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“染发剂致癌”说法引争议 医生提醒尽量少用--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  日前,有报道称,一位19岁美发师患上淋巴癌,可能是因为常为顾客染发。@武汉协和血液科张敏医生 后实名发表微博称这名美发师小伙子目前已经确诊为T淋巴母细胞白血病,这与她5年前碰到的同样从事美发的病人是“一模一样”,她也由此提醒频繁接触染发剂者须特别警惕。有医生认为,染发与癌症之间确实“有关系”,只是染发的风险究竟有多高,与癌症之间的关联度有多大还无法明确。医生提醒,在明确两者关联度之前,应当尽量避免、尽量少用。

a,Reports say,A 19-year-old hairdresser develop non-hodgkin's lymphoma,Probably because often hair for the customer.@ wuhan union hematology department ZhangMin doctor rule after published micro bo said this name hairdresser young man has been diagnosed with T lymphoblast leukemia,This five years ago and she met the same engaged in hair of patients is"The same",She also thus remind frequent contact with the hair must be especially vigilant.A doctor think,Hair color and between cancer really"There is a relationship between",But the risk of hair how high,And cancer of the correlation between how also not clear.The doctor warned the,In the clear before both correlation,Should try to avoid/Use less as far as possible.


理发师:这是个别情况 The barber:This is the individual situation


For peer got incurable disease news,In guangzhou, a large chain hair salon as director of Linda party insouciance:"This is the individual situation,China so much stylist,A got leukaemia can explain what?How much more so young hairdresser,Has done only two years,We do these for so many years and nothing."Generally speaking,The barber of hair depends not only on the wear gloves to reduce and hair dye direct contact,Also calls for wearing a mask,but"Often too lazy to wear,Are used to".


But Linda party guests most don't think so,When hair more or less to him about heart worries.


染发控和白发族不在意 Hair color control and white hair family don't care


In a barbershop most often color guest has two kinds,One kind is called"Color control"Young people,Among them with a female predominance;And another kind is old"Hair family",For 50 years old group speaking,Whether men and women,Gradually increasing number of white hair silver influenced both work image,Also influence the daily life,because"After all too older".


So when the above two kinds of people once long out of the black or white hair,Had to into the barber's."More than a month shall come to dye a,If the guest worry too often,For your body to consider,We suggest that they can buy hair dye,Home his fill catch long out of the part,Such extended to three months to the barber shop all dye a."Linda party said.


the,"Color control"For almost the hair affect health don't know and don't care deeply about,and"Hair family"To be worried,But also said"Had to dye".


品牌正品比较安全 Big brand quality goods safe


"In the industry,Generally accepted good hair products have four big brands.In guangzhou relatively large hairstyle chain,Because these brand will have cooperation,Also can get preferential,So will generally choose four big brands."Senior stylist, bright told reporters:"But there are also on the market a lot of simulation of the four big brands,So small and medium-sized barbershop is to see the boss of the character.Some bosses can in the low-cost products push new brand,Is very difficult to guarantee the quality,But high levels or by big brands,Generally speaking,Expensive or would be a little bit better."


In order to minimize hair dye's effects on health,At present general barber shop will confirm customer scalp any damage,The past have to hair dye allergy,There are dyed hair, pay attention to as far as possible not to come up against the scalp.


O bright remind,His hair is very popular at present at home,But first to pay attention to choose the correct safety hair products,Now the hair product is much better than in the past,More into natural dye,Once there was a kind of"Black oil"Hair dye is contains heavy metal,For the body is very bad.Be careful not to buy contains heavy metal hair products.In addition,His dyed at home is the premise of operating properly,We should pay attention to when hair room ventilation,Avoid excessive intake hair dye send out of gas.


医生:这种说法有根据 The doctor:This kind of view have according to


Sun yat-sen university cancer prevention and control center tumor head of the medical department physician LiZhiMing first affirmed"More hair will cause cancer"that,He said this kind of view is based on.


"Although not as smoking can lead to lung cancer so directly,But the hair color and there are some relationship between non-hodgkin's lymphoma."LiZhiMing said,Hair dye was epidemiological think are some epidemic pathogenic factors.


But LiZhiMing also said,So far there is no medical higher other research,So I have no high-level data and literature support to clear the relationship between.Because related cause cancer is complex,So in no more under the precondition of research,Difficult to confirm color behavior in the carcinogenic effects of proportion in how much.And also there's no data to show that the barber is these cancer high-risk groups.

  “选择大品牌会好一点,因为至少通过了相关动物试验。”他提醒染发人士,虽然并不是所有人都可能因此致病致癌,的确很多理发师工作了一辈子也不会有问题,但是在有明确的研究结论出现以前,尤其是老年人,要尽量减少潜在毒物的摄取。虽然没有研究得出相关有害元素要积累到多少量才会对人体造成威胁,但人们还是应当尽量避免,尽量少用。(记者 杨洋)

"Choose a big brand would be a little bit better,Because at least through the related animal test."He reminded people hair,Although not everyone may therefore pathogenic carcinogenic,Indeed many barber work life won't be a problem,But in a specific research conclusion was developed,Especially the elderly,Try to minimize potential poisons intake.Although there is no research that the relevant harmful element to run up to a few more will pose a threat to human body,But people still should be avoided,Use less as far as possible.(Reporter YangYang)
