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中国儿童用药普遍“成人化” 用药不良反应惹担忧--亲稳网络舆情监测室


我国90%药品儿童剂型 药品不良反应儿童成“重灾区” Our country 90% drug without children dosage form drug adverse reaction to children"Worst-hit areas"


儿童用药“基本靠掰”引发热议 Medicine for children"Basic depend to break"Trigger hot debate


Xinhuanet released recently[Medicine for children"Basic depend to break"Children ZhuanYongYao why famine?]News on the Internet cause parents hot debate.Net friend even ridicule say PCS of the most mysterious number is"Pediatric reduction".According to the ministry of health adverse drug reaction monitoring center the latest data display:China Daily hundreds of people died from adverse drug,The children's 32%.How to prevent the occurrence of adverse reaction?The reporter interviewed.


现状:90%药品没儿童版孩子用药“基本靠掰” status:90% drug didn't children's version of the child medication"Basic depend to break"


a,Xinhuanet release[Medicine for children"Basic depend to break"Children ZhuanYongYao why famine?]News on the Internet cause parents hot debate.In recent years,Children have been special drugs to expose problems,Even once in children's drug field were widely used children antipyretic nimesulide/Children cold medicines such as optimal · are successively by the state department also banned in particular used in groups.Experts pointed out that at present our country children's total population 20%,But children drug shortage,The domestic market, 90% of the drug are not"Children's version",Most is adult medicine"Decrement edition",The domestic market 90% drug no suitable for children's dosage form.Due to the lack of ZhuanYongYao children,Doctors often face no medicine can open embarrassing situation,And children's medicine generally"ChengRenHua",Drug safety for difficult to guarantee.


"‘Pediatric reduction’How much is the amount of it?"Reporter interviewed more than parents,They all say they don't know"Pediatric reduction"Exactly how to reduce.so,Most of the parents give children use is also"By break by have".Nanchang citizens tang woman says,Not long ago,Daughter high fever,To the drug store to buy some medicine,See that said"Half children","How half??Can only blind have been."Ms tang said.


The children's hospital of jiangxi province nurses are often encounters this kind of situation:The doctor gave children match to this medicine,For each take a quarter tablet,Encounter little grains of tablets,It is difficult to separate.Very not easy to cut a probably,The child is too small also can't swallow,Have to hydration open.Children to see this one regiment self-made potions refused to take,Is really embarrassed the child/Played a trick on parents/Wasted drugs!


数据:不良用药致死事件儿童占32% data:Adverse drug lethal event children accounted for 32%


A the personage inside course of study says,Children lack of drug clinical experience/Pharmaceutical factory produces children's drug low profit/The difficult in the examination and approval ZhuanYongYao children is the lack of reason.According to introducing,Because children drug less profit,In the research and development/production/Selling a lot of link such as lack of policy support,This in a great extent, influences the medicine enterprise's production enthusiasm.


Because children drug shortage,The domestic market, 90% of the drug are not"Children's version".According to the ministry of health adverse drug reaction monitoring center data display:Children in our country medicine adverse reaction rate is 12.9%,Neonatal reaches as high as 24.4%,And adults are 6.9%,China Daily hundreds of people died from adverse drug,The children's 32%.Another group of the latest data show that from the official,The domestic each year about 30000 children because of improper use cause deafness.Nanchang city, the administration's a staff said,According to Chinese children rehabilitation center statistics,"Our country under the age of seven children,More than 30% for drug overdose caused by side effects."


"In fact children use more strictly,Different age paragraph the person drugs have different requirements."Experts say,Different period children on drug absorption/distribution/Metabolism and excretion ability is different,Should according to the weight/Age or body surface area to comprehensive conversion,Also according to the different period children characteristics and detailed illness determine treatment.


说法:儿童药剂短缺受困“一品两规” statement:Children's agent shortage under siege"Yipin two gauge"


In fact,Children's medicine shortages and children's adverse drug reaction into"Worst-hit areas"problems,Would have caused the attention of some experts,And put forward some solutions.


The reporter understands,The children's hospital of jiangxi province, director of the department of neurology/Jiangxi province political consultative conference (CPPCC) ZhongJianMin had mentioned this kind of proposal.ZhongJianMin think,At present the situation,And medicine bidding system and"Yipin two gauge"The defects of the system of."Yipin two gauge"Refers to the hospital in buying drugs,For a variety of drugs,Can only choose two different specifications or dosage form,Two specifications or dosage form drug,Unable to meet different age children use demand,And there are some potential safety problems.The current production of children's drug manufacturer is quite rare,The safety of medicine for children is also a lack of security,Medicine for children trapped in drug procurement bidding/"Yipin two gauge"And medical insurance reimbursement system limit,Called on relevant departments properly relaxed policy prescription,Perfect medical management system,At the same time encourage more children's medicine pharmaceutical factory production,Meet the children use demand,Protect the children's medication safety."Can foreign some good practices,On children's special drug or agent shall be the development of the priority project funding,In the related policy to tilt."He said,In order to let children use more secure,Need more government support,Such as production children ZhuanYongYao enterprise can be regarded as the government"High and new technology enterprise",Enjoy the corresponding preferential policies,It is possible to make bigger and stronger,Even the jiangxi construction into children's special drug of the main production base,Further accelerate biological pharmacy in our province the pillar industry agglomeration ascension.


提醒:缺儿童版药 遵医嘱更重要 remind:Lack of children's version of the drug as directed by a physician is more important


Nanchang city first hospital department of pediatrics, director liu said,Many drugs adult use won't have a problem,Children use problems.This is not to drug what's the problem,But children's physiological function and adult different.Children's adverse drug reaction ratio is high,On the one hand is children's physiological function immature/Children ZhuanYongYao less relevant,On the other hand, many parents and the follow the doctor's advice about drug abuse.


Because children on the market at present special dosage form is not much,Clinical practice is more of the adult medicine according to children's weight to calculate drug dose.But some parents home permanent cold medicine/Intestines and stomach medicine and drugs.These parents in children is ill,Usually self-assertion give children to take medicine.Little imagine,This method is very drugs may cause drugs don't suit/Drug dose excessive or insufficient,Or combined treatment occurs when the incompatibility and antagonistic action,So as to cause adverse drug reaction.

  刘主任建议,为了减少儿童用药不良反应的发生,建议家长遵循医嘱和药品说明书进行给药。同时,应根据病情和个体差异,合理选用药物,特别是不滥用抗生素类药物;所用药物品种宜少,严格按照说明书指示的剂量给药,联合用药应考虑药物间的相互作用。此外,对于中药复方,应了解复方制剂的组成,避免重复用药造成超剂量;注意小儿用药史或哺乳情况,按医嘱给小儿服药,注意观察疗效,并定期更换用药,不宜久服,发现不良反应应及时对症处理。(江南都市报 文/记者徐明)

Liu director suggests,In order to reduce the occurrence of children's medicine adverse reaction,Suggested that parents follow the doctor's advice and drug instructions to medicine.At the same time,Should be according to the illness and individual differences,Reasonable choice drug,Especially not abuse antibiotic drugs;The drugs should be few varieties,In strict accordance with the instruction of the dosage of medicine,Combined treatment should consider drug interactions.In addition,For Chinese herbal compound,Should understand the composition of compound preparation,Avoid repetition medication cause ultra dose;Pay attention to pediatric medical history or lactation situation,According to the doctor's advice to pediatric dose,Attention to the observation of curative effect,And change regularly use,Shoulds not be long suit,Find adverse reaction should cure in time.(Jiangnan metropolis daily text/reporter declining)
