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网传吃爆米花会诱发肺病 专家解析相关食用禁忌--亲稳网络舆情监控室


[网络对话]吃爆米花会引起肺病吗?专家解“爆米花肺”成因 [network dialogue] eat popcorn can cause lung disease?Experts solution"Popcorn lung"causes


According to the report,The United States a man suffering from a are called"Popcorn lung"disease,The man said he eat popcorn almost every day.Eat popcorn can cause lung disease?According to the net friend concern,Xinhuanet reporter recently interviewed the Chinese medical doctor association breathing surgeon branch deputy managing director/The sino-japanese friendship hospital respiratory physician dr ZhangYongMing and nanjing tongren hospital nutrition division director canal in strong.


Xinhuanet reporter:"Popcorn lung"A kind of what kind of disease?How does it formed?


ZhangYongMing:In 2007 the United States institute of occupational safety and health survey published the report says,Some people for long-term edible microwave oven to bake popcorn suction generated smoke suffer from lung disease,This kind of pulmonary disease and which in the popcorn factory workers as lung disease,Perhaps the main cause is the popcorn production process using the diacetyl and additive,Cause bronchi disease.

  爆米花制作过程中可能会使用添加剂联乙醯,烘制过程中挥发出来后被人体吸入就可能引起“闭塞性细支气管炎”,俗称“爆米花肺”。“闭塞性细支气管炎”的病理基础为细支气管的损伤、炎症、纤维化及管腔狭窄,患者常见症状为发热、干咳、喘息、呼吸困难,活动后加重 ,伴有周身不适、畏寒和体重下降;严重者可引起呼吸衰竭甚至死亡。

Popcorn production process might use additive diacetyl,In the process of baking volatile out inhaled by human beings might cause"Bronchiolitis obliterans",Commonly known as"Popcorn lung"."Bronchiolitis obliterans"Pathological foundation for bronchi damage/inflammation/Fibrosis and stenosis,Patients common symptoms are fever/Dry cough/gasp/Difficulty breathing,Activities increase after ,With general malaise/And cold and weight loss;Serious can cause respiratory failure and even death.


Respiratory system and external environment mutually,Every day there are more than 10000 liters of adult gas in respiratory exchange gases.External environment the organic or inorganic dust particles,Including all kinds of pathogenic microorganism/allergens/Harmful gas,May with the breathing process into the human respiratory tract.smoking/Car exhaust/Air pollution and so on lead to PM10 readings - which were taken(pm10)/PM2.5(Can into the lung particles)overweight;Occupational exposures inhaled silica/Coal dust/Cotton dust and dust or industrial waste gas factors can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/pneumoconiosis/Lung and respiratory system disease;carpet/The wide application of curtain cloth to make indoor dust mites quantity increase;The cat/bird/Pet dogs to animal fur allergens increase;In the air conditioner breeding of fungi/The pollen of the flowers such as spores cause bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in incidence.


Xinhuanet reporter:Our daily eating popcorn which contain harmful substances?


Canal in strong:I understand,Our daily eating popcorn will add some sweet monosodium glutamate/essence,To increase the crisp feeling will also add some trans fatty acid(Also called plant cream/margarine/Hydrogenated vegetable oil).After this kind of fat processed food taste sweet crisp,Common icing bread/cookies/Instant noodles/Cream cakes are including some trans fatty acid.


Trans fatty acids after intake to human body harm,For teenagers,Trans fatty acids can affect must fatty acid absorption,Lead to central nervous system dysplasia.For adults,May cause infertility/obesity/Disease of heart head blood-vessel/dementia/Problems such as diabetes.


Corn in the process of machining for popcorn,The loss of water and nutrients for the drain:100 grams of corn carotene for 100 micrograms,And 100 grams of popcorn carotene basic is 0;Calcium 49 mg / 100 g/Popcorn is 2 mg / 100 g.The same 100 grams of popcorn with 100 grams of corn compared with the amount of carbohydrate/Fat content increases.


Xinhuanet reporter:The net friend to eat popcorn what you suggest?


ZhangYongMing:Should not be excessive edible popcorn,If you use the microwave popcorn,To appropriate away from heating zone,After heating open bags in ventilated place smell after edible.street"converter"Type popcorn for"converter"Contains lead,In the high pressure heating,Pot of lead have a certain amount will melt adsorption in loose rice spend,Eating might take place after chronic lead poisoning,Will harm nerve/Hematopoietic and digestive system,Affect child development.

  一些小商贩在制作爆米花时会使用氢化植物油制成的植物奶油代替黄油,其中含的反式脂肪酸会升高血液胆固醇水平,增加冠心病的发病风险。(新华网记者 姜春媛)

Some vendors in making popcorn will use made of hydrogenated vegetable oil plant cream instead of butter,Contain trans fatty acid increases blood cholesterol levels,Increase the risk of deelopment of coronary artery disease.(Xinhuanet reporter JiangChunYuan)
