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寿命与心率息息相关 每分钟心跳60次能活到90多--亲稳网络舆情监测室


静息心跳分钟60次,能活到90多 Resting heart rate per minute 60 times,Can live to more than 90


人的寿命与心率息息相关,明天是“世界心脏病日”,专家教你如何管理你的心跳 Person's life is closely related with the heart rate,Tomorrow is"The world heart day",Experts to teach you how to manage your heart


Person's life total the heartbeat is about 2.5 billion times to 3 billion times,If the resting heart rate in about 60 times,The life can reach 93 years old,Resting heart rate partial slow,People live longer,While resting heart rate greater than 80 times life will be shorten.A large number of clinical trials also confirmed,Resting heart rate partial fast people,To produce all sorts of cardiovascular disease risk increased significantly.In this year's"The world heart day"- September 30 is approaching,By the Chinese medical doctor association of the city health lecture hall activities held in better,Jiangsu province people's hospital/The drum tower hospital and nanjing municipal authority hospital experts for citizens opened a public lecture.Experts point out that,Young people also want to pay attention to"Management heartbeat",Let the heart rate control in an ideal level.


名词解释: Nouns explain:


Heart rate:A minute the number of heart beats.


Resting heart rate:In the waking/Inactive quiet condition,The number of heart rate per minute.


Movement heart rate:That is the human body in motion to maintain the state of heart rate.

  管理好资产能致富 管理好心脏能长寿

Manage assets to get rich management good heart can live longer


1 动物心跳越慢的寿命越长,那人呢? 1 the animal heartbeat slow life is longer,The man??


过快过慢都不好,静息心率在60次,寿命可达93岁 Slow too bad,Resting heart rate in 60 times,Life can reach 93 years old


Scientists have found,Small mammals such as rats/Rabbit heart such as soon,Every minutes up to hundreds of times,But their life only 1 ~ 3 years.instead,Large mammals such as whales great weight,Heart rate slow,Only about 20 times per minute,The life but can reach 30 to 40 years.A call gravel palmer elder brother, the tortoise lives for up to 177 years,Every minute of it heartbeat is only 6 times.Although this kind of phenomenon has not yet fully understood,But people to put forward a kind of reasoning, heartbeat slow,Long life.


"Management heart,Is largely‘Management heartbeat’",In yesterday's mission activities,The drum tower hospital heart LiXiMing chief physician pointed out,Many patients have to prevent disease of heart head blood-vessel consciousness,But there are a lot of people do not understand,The health of the heart rate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases prevention also to have the very big relations.


Heart rate is what?Experts say,People every pulse beat,Represents an effective the beating of the heart,The number of heart beats per minute is the heart rate.Studies have think,The normal adult resting heart rate(Quiet condition of heart rate)In about 60 times, the longest life expectancy,The life can reach 93 years old(Of course in the exclusion of other diseases is based on).But generally speaking,Resting heart rate control in 55-70 times are ideal,If less than 45 times per minute,May have the risk of cardiac arrhythmia.


Regular physical exerciser heart rate will offset slow,But energetic and without any discomfort,It belongs to the physiological bradycardia.


2 心跳快慢与心血管疾病有什么关系? 2 heartbeat speed and cardiovascular disease have what relation?


心率过快易发生高血压,发生猝死的可能性也更大 Easy happening too fast heart rate of high blood pressure,The possibility of sudden death happened more big


In recent years, more and more medical research suggests,Resting heart rate increase fast can increase cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality,Thus cause serious harm to health.Jiangsu province people's hospital cardiovascular division QianWei impact of doctor of vice director of told reporters,Heart rate increase,Reflect the body sympathetic nerve activity.Sympathetic excitement,Secreting a lot of epinephrine and norepinephrine and catecholamine class material,In under the action of these hormones,Heart rate increase/Raised blood pressure/Breathe faster, etc.When the sympathetic nerve continued active,The secretion of epinephrine levels for a large number of up,Heart consumption also bigger.


And sympathetic nerve activity and high blood pressure are cause and effect of each other relations.The drum tower hospital heart LiXiMing chief physician pointed out,Rapid heart rate,The development of hypertension high risk,And in turn,High blood pressure can cause cardiac function of damage.


Sudden death of coronary heart disease is the most serious type,Excessive sympathetic activation and sudden death have close relations."Have statistical research,When the earthquake and large incident,The number of deaths from heart disease will rise."LiXiMing director said,A lot of young people's sudden death tolls the alarm bell,The young men of the present life and working pressure are very big,Long-term sympathetic nerve excitement is leading to high blood pressure,So young people should pay more attention to the management of the heart rate.


Norwegian researchers in 10 years,Two points to 30000 people resting heart rate were detected,10 years ago that every minute heartbeat people under 70 times,Such as heart after 10 years to 85 times,So the risk of death from heart disease will double;10 years ago to every minute heart rate at 70 to 85 times between people,10 years such as heartbeat growth to more than 85 times per minute,Death probability is improved by 80%.Such as resting heart rate reduced,So just the opposite effect.10 years ago heart per minute to 70 to 85 times if a man ten years later dropped to below 70 beats per minute,Heart disease is the probability of death can reduce 40%.


3 用运动“管理”心跳,要注意什么? 3 with the movement"management"heartbeat,To pay attention to what?


运动心率“170-年龄”,超过了运动过度,不足效果不佳 Movement heart rate"170 - age",More than the hyperkinesia,Insufficient the effect not beautiful


How to measure resting heart rate?General pulse because one is ok.Get up in the morning before,Use forefinger and middle finger on the pulse pressure,Measure the pulse beats a minute how many times,Can also simple calculation about 10 seconds to beat frequency,Then multiplied by 6.But there are atrial fibrillation/Ventricular premature beat such as patients,May cause pulse and heart rate not consistent.Jiangsu province people's hospital cardiovascular division QianWei impact of doctor of vice director of told reporters,Now a lot of the old home have electronic sphygmomanometer,It displays the heart rate,Get up in the morning before it can take out measure.


Resting heart rate bad too,The same bad also slow.If less than 45 times per minute,Tip there may be HuanManXing arrhythmia,Have caused the risk of cardiac arrest,Also need to pay attention.So what method can make the resting heart rate to remain in about 60 times?


The first is to rely on motion.Often take part in all kinds of strength suitable aerobic exercise,Make cardiac function get exercise.The drum tower hospital heart LiXiMing chief physician said,Generally speaking,Movement heart rate also is to have cultured,General motion heart rate is"170 - age",For example a 50 years old man,Movement heart rate control in 120 times advisable,More than that carry momentum is too big,Can not reach the also play less than effect.Before motion to consciously comfortable/No feeling of fatigue,General motion does not exceed 1 hour,And every time the best time for 30 minutes, 60 minutes,At least three times a week to sports.

  其次是保持适当体重。肥胖会使心脏负担加重,心率加快,因此肥胖者要通过健身运动,调节饮食来保持适宜的体重。同时还要注意戒烟与限酒。(记者 于丹丹)

Second is to keep appropriate weight.Obesity will make the heart burden,Heart rate increase,So fat person to through the fitness movement,Control diet to keep appropriate weight.At the same time we should pay attention to give up smoking and limit alcohol.(Reporter YuDanDan)
