chain co., LTD., chairman of the board XieZiLong said,Together with also has a lot of problems.In m&a transition process,All business licenses need is dealt with afresh,And functional departments to deal with licenses need a weeks to a month's time,This means that during this period,Pharmacy must wait for new out of business licenses,Economy loss very big.

  二 是 规 范 医 院 药 品 的 流 通 程序,解决医生拿药品提成问题。

The second is gauge fan hospital medicine goods flow through program,To solve the doctor take drug commission problem.


"In addition to the circulation of medicines by mergers and acquisitions (m&a) to reduce the enterprise,The doctor from drugs and the present situation of the commission must be changed.If you can't remove this part of the profit,Enterprise m&a has lost its meaning."The news sources,Prices virtual high circulation link should also be included in the hospital"circulation"-- to doctors pay around 30% commission drug expenses.According to reveal,[opinion]Puts forward the specific measures to solve this problem,will"hidden-interlocking"change"Ming button".Hidden-interlocking refers to drug distribution enterprises to the doctor personal allowance,Ming button is hidden-interlocking the black-box approach into the hospital pharmacy enterprises and between the bargaining,The hospital will be the income into this unit's performance evaluation.


Three is to fully protect the basic drug distribution enterprise profits,Ensure drug quality.


The source pointed out,Such as medical institution at the county and township levels at the grass-roots level of basic drug consumption is small/Remote place,So the basic essential drugs delivery cost is very high,Lower profits,Pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises can only give up on this market."Large and medium-sized wholesale enterprise not to do it,Basic drugs can't guarantee the quality of the county and township levels."He pointed out that,[opinion]To undertake the task of basic drug distribution enterprise offer certain preferential policies.

  四 是 鼓 励 药 品 零 售 企 业 的 发展,医院不得限制处方外流,充分保障患者知情权。

The fourth is drum wound medicine product zero sales to the development of the industry,Hospital shall limit the right of the prescription outflow,To fully guarantee the patients right to know.

  北京金象大药房医药连锁有限责任公司副总经理叶真指出,金象大药房100多家门店一年仅能收到30到40份处方。“公司2011年处方药销售占药品销售总份额的比例,较2 0 1 0年 下 降 了1 .4 %个 百 分点。”谢子龙说,随着医疗机构数字化建设的推进,受利益驱动,医疗机构将电子技术变成了控制处方外流的手段,患者需通过复印身份证等一系列手续才能从医疗机构获取处方。记者 曾亮亮 实习生 姜韩

Beijing gold elephant big pharmacy medicine chain co., LTD., deputy general manager YeZhen pointed out,Gold elephant big pharmacy more than 100 stores a year can only receive 30 to 40 a prescription."In 2011, the company sales accounted for prescription drug sales total share proportion,A 2 0 1 0 years next down 1. 4% certain locations."XieZiLong said,Along with the advancement of digital construction of medical institutions,Driven by,Medical institutions will be electronic technology into a control means of prescription outflow,Patients need to copy of id card through a series of procedures to get the prescription from medical institutions.Reporters have thanked interns ginger Korea
