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女子做完清宫手术胎儿仍在腹中 医院承认手术失误--亲稳舆论引导监测室
做完清宫手术胎儿仍在腹中 瑞昌市人民医院遭投诉 After the qing dynasty palace surgery fetus in the womb is still ruichang city people's hospital was complaints
医院承认手术失误 当地卫生局已介入 Hospital admit operation mistakes local health bureau already intervention
In a few days,Li hua(alias)Will and her husband in the National Day hold wedding.See day is near,But they actually how also not happy,Because they are for a pile"Fertility storm"For the statement.
More than two months ago,Pregnant li hua finally to experience the joy of the mother,The couple even for future children's names debate.But I didn't know after 1 week,She is because"Para see red"Is the hospital diagnosis for"Threatened abortion",And to endure pain made the qing dynasty palace surgery.Make a family surprise,In a few days after the end,She tu feeling unwell back to review the hospital,B to exceed unexpectedly efferent belly"Dead baby"Heartbeat of.But at the moment, gave birth to a healthy baby boy is very slim chance.../
不慎摔跤导致孩子流产 He wrestling cause the child to abortion
Live in jiujiang ruichang city "lake farm house east new district li hua,22 years old this year.In 2010,,Worked in guangzhou do clothing business li hua meet than her big 2 years old ZhouRuiFeng villagers,Through a period of time communication,Two people quickly identified as relationship between lovers,And in the deal with the marriage registration formalities.As a result of two people are busy with the business,Therefore they always can't spare the time to hold wedding.
By the end of march this year,Li hua found themselves with signs of pregnancy,He came to the hospital the examination,Diagnose pregnancy.But the family not happy how long,Bad luck came.may,Li hua immodesty wrestling cause the child to abortion,In ruichang city people's hospital(System level 2 class hospital)Did the qing dynasty palace surgery,Originally is full of happy a fell silent.
July 19,Li hua found himself and menopause for a few days,Some nervous she came to ruichang city people's hospital for examination,As a colour to exceed then found li hua and pregnant.The result let family nervous and surprise.
保胎却成清宫打胎 But choose to defend to the qing dynasty palace
As they were full of expectations,Tragedy staged again.July 22,,Li hua after dinner,Feel some wrong,To the toilet a look,She jumped out,Because she para see red."Is abortion the?"A fear of the idea came into her mind.
That night at about 7,She was accompanied by family came to ruichang city people's hospital,Hope I can keep the fetus,And it is this check that they made a now think that the most wrong decision."In most people's hospital is the best hospital,Thought here but let me lost children."Li hua told reporters,The night was department of gynaecology and obstetrics doctor XiongDan duty,XiongDan combined with her history and colour to exceed examination,Judgment she system"Threatened abortion",And advised her to do right now the qing dynasty palace surgery.The news of the defeat again abortion li hua and the presence of the family,This is the shenzhen do a project in ZhouRuiFeng after sitting out overnight plane back.
"Because of the fear of pain,I was unwilling to do the qing dynasty palace surgery.But XiongDan said don't do, you can first take the medicine,When the qing dynasty palace still need to do surgery,Because did not flow clean.I think now that morning and evening to do,That as early."Li hua said,That night in XiongDan persuasion,She immediately made the qing dynasty palace surgery.
清宫之后胎儿仍在腹中 After the qing dynasty palace fetus is still in the womb
The postoperative,Li hua with their own flesh and blood to lose the pain leave the hospital returned home recreation.When her family all thought it was the past time,A review of the results,And let things comeback waves.
On July 28,,Is li hua postoperative week date,Li hua found himself a little abdominal discomfort.She didn't want to think more,Go alone ruichang city maternal and child care service centre made a review,But only to let her silly eye:Uterine cavity near the left uterine corner visible pregnancy cystic echo.When she was in tears came back from the hospital told her husband ZhouRuiFeng the results,The family is difficult to believe that this fact.
Because the doctor's negligence,Cause the qing dynasty palace didn't clean it up,A residue left in utero,Such cases ZhouRuiFeng heard of.But accept the qing dynasty palace after surgery but still have a good children stay in house,They are never heard of before.The couple is grieved,And angry.
"Clearly has had a miscarriage,And do the qing dynasty palace surgery,Why are there still gestational sac?"ZhouRuiFeng very confused,Maternal and children health care centers of the doctor's diagnosis is to let his temptation:Suspected ectopic pregnancy,The proposal goes to provincial maternal and child care service centre for further examination.The day,The couple arrived at the provincial maternal and child care service centre for further examination,Finished after B to exceed,The doctor's diagnosis is:pregnancies.
Results mean that the child still can keep?ZhouRuiFeng a couple on heart a glimmer of hope for.
患者再度做人流手术 Patients do again the stream of people surgery
But the reality is more painful,They want to the fetus to choose between them:To or not to?
