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中国将面临重度老龄化 速度是发达国家2倍以上--亲稳网络舆情监测室

中国将面临重度老龄化 速度是发达国家2倍以上(资料图,来自网络) (Material diagram,From the Internet)


Reporters on the 22nd of"The 21st century an aging population:Achievements and challenges"Seminar learned that,The global population aging problem is the 21st century the most important one of the development trends,On the society has important and the profound influence.China's future development of the population base will be severe an aging population,Demographic dividend gradually disappear.China as a developing country,Aging speed is developed countries of more than two times,And is"Get old before it gets rich".


本世纪中叶中国老年人口将达顶峰4.87亿 The middle of this century China's aging population will reach to the top 487 million


China is the world's only a 60 years or older population close to 200 million mark country,The old people KouZhan 13% of the population,This proportion is rising fast.


"The development of China's aging population size,speed,Complicated structure,And faced with unprecedented challenges.By the end of 2011,The 60 years or older population reached 185 million,13.7% of the total population.By the middle of the century,China's aging population scale will reach the top,One third of the total population,More than the sum of the aging population in developed countries."The deputy director of the elderly do ChenChuanShu said,The Chinese government is very positive view of ageing,In the old age society brings China opportunity mainly in six areas,Include human resources/Social and cultural development.


"At present,Global nine people in one age over 60 years old,According to the forecast,In 2050 will rise to global every 5 one of them,And in China will for every 3 people have one."The United Nations population fund in China on behalf of the HeAnRui said,In the face of the world's population aging,"In social and economic aspects positive performance/To old-age care and healthy aging population can make contribution for the society,This is the key to seize the opportunity."


Deputy director of the office of the national committee on aging ZhuYong said,China's population of the total fertility rate fell sharply,Lead to China in the challenge of aging population in advance.According to the forecast,China's aging population will be from the current 185 million ascending to 2053 in 487 million peak,An aging population level increases year by year from 13.7% to 35% of the middle of the century.China's future development of the population base will be an aging population,Even severe an aging population,Demographic dividend gradually disappear.


我国老龄化面临四大问题 带来六大机遇 Our country aging face four big problem bring six big opportunity


Beijing university professor pointed out that population research institute LiuLan,China's aging the existing problems is:Old people"Low income,Life is difficult",Urban and rural for old service public infrastructure coverage and participate in utilization rate is low,The community health service level and quality needs to be enhanced,Pension services development lag and old-age care nursing service personnel shortage.


To cope with the problems existing in the aging,LiuLan think,We should perfect the elderly support system,To strengthen the construction of urban and rural elderly facilities,perfect"New farmers joint"system/Urban resident basic medical insurance system and the basic medical insurance system for urban employees,Promote old medical and health services network construction.Perfect old-age work system/Policy system and legal system.Home-based care in the city gradually develop and extend to the rural areas.


ZhuYong think,China's aging exist six big opportunity:In the field of human resources,Young healthy old people a lot of increase,In 2030,,60-64 years old young KouZhan 116 million old people,Accounted for 31.4%,Become China's modernization construction of the precious human resources.In the real economy development field,Population consumer demand rapid growth,Change the social demand structure,For the industrial structure to provide power,Aging population growth,To promote the improvement of consumption rate,Increase the contribution of consumption to economic growth.In the capital economy,An aging population increases the demand for commercial insurance products,To promote commercial endowment insurance,Health insurance,Long-term care insurance, the insurance business and the development of the corresponding mechanism.In the field of social development,Old age group by the society marginal groups become social interest groups,The interest demand for social policy produce guide effect.In the field of cultural development,People live longer,To cultural knowledge,The inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.In the field of political construction,The old political orientation is stable,Is not easy to make radical political rash advance error,Objective to state and political stability.


Chinese people's university professor think DuPeng elderly institute director,Floating population flow in China to aging status quo has a far-reaching influence,Although 50% of China's people live in the city,But the rural elderly/Women's aging population and elderly income is relatively low,Poor health,Need to get more attention.


