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艾滋病人校园索求拥抱 医生吁莫拒绝病人求医--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网杭州12月1日电(见习记者 徐乐静 实习生 李梦清)12月1日,是第25个“世界艾滋病日”,今年的主题是:行动起来,向“零”艾滋迈进。当天,浙江两所高校共同举办了世界艾滋病日宣传活动——“请给我一个拥抱”,通过这次活动,让学生们从身体和精神上都做到与艾滋病人“零”距离。

Beijing hangzhou, 01 dec(Trainee reporter XuLeJing interns LiMengQing)On December 1,,Is a 25"World AIDS day",This year's theme is:action,to"zero"Towards AIDS.The day,Zhejiang two universities jointly held the world AIDS day campaign --"Please give me a hug",Through this activity,Let the students from physical and mental are to do with HIV/AIDS"zero"distance.

  “艾滋病人”校园索求拥抱 "AIDS people"Campus exacted embrace


"students,hello,I am AIDS patients,Can a hug?"One day afternoon,In zhejiang ents college campus,seven"AIDS people"Is wearing a blue and white stripe disease suit,Wore masks,Go to the student exacted embrace.


According to reporter understanding,This is the zhejiang university city academy red ribbon AIDS anti moxa association and zhejiang ents university social work association held together"Please give me a hug"World AIDS day campaign.Association classmates put on disease suit play AIDS patients,On the campus exacted embrace,And the release of the aids-related brochure and condoms.


In the activities,"AIDS patients"In ZhangXueMeng to the students embraced bums,Sometimes encounter brush-off,Some students hear"AIDS"These three words after,Will one leng,heard"embrace",More resist,Repeatedly said"I don't top mirror"/"I have something",Then walk away.


"When everyone would like to be my embraced,I think AIDS people with mediocrity no much difference,But when after being rejected by the,I can really feel the AIDS people feel sad."ZhangMengXue very into play,Empathy said.


another"AIDS people"Yao add q also empathy.He said,As a"AIDS people",Heart should be very fragile,Need more understanding and care.


"Through this activity,On the one hand is to improve college students' prevent ai ai resistance of consciousness,At the same time also hope everyone to reduce discrimination against AIDS patients,Care for their."City university red ribbon association HuangDongCai said.


It is reported,Hangzhou disease prevention and control center for the activities provided QiBaBaiGe condoms and related brochure/Posters, etc.


 看病是患者的基本权利 治病是医生的基本职业道德 The doctor is the patient's basic rights cure is a doctor of the basic professional ethics


a,Media reports zhejiang a thyroid cancer patients infected with the AIDS virus healed hindered,Continuous is hangzhou/Shanghai many hospitals refused to surgery,The family was once feel this world abandoned.


One day,Reporter in zhejiang province tumour hospital see this name AIDS patients,However, because recently exhaustion of body and mind,And not willing to accept a reporter to interview.


Zhejiang tumour hospital head and neck surgeons zhao strong is the name of the patients with surgical doctor,He told reporters,This name before AIDS patients because multiple hospitals refused to surgery and become very melancholy.


"Just started to hospital,He almost don't talk with other people."Zhao strong said.


It is understood,Zhejiang tumour hospital this year received eight people infected with HIV and give proper diagnosis and treatment.Vice President of the hospital GeMingHua media said,AIDS is not so terrible,Medical treatment of patients with hepatitis b process/Syphilis protection no difference.


"The doctor is the patient's basic rights,For the patient cure is the doctor's basic professional ethics."Zhao strong said,Don't have any reason to refuse to for a living with HIV patients go under the knife.At the same time,He also said,Because the patient's special circumstances,So in surgery and care has also given a special care.For example to patients with single ward/The operation to slow down/The patient's related waste special treatment, etc.


"Spiritual encouragement and support is also very important."Zhao strong said,YaoWei after the operation,The body begins to recover,The mood also open up slowly.


in"World AIDS day"This day,Zhao strong calls for,The outside world give AIDS more spiritual encouragement and support,It is not only in this special day to give their attention,In each of the ordinary day,Can some more understand less discrimination.


 今年浙江艾滋病疫情同期增长20.6% HIV/AIDS epidemic situation in zhejiang province this year increased by 20.6% over the same period


According to zhejiang province center for disease control is introduced,Since 1985 the province since the reported the first cases of people infected with HIV,So far,Zhejiang province accumulated report people infected with HIV and patient 11416 examples,And same-sex sexual propagation already account for one-third of all report number proportion,And still is continue to rise.


On November 30,,Zhejiang provincial health bureau issued the epidemic situation,So far this year November 25th,Zhejiang new found that infected people and 2513 patients,Compared to the same period last year growth of 20.6%.Nearly two years,Each year the number of zhejiang province new report with 20% of amplitude rise,A rapid rise in the trend to ease.


"Obviously a trend,Is the young students and among 60 years or older in that of the patients more and more."Zhejiang province CDC AIDS venereal disease prevention and control chief physician horse look often said to the media.


In addition,According to domestic not long ago in people infected with HIV doctor difficult question,Zhejiang provincial health bureau director YangJing said,Will actively improve the medical service system in zhejiang province.In 2011, zhejiang province has released details of the province/city/County level 3 fixed-point diagnosis and treatment the list of hospitals,In order to expand awareness,Later not published regularly repeat,Convenient people infected with HIV timely seek medical advice.(finish)
