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女孩与人说话心跳加快浑身虚汗 或患社交恐惧症--亲稳舆论引导监测室


年龄愈大胆子越小 南丰一姑娘害怕和陌生人说话 The more the more daring age NaFeng a little girl afraid of talking with strangers


专家称其可能是“适应困难症”或“社交恐惧症” Experts say it may be"Adapt to difficult disease"or"Social phobia"


From fine(alias)Occasionally raise head can see,Small clear is a very handsome girl."I'm afraid,I am afraid of talking to strangers."In addition to the mother,Small clear almost not to talk to anybody.A man is good boy,Primary school to junior high school graduation monitor is a good student,Why suddenly become ashamed to see people,Even give up is attended secondary normal college,Every day the yourself at home??For the last few days,Reporters through a small fine parents/My classmates and teachers,Try walking into the ashamed to see people's girl."We just want to let her go back to normal."Worried parents took her to the doctor away,Want to let her daughter out of the shadows,Towards the sun.


 初见羞于见人的姑娘 First sight ashamed to see people's girl


"We don't know,Why she become so?"Speaking of the daughter of eyes,Small clear mother ms. Xiuzhu looked puzzled.Ms. Xiuzhu said,Small clear from is very sensible,When they are very young parents know understanding.Ms. Xiuzhu said,She and her husband do business in the county,Is busy,Small clear is often ran to help,See you in the evening parents work very tired,She will come to amuse parents.After school,Small clear result is very good,From primary school grade one to grade graduation,She is always the monitor,School teachers are all like her very much.


Small clear is NaFengXian people,17 years old this year,Although see when reporters,She has been low head,But from occasionally she raise head can see,This is a very handsome/Slim and graceful girl."I'm afraid,I am afraid of see stranger."See reporter,Her mother at the thy skirts,Lower the head with mother said.In Yang lady's advice,Little sunny not easy"Would like to say a few words to the reporter".


 不愿见同学的“隐形人” Don't want to see the students"invisible"


Reporter noticed,Small clear when talking,Has been at the top of their own thy skirts,But also blush.In 2011,,Small clear third day after graduation,With honours admitted to a secondary normal college.however,Is this a term time,Small clear by a lively lovable little girl,Become a silent"asocial"students.


once,Small warm and fine students chat,Originally happy to hear the students laugh little sunny suddenly feel his face very hot like a fire in burning,Rapid heartbeat accelerate,To feel the heart is about to jump out from the mouth the.She quickly ran into the toilet,Hiding inside until the face of the red tides recede,She just came out to people.After it,Because students often laughing at her,Small clear began to do not wish to participate in collective activity."When the students gathered,The students will take beverage or wine to respect the teacher,Can I end up the cup felt very embarrassed,Sweating all over the,I don't want to let everybody see that yourself."Don't attend the party,And dare not tell parents own condition,Small clear as by his parents"asocial".Of course,Don't understand her except for parents and students.


Slowly the little sunny friends less and less,Also more and more lonely.Small clear will be low head escape into the corner to attend a lecture,After class is quietly back to the dormitory curtilage up.For a half after semester,Small clear like an invisible general,Never before had active contact phase of your classmates,Even if once met in the campus are very familiar with the classmates,Small clear will quietly"across".


 缺少沟通能力的“怪人” The lack of communication ability"weirdo"


"She is a lively and cheerful,The best good student."Reporter with small clear contact junior high school teacher,Chen already know little clear what had happened"changes",And the little sunny this"changes"Very lament.Chen said,Small clear in junior high school,Is a sunshine/Positive students.and,Junior middle school three year are the monitor.


but,Secondary normal school students and teachers to small clear impression is quite the opposite.Their classmate eye small fine is"Bad close"/"apathy"/"weirdo"."Just saw her think she is gentle and quiet,Very and she would like to be a good friend,But every time talking with her,She didn't how to pay attention to,Personality strange!"Classmate xiao fang said,This is her for small fine feeling.In addition,Reporter interviewed several other classmates,They also have the same feeling.Study result is everybody the only sure her place.


Small clear the teacher in charge teacher li also found a small clear problem."She always sitting in the corner of the classroom,No students around the position of her favorite,As long as when the bell rang,The first rushed out of the affirmation is she."In the teacher in charge teacher li's mind,Small clear result is outstanding,But don't want to communicate with people she is the biggest obstacle to the future society!


"Another reason why don't know whether have influence."With the reporter's induced next,Ms. Xiuzhu said another reason.Ms. Xiuzhu said,Small clear when there,She had a child.Little brother was born,Small clear feel for her parents have left out in the cold."This is her with her classmates said."Ms. Xiuzhu said,We never thought of boys and girls,Also didn't feel left out a small fine.


 期待小晴做回正常人 Looking forward to small fine do back to normal


Small clear exactly had what disease?yesterday,Reporters were small clear case interview great YiFuYuan psychosomatic medicine of yuen also abundant director,Yuen director said,From sunny junior middle school to secondary normal college this period of change to see,Small clear there have been great changes in personality:The outgoing into inside and outside,Eventually become ashamed to see people.but,Since there is no see small fine I,Temporarily unable to conclusions.From what she show symptoms to see,Small clear is likely to be with"Adapt to difficult disease"or"Social phobia".Can not adapt to the new environment medium normal college,Cause by the outgoing personality become introverted,Finally have"Social phobia".Cure these problems,First is too nervous to overcome the self psychology,Let oneself often in a state of relaxation.

  为了解决小晴的问题,小晴父母带她四处求医问药,并且多次到南昌做心理咨询,心理医生诊断为小晴是患了“社交恐惧症”,需长期做心理辅导和治疗。小晴父母期待她能早日做回正常人。(江南都市报 文/记者徐明 实习生肖文忠)

In order to solve the problem of small fine,Small fine parents took her around the medicine doctor away,And many times to nanchang psychological consultation,The psychological doctor diagnosed with small clear is had"Social phobia",Need to do long-term psychological counselling and treatment.Small fine parents expect she will soon get back to normal.(Jiangnan metropolis daily text/reporters at XiaoWenZhong interns)