中国三分之一老人为空巢老人 已达6200万人 A third Chinese old man for empty nester has amounted to 62 million people


"At present,Our country generally spoken of empty nester has 62 million."DuPeng professor noted that,The 2010 national 401 million families in the door,Have 60 years or older population household for 1.23,Accounted for 30.6%.Empty nest family a total of 40.135 million households,Life in the empty nest family in the old total at least 62 million people,The elderly accounted for one third of the total.


"The Chinese old age health factors tracking survey,Our country more than 80 - year - old old man self declaration daily self-care ability disabilities proportion,1998-20090,An annual average of 3.3% decline.This shows that,Ten years,The Chinese people's living standards greatly improved,Elderly life auxiliary facilities condition and the elderly feel significant improvement."Peking University health aging and development research center director CengYi pointed out,Compared with empty nester,Living with their children and old people cognitive ability significantly,Helps to reduce the occurrence of alzheimer's disease,That is three generations living mode for the old and adult children is win-win choice.


CengYi also said,The survey also showed above,Our country the old man's adult daughter is filial piety the parents concept index than the average adult son high 18-35%,Adult daughter with aging parents emotional relationships than son good 30%.This means that,Foster daughter in elderly income return is better than the son(Especially in the countryside).This will help to eliminate tendency to boys and girls,Torsion birth sex ratio increased risk of trend.


世界老龄化数据:每一秒有2人步入60岁 The world aging data:Every second of two people into 60 years old

  在全世界范围内,每一秒钟有2人步入60岁——每年有共计5800万人满60岁。 到2050年,全世界老年人口数量第一次超过15岁以下的儿童数量。

In the world scope,Every second two people into 60 - a total of 58 million people each year full 60 years old. By 2050,The world population old age for the first time more than 15 years old of the following number of children.

  2012年,有3.1亿人在60岁或60岁以上,占全球人口的11.5%。这个数字预计将在10年以内达到10亿,到2050年时,达到现有数字的两倍多,为20亿,占全球人口的 22%。

In 2012,,There are 310 million people in 60 years old or above 60 years old,Accounted for 11.5% of the world's population.This number is expected to be in 10 year of less than 1 billion,By 2050,To achieve the existing digital two times more,For 2 billion,Accounted for 22% of the world's population.


In the past 10 years,60 years old and over the age of 60 population has increased by 178 million,Almost equivalent to the world the sixth most populous nation Pakistan's total population.


In 2010-2015,The developed countries of the population life expectancy of 78 years,Developing countries live an average of about 68 years.By 2045-2050,In developed countries,New birth population is expected to the average life expectancy will reach 83 years old,In developing countries,Will reach 74 years old.


Now every three 60 years old or over the age of 60 people,There are two live in developing countries.By 2050,Every five 60 years old or over the age of 60 people,Nearly four live in developing countries.


Japan is only - a 60 years old or over the age of 60 population more than 30% of the country's total population.By 2050,There will be 64 countries more than the number of elderly population is 30% of the total population.


The world the number of centenarians will increase from 2011 in 316600 to 2050 in 3.2 million.


In the 60 years old or above in the population,Sex ratio for 100 women corresponding 84 men.At the age of 80 or more of the population,Ratio for 100 women corresponding 61 men.


世界养老资料:只有1/3国家享受全面养老保障 The world endowment material:Only a third countries enjoy comprehensive old-age security


In the global scope,Only a third of the country,That is 28% of the world's population,Enjoy social insurance covers all aspects of the comprehensive social security program.More than 60 developing countries pratt &whitney type pension cost GDP ratio between 0.7% and 2.6%.


In the global scope,47% of the elderly men and 23.8% of older women is still engaged in labor.


30 years ago,no"Old economic",Is the consumption of the elderly in more than the young people consumption.In 2010,,Have 23"Old economic"countries,By 2040,There will be 89"Old economic"countries.


In the global scope,More than 46% of 60 years old and over the age of 60 people with disabilities.More than 2.5 million old people appear moderate to severe disability.

  全球老年痴呆症的人数估计为3560万,预计每20年增加近一倍,到2030年达到6570万。(记者 常红)

Global alzheimer's estimates for 35.6 million,Every 20 years is expected to nearly double,By 2030 to 65.7 million.(Reporter ChangGong)
