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老人常跌倒因骨质疏松 晒太阳是最好“壮骨药”--亲稳舆论引导监测室


height"shrink",Gently slip and fracture,A sneeze can chest pain...Such a phenomenon,In the life is not rare.And these,Osteoporosis is the most common symptoms.


On October 20 is wod,This year's theme is"Let fracture walking".The ministry of health has issued in the[Prevention osteoporosis knowledge points]that,Osteoporosis is the fourth common chronic diseases,Old age is the most common bone disease


disease,called"Silent killer".The experts urged,Prevent osteoporosis to calcium/Sports and sunshine.


老年人“跌跌不休” Old people"Stumbling endlessly"


"When I was young 62 stands one metre,Now just one meter five or six.If it weren't for the fracture,I don't know what call osteoporosis."a,Guangxi university of Chinese medicine in the first affiliated hospital held on osteoporosis in clinic,To the citizens of a doctor by aunt said.Aunt have engaged in the warehouse keeper work before retirement,Long-term stay in the lack of sunshine in the environment.And don't you remember from what time does it start,Get up every day,She feel backache/Chest pain.July,Aunt have at home watching TV didn't sit tight,From the sofa slipped on the floor.To the hospital the examination found,She has a serious osteoporosis.


According to extensive TCM endocrinology chief physician LiShuangLei is introduced,At present,Osteoporosis has affected the hundreds of millions of Chinese people.General postmenopausal women 5 to 10 years/Men over the age of 70 the most vulnerable to osteoporosis,And the older,The higher the risk.Osteoporosis is an old man"Stumbling endlessly"The leading cause of.Senile fracture,More often than not pose problems,Improper force,But the result of osteoporosis.And after fracture patients often can cause disability,Even cause death.


“宅一族”易“骨脆脆” "Curtilage gens"easy"Bone crisp crisp"

  李双蕾说,骨质疏松并非都是“老年病”,近年来,在门诊,20多岁就出现骨质疏松现象的不乏其人。“宅男宅女最容易发生骨质疏松。”李双蕾说,都市白领大多是深居办公室,晒太阳时间少,运动量又少,加上很多年轻人喜欢喝碳酸饮料,而碳酸饮料会使骨密度下降。这些都为骨质疏松埋下隐患。 今年暑假期间,读大二的阿锐跟朋友打篮球时,和球友碰了一下,摔倒在地时竟然拧断了髋部的股骨颈,治疗骨折时意外发现他的骨密度值远远低于正常值。现在他的同学常揶揄他是“骨脆脆”。他们不知道,正是由于骨质疏松,阿锐才变成“骨脆脆”。

LiShuangLei said,Osteoporosis is not all"Senile diseases",In recent years,In the outpatient service,More than 20 years, and he appears the phenomenon of osteoporosis is the person."Igawa's female most prone to osteoporosis."LiShuangLei said,Urban white-collar workers are mostly deep in the office,Less time in the sun,Amount of exercise and less,And many young people like to drink carbonic acid beverage,And carbonated beverage can make the bone mineral density drop.These are for osteoporosis buried hidden trouble. This year summer vacation period,Read the big, sharp with friends in basketball,And the ball friend touched,Fell to the ground when unexpectedly wring the sciatic femoral neck,Treatment of fracture when he accidentally found his bone mineral density value is far lower than normal.Now his classmates often ridiculed he is"Bone crisp crisp".They don't know,It is because of osteoporosis,O sharp became"Bone crisp crisp".


LiShuangLei pointed out that,Afraid of insolation/Little movement and excessive weight loss is lead to osteoporosis"Three big killer".In addition,smoking/Drinking and those who often drink coffee/Tea or coke people,The lost calcium than ordinary people will be much more,They had a chance of osteoporosis is high.In recent years, studies show,Relative to the same sex/With the age of the normal population,Patients with diabetes incidence of osteoporosis.


日光浴是最好的“壮骨药” Sun is the best"Bones medicine"


so,Osteoporosis should be how to prevent and control?Three ○ three hospital endocrinology LiNa director said,Osteoporosis prevention is not only usually think of calcium,But from a balanced diet/Outdoor sports and drug therapy, and other multi-pronged approach."say‘Bones medicine’,The best way to lie in the sun."LiNa that,Osteoporosis is the main performance of low bone mass,In daily life,People as long as a day in the sun for 15 minutes,Can be"Bone bank"Add deposit.


Many people think,People age,Develop osteoporosis like old hair as white,Is a kind of inevitable.this,LiNa said in,Osteoporosis although is a physiological phenomenon,But it is also can be prevented,And prevent the main method is to develop a good way of life,Notice filling calcium/Moderate exercise/bask.He reminded,The elderly in motion must pay special attention to protection,Prevent fall.


温馨提醒:早检查,别等骨折才上医院 Warm remind:Early check,Don't wait to fracture on the hospital

  据专家介绍,通常,骨质密度在30到35岁时达到骨峰值,之后便会因钙质流失而开始下降,尤其以女性的下降速度更为明显。由于没有明显的早期症状,不少女性在出现疼痛甚至骨折后才发现自己患上了骨质疏松症。 因此,专家建议,40岁以上的中老年人应适时检测骨密度,绝经后的妇女更应该重视此项检查。近年来,南宁街头常有人设摊为市民测试骨密度。对此,专家表示,这样的测试结果只能做参考,不一定准确。市民要想了解确切的骨密度,还是到正规医院做骨密度筛查。

According to expert introduction,usually,Bone density in 30 to 35 years old to bone peak,After they will for calcium loss and begin to decline,Especially in women's descent velocity is more apparent.Since there is no obvious early symptoms,Many women in the present with pain and even fracture after that she has osteoporosis. therefore,Experts suggest,Above 40 years old in old people should be timely detection bone mineral density,Postmenopausal women are more importance should be attached to this examination.In recent years,Nanning street often someone SheTan for citizens bone mineral density test.this,Experts say,This test result can only make reference,Not necessarily accurate.People want to know the exact bone mineral density,Or to normal hospital for screening bone mineral density.


interview,The expert warns a citizen,Once appear, the following symptoms,Best to the hospital for an examination:One is the pain,Especially the small of the back pain;The second is the body becomes short/humpback;The third is particularly vulnerable to fracture;The fourth is in 45 years old or before menopause already,There are four parts of pain/Hands and feet numbness/The symptom such as muscle cramps.(Reporter HuangCui qiao)
