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  “去药店买药,一定要蹲下来! ”最近,这样一条微博在网上热传。微博中,网友称:由于多年跟药厂和药店打交道,提醒消费者,去药店买药,一定要“蹲”下来。因为站着视线内的药全是提成高的,效果一般,好药都在下面……记者实地探访,发现网络热传的“蹲着买药”很有道理。众多药店的确有以下“潜规则”:从上到下,药价也呈阶梯递减;很多物美价廉的好药往往都被“藏”着。

"Went to a chemist's shop to buy medicine,Must squat down! "recently,Such a micro bo in the online heat transfer.Micro bo in,Net friend say:Due to many years with pharmaceutical factory and dealing with pharmacy,Remind consumers,Went to a chemist's shop to buy medicine,must"squat"down.For standing in the line of sight of the medicine is full of the high commission,Effect general,Good medicine in the following...Reporter on-site visit,Discover the network of heat transfer"Squat down to buy medicine"Quite reasonable.Many pharmacy have the following"Latent rules":From top to bottom,Prices also shows step decline;A lot of excellent quality and reasonable price of good medicine often are"hidden"the.


探访一 Visit a


位置最好药价也最贵 Position best prices also the most expensive

  昨天,记者兵分两路,在中山路、汶上路、贵州路、南京路和浮山后探访了10家药店,发现同种功效不同价位的药品分区十分明显。在中山路一家连锁药店内,记者称想买维生素C片。一名女性导购员把记者领到一处专柜,从最上层的柜台拿出一瓶包装鲜艳的维生素C片递给记者,说“这是效果最好的维生素C片,98元一盒,能吃三个月。 ”记者询问还有没有便宜些的药,导购员又从第二层柜台拿出一瓶,说:“68元一盒,价钱合适,效果也不错。 ”记者询问是否有几元钱的维生素片,这名导购员很不耐烦地说:“没有,那种廉价药副作用大,我们不卖。 ”

yesterday,Reporter to diverge,In zhongshan road/Road to brunei/Guizhou road/Nanjing road and after fushan visited the 10 pharmacy,Find the same effect different price drug partition obviously.In a chain of zhongshan road in pharmacy,Reporters say want to buy vitamin C tablet.A female reporter to the 导购员 in a corner,From the top counter out a bottle of packaging bright-coloured vitamin C tablet to reporter,said"This is the best effect of vitamin C tablet,98 yuan a box,Can eat three months. "The reporter asks to still have cheaper medicine,导购员 and from the second counter took out a bottle of,said:"68 yuan a box,For the right price,The result is right also. "Reporters asked whether there are a few yuan vitamin piece,This name 导购员 very impatiently say:"no,That kind of cheap medicine side effect big,We don't sell. "


Reporter noticed,In the pharmacy in,Cold medicine is partitioned,The cold medicine altogether three layer,A layer above the drug mostly for more than 30 yuan,Intermediate for $10 to $20,The bottom layer needs to customer squatted on the ground and he bend down to see,Is a few yuan drug.In guizhou road in a drugstore buy vitamin C for one hour,导购员 also give reporters took out one hundred yuan drug.When a reporter asked whether there is a cheap vitamin for one hour,Originally warm 导购员 appear some helpless,The reporter to the pharmacy the most remote a counter,The glass door is open,It's filled with all kinds of vitamin piece,"These are the cheapest,You choose me!"Then 导购员 will no longer pay attention to reporter,Leave vexed.


探访二 Visit two


利润最大药品位置最好 Profit maximum drug position best


yesterday,A reporter to interview found,Some traditional classic old medicine in almost all open medicine of bottom frame,Have to"squat"Down to see.In a cold kind of otc drug shelf,Just a few yuan a box of common cold medicines at the bottom,It is significant position is putting a few yuan a box of wind hot cold granules/D C flos ionicerae and fructus forsythiae pieces and.

  治疗高血压的尼群地平是一种物美价廉的“经典老药”,一盒30片药的售价仅1元。昨天,记者在汶上路一家药店内咨询这种药品,导购员从柜台的最底层拿出一小盒药品,还没递到记者手上,导购员就说:“这种药卖得不好,一般人们都买波依定和福辛普利钠片。 ”随后她又从柜台的中上部拿出这两种药品。记者发现,同样是治疗高血压的药物,一盒波依定要23元,一盒福辛普利钠片要43元,价钱远远高于尼群地平。

Treat high blood pressure of nitrendipine is a kind of cheap and fine"Classic old medicine",A box of 30 pills price of only 1 yuan.yesterday,Reporter in the brunei a pharmacy in the drug consultation,From the bottom of the counter 导购员 took out a small box of drugs,Haven't handed to reporter hands,导购员 said:"This medicine sell well,Generally people buy BoYiDing and f XinPuLi sodium tablet. "Then she and from the counter in the upper took out the two drugs.Reporter discovery,Is also treat high blood pressure drugs,A box of BoYiDing to 23 yuan,A box of f XinPuLi sodium tablet to 43 yuan,The price is much higher than the nitrendipine.


so,Isn't cheap medicine? Is the result is bad?City hospital pharmacy experts expressed the"mystery":Sell medicine personnel recommended for those new drug your medicine and most of those old classic old medicine chemical name is the same,And the manufacturer is the same.There are a lot of new drug is the medicine before,Is only manufacturers in order to improve the price of drugs,And to the drug to a name to apply for a higher price to come after.


