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  中新网12月5日电 据卫生部网站消息,卫生部今日在其官方网站公布了2011年度中国烟草控制十大新闻事件,其中包括烟草院士、无烟两会、广电总局发文要求严控吸烟镜头等曾掀起广泛议论的新闻事件。

December 5, according to the ministry of health news website,The ministry of health today in its official website announced the 2011 year China tobacco control ten big news events,Including tobacco academician/Smokeless lianghui/Administration of radio, film and television dispatch requirements such as a tight control of smoking scenes was widely about news events.


一、“全面推行公共场所禁烟”写入“十二五规划”,卫生部积极落实修订《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》 a/"The full implementation of the ban smoking in public places"write"1025 planning",The ministry of health actively implementing the revision[Public health management detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations]


On March 16, 2011,released[The national economic and social development five year plan for 12]Put forward:"The full implementation of the ban smoking in public places".Tobacco control content first appeared in China's economic and social development planning in five years,People smoke control to a warm welcome.On March 22,,The ministry of health announced revised[Public health management detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations],The new increased"Indoor smoking is prohibited in public places"Provisions as,Actively implement the"1025"Planning requirements.The detailed rules for the implementation of the new revision since May 1, 2011 the formal implementation.


二、“烟草院士”当选遭多方质疑,专家学者指出低焦油不等于低危害 two/"Tobacco academician"Was elected in question,Experts pointed out that low tar is not equal to low hazard


China national tobacco corporation zhengzhou tobacco research institute, vice President of the XieJianPing to cigarette"Drop focus on reducing"The newly elected member of Chinese academy of engineering,Cause public health experts/Public intellectuals and users of common question.Experts quoted the world health organization[The framework convention on tobacco control],Points out that low tar cigarette health risk and does not decrease,Cigarette harm reduction is"False proposition",Not only failed to protect the people's health,May also disguised selling tobacco,Misleading the public smoking,Reduce to quit smoking.15 December 2011,Experts held this colloquium,And write the Chinese academy of engineering,Called on to the evaluation"Drop focus on reducing"Research results.


三、多部控烟专题报告陆续发布,引发社会舆论热潮 three/Some of the special report released in tobacco control,Trigger social public opinion boom


On 6 January 2011,Chinese and foreign tobacco control jointly issued by experts[Smoke control and China's future - Chinese and foreign experts China tobacco use and tobacco control joint assessment report],On China's tobacco control situation for a comprehensive objective analysis,To evaluate the performance of our country progress.On May 26,China's centers for disease control and prevention released[In 2011, China tobacco control report],Calls for the full implementation of smoking in public places.On December 27,,New research centre for health development release[2011 China tobacco control observation, folk perspective],Suggestions to speed up the indoor work place comprehensive legislation to ban smoking,Smoke package printing graphic warning marks, etc.The report released by the media and the public's attention,A nationwide upsurge of public opinion for tobacco control.


四、“无烟两会”再引热议,代表委员献计控烟工作 four/"Smokeless lianghui"Again lead hot debate,On behalf of the committee's smoke control work

  2011年3月,来自全国 20个省34个城市308个单位向“两会”大会主席团、“两会”代表和委员发出倡议:请无烟开“两会”。“无烟两会”一词也迅即窜红,成为流行热词。全国“两会”代表和委员也纷纷为控烟工作献计献策。2011年“两会”期间,有数百件控烟的提案和建议,提议全面有效履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》,保护人民群众和子孙后代免受烟草烟雾危害。议案共有823名代表署名,其中第545号议案由546名代表联名提出,成为当年提名人数最多的议案之一。

In march of 2011,From the national twenty provinces and cities to 308 units"lianghui"Congress presidium/"lianghui"Representatives and members issued initiative:Please open a smoke-free"lianghui"."Smokeless lianghui"A word also ran back into the red,Become popular hot word.the"lianghui"Representatives and members have for smoke control work of zhenhai.In 2011,"lianghui"period,There are hundreds of pieces of tobacco control proposals and Suggestions,Proposed overall effective performance of the world health organization[The framework convention on tobacco control],Protect the people and future generations from tobacco smoke hazard.A total of 823 bill on behalf of the signature,No. 545 of the 546 bill on behalf of the joint is put forward,Be the nomination by the largest number of one of the bill.


五、广电总局发文要求严格控制吸烟镜头,首届影视作品“脏烟灰缸”奖呼吁落实无烟影视新规 five/Administration of radio, film and television dispatch strict control smoking lens,The first film and television works"Dirty ashtray"Award called for implementation of smokeless film new gauge


Issued by the state administration of radio, film and television[General administration of radio, film and television on the strict control film/TV smoking lens notice],Strict control and tobacco related plot and lens,Film and television works shall not appear tobacco brand identity and disguised tobacco advertising,Have more smoking lens film and TV works will not be included in all kinds of activities held of assessment.China's tobacco control association called on film actively implementing the administration of radio, film and television file,Avoid smoking lens mislead the public/Especially the minors to smoking.In May 2011, and day,Association released 2010 annual movie and TV drama that tobacco lens statistical results,The movie[Let the bullets fly]/TV[Red cradle]Because tobacco lens and was awarded the most"Dirty ashtray"award,[Hawthorn of love]/[Marriage resistance]Because of the film and television play, and does not contain tobacco lens and was awarded"Smokeless film and television"award.