At this time,Li hua couple is to don't worry about the children,Because the fetus in the surgery may suffer a instrument of direct damage,Or intraoperative/The use of banned drugs and pregnant women,They worry that children born in the future will leave sequela,No one can guarantee the health of children.They asked for the relevant experts,And to seek advice,Most think:The qing dynasty palace surgery in children's great damage,Nobody can guarantee after the baby is born,Will not lack the arm little leg,So the child had better not.
Experts say,Completely shattered two people of hope.A couple thinking over and over again,The final decision on August 3, in the provincial maternal and child care service centre made a suction palace the stream of people surgery."Operation finished,The doctor told me that,From li hua body blow out house organization about 20 g,Can see the obvious villi,That is my child."ZhouRuiFeng said.
医院承认手术失误 Hospital admit mistake operation
This period of time,Li hua the couple has been in the hospital on the run,Want to make our unusual experiences to ruichang city people's hospital for saying,But never wait for relevant personnel of positive reply.On September 25th afternoon,The reporter comes to ruichang city people's hospital in-patient department on the third floor of the department of gynaecology and obstetrics,Attending physician XiongDan declined reporter's interview.then,Reporter in ruichang city health bureau under the help of the relevant leaders,Found responsible for the mediation of the hospital this legal adviser/Jiangxi but people LuoSiYin law firm lawyers,The stream of people surgery to li hua finished after his stomach still alive the fetus,He represented the hospital think she reflects the basic situation is true.
ROM. Lawyer said,It is the faults in the operation,Technology has defects,But it does not belong to medical accident,Because the medical staff in the qing dynasty palace during the operation without clear clean,The patients did not achieve the goal of therapeutic management,This is medical treatment fault,But diagnosis no problem.therefore,The hospital patients and their families to apologize,Willing to through consultation,Li hua to patients for medical termination of pregnancy again/Transportation and YingYangFei responsible for expenses,Give ten thousand yuan compensation.
"But they cling to our hospital to pay 350000 yuan,Or business is not possible."ROM. Lawyer said,The stream of people surgery leakage occurred in suction,Hospital has the responsibility,The hospital would like to compensate,But must follow the fair/Reasonable standard.In patients with 350000 yuan compensation is put forward too number,The hospital to meet their demands,And in a written form to their patients and their families at or above the county level through the first medical association medical accident technical appraisal,Then, according to the medical accident or fault and responsibility size,Then through the judicial way to solve.
ROM. Lawyer said again,The hospital with patients to ms. Li consultation for matters concerned.But li hua but think,"I make compensations for/YingYangFei and spiritual damages, etc,I am careful to calculate,350000 yuan not too."Discover the qing dynasty palace surgery after failure,Her to the provincial capital to do a second operation.Though the cost is not high,She and her husband are constantly worried:Later fertility would affected?
专家:刮宫后胎儿继续存活很罕见 experts:After dilatation and curettage fetal continue to live is very rare
yesterday,Reporters were interviewed li encounter a provincial capital in the department of obstetrics and gynecology hospital senior doctor professor peng.She said,The woman in the first three months of pregnancy,If see red,The general judgment is ectopic pregnancy or abortion,So XiongDan judge li hua abortion is right.But the normal development of the baby in the 40 to 50 days already it can measure such as beating heart tube life characteristics,Otherwise there are three kind of circumstance can consider:Infant death/Baby development or time to conception late.At this time,The doctor is compared commonly cautious,Will not easily make conclusion,Try to use neutral language to put forward the proposal patients,Choose to continue to observe or people.but,Experienced doctors also may according to the specific circumstances of maternal judgement.
In addition,At present in the stream of people surgery leakage suction chance is not big,Not more than 10%,And after dilatation and curettage fetal continue to survive status is extremely rare.From this point can explain,Surgery doctors lack of sense of responsibility or implementation of the surgical technique is not perfect.because,The process of dilatation and curettage all by surgery doctors feel and experience,Such as surgery doctor poor technology will appear leakage scraping condition.
She also points out that,Patients with ms. Li in the fetus survival back surgery,Mainly patients body hurt is very large,But the loss of the reproductive function is unlikely.
至记者发稿时,瑞昌市卫生局已经介入此事调查。该局还因熊丹医生在对患者治疗不彻底的情况下,未要求患者住院观察治疗,和在门诊病历中也未书写相关体格检查、诊断、注意事项等不规范原因,决定给予熊丹医生全市卫生系统通报批评,并责成瑞昌市人民医院依据《瑞昌市卫生局医疗事故(差错)责任办法追究暂行办法》进行相关责任追究。(江南都市报 文/图 记者袁晓华 实习生高以理 刘杰灵)
To a reporter,Ruichang city health bureau has been involved in this investigation.The bureau for XiongDan doctor in the patients under the condition of not completely,Not required in-hospital observation treatment,And in the outpatient records also not writing related physical examination/diagnosis/Attention is not standard reason,Decided to give XiongDan doctor the municipal public health system criticized,And oblige ruichang city people's hospital basis[Ruichang city health bureau medical accident(error)To the provisional measures shall be investigated for responsibility]Related accountability.(Jiangnan metropolis daily text/diagram reporter YuanXiaoHua interns high Daniel LiuJieLing)
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