揭秘 revelation


高价药摆“高位”是视觉营销 High medicine pendulum"high"Is visual marketing

  “我们当然要把价格高、利润大的药品放在显眼的位置了。这也是我们所有药店的一个 ‘潜规则’,所有的药店也都是这样做的。”昨天下午,药店一家连锁药店的老板坦诚地说:“作为药店,我们要追求利润。可是现在,越来越多的基层医疗机构在卖零差价药,把我们药店的空间挤得越来越小。那些列在零差价药范围内的药,我们几乎没有利润,所以只能从一些新特药上来赚钱了。所以,我们要把这些药摆在最吸引消费者眼球的位置上,也要求店员强力去推荐这些药。”

"Of course we want to put prices high/Profit big medicine in the prominent position.This is all we a drugstore ‘Latent rules’,All of the pharmacy are also do so."Yesterday afternoon,A drugstore chain pharmacy boss frank said:"As a pharmacy,We want to pursue profits.But now,More and more basic medical institutions sell zero spread medicine,Our pharmacy space crowded too small.Those listed in zero spread medicine within the scope of the medicine,We have almost no profit,So only from some new TeYao up the money.so,We want to take these medicine in the most attract consumer eye position,Also ask the clerk strength to recommend these medicines."

  “高价药摆高位置,其实就是在运用我们通常所说的‘视觉营销学’。 ”岛城营销指导老师孙志刚说,就像报纸上做广告一样,头版和头题的位置就是最想展示给读者看的内容。在市场上也是同样,不仅是药店,像卖奶粉等其它产品也是如此,那些知名的价格高的品牌奶粉也是摆在最显眼的位置上。

"High medicine pendulum high position,In fact is using what we say normally‘Visual marketing’. "Located marketing guidance teacher SunZhiGang said,Like the newspaper as advertising,The front page and the position of the problem is to want to show the contents of the readers.In the market is also the same,Is not only a pharmacy,Like selling milk powder and other product also is so,Those famous price high brand milk powder is also in the most conspicuous position.


内幕 inside


多卖高价药“提成”多 Sells more high medicine"commission"more


Introduce according to the personage inside course,At the same time,Sells more high medicine can increase personal sales,Can earn commission.In order to increase sales,Generally introduce the competitive mechanism located pharmacy,A pharmaceutical sales commission system.Pharmacy sales income is from the basic salary and personal selling drug amount of commission.Drug sales personnel's fixed salary is in commonly 1000 yuan - 1500 yuan between.If get considerable income must in commission fluctuation kongfu.Every pharmacy have their own respective make drug sales commission system,General in less than 15% of the total sales.In order to in certain time increase their sales,Sale officina naturally keen to choose those high medicine recommend.


And some drug agents in order to make the new listed prices medicine quickly open markets,Also for drug sales set some reward mechanism.It also stimulates the drug sale personnel like recommend new listed prices medicine,Thus can drugstore on the basis of the commission to obtain accident surprise.


医生提醒 The doctor warned the


少听忽悠多看疗效 Little listen to flicker see curative effect

  买药还需因人而异。消费者在购买药品时,千万不要被售药人员热情的推荐说昏了头。售药人员推荐的那些所谓的新药或者一些价格很贵的药未必就是药效最好的药。岛城几大医疗机构的药剂专家坦诚向记者介绍,即使药物成分完全一样、制药工艺完全一样,不同的人吃了也会有不同的效果。为此,专家们建议市民,在购买药品时,不要一味听取售药员的热情推荐。最好根据患者的实际情况或者咨询有关懂药的专家之后再购买。(青岛晚报 记者 田璐 刘泽源)

Buy medicine to still need to vary from person to person.Consumer is buying drugs,Don't be selling medicine personnel warm recommend said to lose your head.Sell medicine personnel recommended those so-called new drugs or some expensive medicine effect is not necessarily the best medicine.Several major medical institutions located the potion expert frank introduces to the reporter,Even if the drug ingredients exactly the same/Pharmaceutical process exactly the same,Different people ate also can have different effects.therefore,Experts suggest people,When buying drugs,Don't always listen to sell officina enthusiasm recommend.According to the actual situation of the best patients or consulting relevant understand medicine experts before purchase.(Qingdao evening news reporter TianLu LiuZeYuan)
