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孕妇连吃4只大闸蟹导致流产 专家建议浅尝辄止--亲稳舆论引导监测室


With a large number of listed hairy crab,Many people will buy on a few at home cooking.The day before yesterday,Both in nanan distract Chinese flowering crabapple the LiuXiaoYue(alias)Just because a sigh of relief ate four hairy crab,Appeared threatened abortion,Final pregnant two months of fetal didn't keep.Armed police corps chongqing hospital maternity clinic center director WangRong said,Pregnant women is not entirely can't eat hairy crab,But must pay attention to position and quantity.


吃了大闸蟹 胎儿没有了 Eat the hairy crab fetal have no


yesterday,Reporter in the armed police general hospital of chongqing maternity center met LiuXiaoYue,Recall what happened the day before yesterday,She can't help but sad tears.


"Early know I will listen to the husband words,Don't eat so much the hairy crab."LiuXiaoYue told reporters,Her 30 years old this year,Weekdays very love to eat all kinds of seafood,Every year the hairy crab listing of the season,Can buy a lot of to eat,This year although pregnant,But she still buy on the net for 20 only hairy crab,The 12 points only for both parents,The rest of the eight only will stay with the husband eat.LiuXiaoYue said,She seems to be heard before pregnant women can't eat too much hairy crab,But she still cannot manage own lips,The day before yesterday night only 8 are steamed ripe,And the husband ate four only.


That night,LiuXiaoYue began to diarrhea abdominal pain,And adjoint nakedness bleeding,Appeared threatened abortion,The husband immediately her to chongqing armed police corps maternity hospital center,But in the end still can't keep two months old fetus.


大闸蟹性寒 孕妇应慎吃 Hairy crab sex cold pregnant women should be careful to eat


According to wang is introduced,Pregnancy can't eat crab"A stick killed",Most of the pregnant women can still a little taste of delicious crab,But cold sex constitution of the pregnant women not to eat crab,This is because crabs sex cold,Easy with parasites,Some crab is ecbolic element hello big,Contain hormone composition,These are all factors to consider.In addition to cold sex constitution of pregnant women,During the early pregnant women unfavorable also eat crab,During the period of the fetus is not completely forming,Eat crab will affect the neural development.


Can eat crab of pregnant women,Also want to pay attention to"discretion",Cannot incontinence,The best dilettante,Cannot eat more,A meal ate two hundred grams of crab is enough,This is because the pregnancy women digestion hypothyroidism,Not too easy to digest fresh food.In addition,Due to the hairy crab is high protein food,Very easy to metamorphic corruption,So be careful when you choose to eat.


Even if is fresh crab,Also want to put it in the stomach/Intestines and remove to cook food.Steamed crab can put some Perilla leaf,Can solution crab poison.Crab must be cooked,The water to boil for about 20 minutes after the best again.


Pregnant women eat if false death crab,Light will be dizzy/Abdominal pain,Heavy will vomit/Diarrhea and even abortion.


孕妇吃了蟹 别马上喝茶 Pregnant women eat crab don't immediately tea


Wang also said,Pregnant women pregnancy will eat a lot of fruits and legumes food,This aspect will be careful.Crab itself is already cold sex food,Can't and other cold sex fruit eat together,Otherwise it will cause diarrhea;In addition,Like peanut and so on sexual flat kind of food can't and crab with food.In addition,Pregnant women eat crab also cannot too often,Weekly eat a secondary have counted more than the.


Fall easily lose,On the market and also has a lot of suitable for pregnant women drinking tea,So many pregnant women will be in after dinner drink a cup of tea to drop drop fire,But tea and crabs belong to phase grams class food,At the same time consumption will increase the burden of the intestinal tract,Thus cause diarrhea.If there is any need,Can eat crab in an hour later again the tea.


提醒 remind


孕妇应忌香蕉等六类食品 Pregnant women should avoid banana and so on six kind of food


City deputy director of the institute of traditional Chinese medicine doctors HuangXiaoAn said,During pregnancy,The best diet to eat more fresh food and fruit,Eat less cold hot and spicy food and fruit,The following six food pregnant women had better eat less or do not eat.


banana:Banana sugar content is higher,Obese or a family history of diabetes expectant mothers should eat less,If pregnant women anemia also should eat less pomegranate and apricot.


longan:Longan is hot sex fruit,Easy to produce the symptoms of fire,Also easy cause quickening uneasiness,Not only can't defend,But appeared threatened abortion symptoms,Such as abdominal pain/Vaginal bleeding, etc,Pregnant women had better not eat.


Raw food:Pregnant women to avoid raw food,Such as sashimi/Raw oysters,It may have a lot of bacteria,Need is done before edible,And some smoked meat food also should eat less,Such as smoked sausages/Smoked ham, etc.


eggplant:Eggplant sex cold,Will damage the uterus,So it's best to eat less or do not eat eggplant,Especially after the fall,Best don't eat the eggplant.


hawthorn:Pregnant woman likes to eat haw to resist nausea/vomiting/The symptom such as loss of appetite,But hawthorn can contribute to uterine pucker,If the pregnant woman eat too much,May cause abortion.

  甲鱼:不少人认为怀孕期间要补身体,所以就买来甲鱼食用,虽然甲鱼有滋阴益肾的功效,但是甲鱼性味咸寒,有着较强的通血络、散瘀块作用,所以也可能会造成流产。(记者 蔡力)

turtle:Many people think that to fill the body during pregnancy,So he bought turtle edible,Although the turtle has the efficacy of nourishing the kidney,But turtle sex taste salty cold,Has a strong through blood complex/Scattered stasis block effect,So may cause abortion.(Reporter CAI)