六、烟包新规惹质疑,多地巡展呼吁增加烟包图形警语 six/Cigarette packet new gauge to provoke questioned,More show called for increased cigarette packet graphics cautions


In August 2011,Issued by the China national tobacco corporation notice,Plan to the current tobacco packaging labeling is adjusted.This then was smoke control experts questioned,Think the tobacco packaging labeling adjustment,Still fail to fulfill the world health organization[The framework convention on tobacco control]About cigarette packet greatly graphics cautions of relevant regulations,Difficult to warning smoking brings serious health hazard.And experts say,Tobacco enterprise not in the position to adjust cigarette packet marking,By the relevant government departments should be revised.Over the same period,New research centre for health development/China association of smoking control/The global tobacco control institute's China branch and China tobacco control centers for disease control and prevention office jointly"I want to tell you,Because I love you"Health cigarette packet warning picture exhibition,Call for increased cigarette packet graphics cautions,In zhejiang/guangxi/Heilongjiang and other 24 provinces and cities hold,The audience of more than 612000 people.


七、《哈尔滨防止二手烟草烟雾危害条例》获通过,成为目前最接近世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》要求的无烟环境地方法规 seven/[Harbin prevent secondhand tobacco smoke hazard regulations]Get through,Become the most close to the world health organization[The framework convention on tobacco control]The local laws and regulations for a smoke-free environment


Harbin people congress standing committee on May 26, 2011 passed[Harbin prevent secondhand tobacco smoke hazard regulations],Regulations in May, 2012 and promulgated.The laws and regulations of our country at present is the mainland's most close to the world health organization[The framework convention on tobacco control]Requirements of the local legislation,Suitable for Harbin city all indoor public places/Indoor workplaces/Traffic tools and other possible outdoor public places,For the different legislation to prevent"Secondhand smoke"Hazard with demonstration significance.


八、中国首个高校无烟环境评估报告出炉,98%的高校不达标 eight/China's first university smokeless environmental assessment report,98% of the university is not eligible


In 2011,,China association of smoking control to the national 800 universities in the smoke-free environment and evaluation,And in September 13 release[The national institutions of higher learning and to create a smoke-free environment assessment report].Report the result showed that in the 800 evaluation in universities,16 universities to pass a smoke-free environment standard,Only 2%.Most of the university campus has not been formed a smoke-free environment,In colleges and universities need to further intensify efforts to carry out the campus a smoke-free environment create work.Evaluate the results cause education and health departments attach great importance,At the same time in the university also triggered a reflection and discussion.


九、借助新媒体力量监督无烟医疗卫生系统创建,“无烟医院随手拍”成新亮点 nine/With the aid of new media power supervision and smokeless medical and health system to create,"Smokeless hospital with pat"Into new luminescent spot

  2011年,卫生部连续第三年开展“中国烟草控制大众传播活动”, 继续组织控烟宣传报道作品评选,激励媒体做好控烟舆论监督,同时大力拓展控烟传播的新媒体渠道。5月26日,中国健康教育中心/卫生部新闻宣传中心开设活动官方微博,正式启动“无烟医院随手拍”微活动,通过新浪微博平台发动网友随手拍并上传曝光医疗卫生系统内的吸烟现象,对创建无烟医疗卫生系统进行全民监督。“无烟医院随手拍”官方微博成为国内最受关注的控烟微博账号。

In 2011,,The ministry of health in the third year of continuous development"China's tobacco control public communication activities", Continue to organize smoke control propaganda work report selection,Incentive to tobacco control media supervision of public opinion,At the same time vigorously develop smoke control the spread of the new media channels.On May 26,China's health education center/health news propaganda activities center to open the official micro bo,Official start"Smokeless hospital with pat"Micro activities,Through the sina micro bo platform launch net friend with pat and upload exposure medical and health system in the phenomenon of smoking,To create a smoke-free medical and health system for the supervision."Smokeless hospital with pat"The official micro bo become the most concern smoke control micro bo account.


十、吸烟导致室内PM2.5浓度严重超标,引起公众健康忧虑 ten/Smoking causes indoor PM2.5 concentration exceeds bid badly,Cause public health concerns


In November 2011,The environmental group dall asked natural knowledge club announced"Beijing part restaurant indoor tobacco smoke pollution condition survey report",Nearly half of the investigation is still allowed to smoke in the restaurant,And not smoking restaurant PM2.5 concentrations average over the world health organisation standards 11 times.December,Shenyang health education center announced"Shenyang indoor public places/workplace PM2.5 concentration monitoring results",Six kind of indoor space PM2.5 monitoring concentration are overweight,Administrative agencies/Medical institutions toilet/Restaurants and heaviest pollution.The results indicate that the,Indoor public places in China/The workplace tobacco smoke pollution situation is not optimistic,And tobacco smoke is indoor air PM2.5 pollution main source,Only issued strict laws and regulations can truly control secondhand smoke harm.
