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中国糖尿病呈年轻化趋势 “糖娃娃”越来越多--亲稳网络舆情监控室


According to the sound of China[News aspect]reports,today(14)Sixth is the United Nations diabetes day.Mention diabetes,A lot of people know is higher than the normal blood sugar,But for blood glucose of the causes and consequences,A lot of people still lack complete cognitive.


In fact,If we too much high fat intake/High quantity of heat/High sugar food,Everyone may enter the danger zone diabetes.By the end of last year,Our country has 92 million patients suffered from diabetes in torment,Now in incidence is rising year by year,And present a younger trend.Particularly notable is the children,Love to eat favored,Love to drink cola,Amount of exercise reduce,clinical"Sugar doll"More and more.


This year the United Nations diabetes day slogan is"Protect our future",So how to make education and prevention of diabetes,In order to better achieve this goal?


This year at the age of five little proud can eat can sleep,And ordinary children do not have what differentiation,But recent frequent bedwetting but let parents feel his body may be out of the question.


parents:To the toilet at night,I told him dad two night sleep almost no sleep,Sometimes a shout not up to urine into bed,One night at least ten times or so it.


According to the attending physician wuhan city pediatric hospital endocrinology of doctor of vice director of YaoHui introduction,Little proud had type 1 diabetes,Diuresis is the typical clinical features,In addition,Blood glucose/Drink water more/Eat more,But the body is dropped.YaoHui said,Type 1 diabetes is different with our daily know the old type 2 diabetes,The main cause is children.


YaoHui:Type 1 diabetes is mainly due to various causes pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin of the damage,It cannot secrete insulin to control blood sugar the,It mainly in child and adolescent onset.


At present,The cause of type 1 diabetes is not fully clear,But experts say the main and genetic factors,Require lifelong insulin injections to sustain life.It is because of a genetic factors,In the past a lot of people think that children will only have to type 1 diabetes,In fact,Such views should be fixed.According to"China authority diabetes experts top BBS"Data released by the display:The number of children with diabetes accounted for more than 5% of all diabetes,And each year, with 10% of the amplitude rise.Children and the clinical type 2 diabetes is increasing also indisputable fact.Experts say,Children often because of unreasonable diet/Lack of burnt refined,Especially to eat more carbonic acid kind of beverage/High fat food cause fat,While obesity is the children's of type 2 diabetes important pathogenic factor.Beijing diabetes professional committee director of mother YiMing think,Want to let children no longer type 2 diabetes"Rise of the",The most important way is to prevent.


Mother YiMing:Diabetes prevention is more important than treatment,And the high risk crowd are made by teenagers start,Then the young/middle-aged,Come step by step,So now,If we want to control diabetes,Must start from prevention.


Wuhan city pediatric hospital endocrinology of doctor of vice director of YaoHui also said,Despite the current type 2 diabetes treatment has a lot of,But almost all cases need life control,If a slight oversight can cause more serious bodily injury.


YaoHui:For the family and for the child,I think is a disaster,Because the child means that life every day to poke your fingers,Check blood sugar,If blood sugar control bad word,In the long run it will cause microvascular damage,For example,Blind eyes off,Kidney will be broken.


By the end of last year,Our country has 92 million patients everyday want to insulin injections/Everyday want to control diet,Even people who are suffering from diabetes later brought about by the amputation pain,Suffered from diabetes torture.Mother righteousness testified,If you want to stop the incidence of jobs constantly,We must establish a rational science living habits.


Mother YiMing:The most important thing is to change our way of life,Let our way of life more scientific/More reasonable,Including proper motion,Also includes diet control/Weight control, and so on.


Experts say,A family history of diabetes obesity children,Every six months the parents should take children to the hospital assay blood sugar,Not only to check fasting plasma glucose,And look after dinner two hours blood sugar.Only from the childhood to prevention and management to better reduce the number of disease.


The chairman of the committee of the American diabetes association JiLiNong:Only able to master the skills of self management,Have very good self management ability,This kind of chronic diseases can obtain the long-term good control.(Reporter li xin)
