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脐带血临床应用逐渐成熟 已有近400患者受益--亲稳网络舆情监控室


China's first get health practice license of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank of Beijing(Umbilical cord blood bank of Beijing)"Ten years old"the.


"Ten years ago,The umbilical cord blood bank did not establish a precedent and experience."Beijing umbilical cord blood bank CEO deng tomahawk said:As a national "863 project" key project/One of the high and new technology industrialization project,Umbilical cord blood bank in Beijing under the leadership of the municipal bureau of health,In the people's hospital of Beijing university of technology support,From the initial touch simply build library to the current liquid nitrogen library area of 1500 square meters/Database of 500000,To become Asia's largest database of cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank.Ten years,Umbilical cord blood bank of Beijing in cord blood collection/storage/Applications made encouraging results.


储存脐带血 Stored cord blood

  为健康“备份” For health"backup"


In recent years,"Umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells"This process caused many mothers-to-be strong interest.


In the past women in childbirth is regarded as a waste of cord blood,Because of its rich in hematopoietic stem cells,In the bone marrow and peripheral blood after the third largest source of hematopoietic stem cells,Umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation technique has got recognition around the world,Also more and more get the attention of the medical and social.


"Stem cells in the human life body is always there,But as the growth of the age,The number of stem cells gradually reduce;And with the growth of the time,The purity of stem cells will be affected by the influence of the environment."The first hospital, Beijing university, associate chief physician SunYu explained,After the birth was abandoned in the umbilical cord blood stem cells,Not only the quantity and the quality are the best in my life,And acquisition more safety,Use more easy to.For neonatal umbilical cord blood storage,Not only can guarantee the health of children and family,Can also serve the society,Is a precious"Health book".


The ministry of health for[Umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cell therapy technology management standard]in,Clearly define the cord blood hematopoietic stem cell therapy for technical indications:Genetic and congenital diseases,Such as bone marrow failure/hemoglobinopathy/Severe immunodeficiency disease/Metabolic disease,There are some acquired diseases,Such as myelodysplastic syndrome/Multiple myeloma/Malignant lymphoma and other malignant tumor/Severe aplastic anemia/Severe radiation sickness and so on.


According to ms deng tomahawk is introduced,So far,Beijing area of umbilical cord blood storage capacity has reached 150000 a,Return the number of umbilical cord blood of pregnant women in the proportion of the amount of labor from 2% in 2002 to 20% now ascension,Compared with the developed countries,Umbilical cord blood storage proportion is not high,But in our country,Through ten years of popular science education,Beijing area audience of cord blood cognitive in the national leading.


脐血干细胞 Umbilical cord blood stem cells

  移植成功率更高 Higher success rate of transplantation


"Stem cells are primitive cells,It has the tendency of,In the human body will automatically‘Ran to’Damaged place,Differentiation into useful cells,So as to replace damaged cells,Achieve treatment effect."Chinese academy of medical sciences hematopathy hospital lymphoma diagnosis and treatment center director professor said y. zhao et al,theoretically,Stem cells is called"The seeds of life",The human body all the damaged cells can through it to repair the alternative,So stem cell therapy in clinic at present has been used for more than 80 kind of disease treatment,Such as aplastic anemia/leukemia/Spinal cord injury/diabetes/Parkinson's disease/Alzheimer's disease/Stroke, etc.


In 1988,,France a doctor in umbilical cord blood transplantation way to save a suffering from congenital aplastic anemia of children,Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation global many incurable disease patients with the hope of rebirth.Through the research in recent years,Umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation technique has got recognition around the world,In the bone marrow and peripheral blood after the third largest source of hematopoietic stem cells.compared,From the umbilical cord/Umbilical cord blood stem cells is extracted"original",Is considered the highest quality,Most active,And no rejection capability,Almost no antibody,Don't need matches before transplantation,Graft rejection reaction generally small.Clinical statistics show that,Umbilical cord blood stem cell self reproductive ability/Propagation speed,Bone marrow stem cells transplantation than 30% higher success rate.


干细胞移植 Stem cell transplantation

  令400名患者受益 Make 400 patients benefit


"The value of umbilical cord blood made and its application in clinic, has been more and more doctors and professional recognition,Umbilical cord blood storage consciousness is also more and more families have to accept."Deng tomahawk lady said,"At present,Beijing library is umbilical cord blood domestic public library reserves largest umbilical cord blood bank,With an average annual matches the acceptance of the application of more than 700 times,For clinical application has provided more than 400 successful umbilical cord blood,Nearly 400 patients benefit from it,And used for leukemia/lymphoma/Aplastic anemia and kind of disease treatment and clinical research."


Since its inception,Beijing umbilical cord blood bank also one after another for more than fifty patients with poor provide free umbilical cord blood,Public welfare donation funds and materials is 2 million yuan.In 2007,,Beijing cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank and the CDMP data bank established clinical application of stem cells combined query,With stem cell transplantation for more qualified qualified medical institutions open umbilical cord blood stem cell resources,Make patients find suitable for transplantation of hematopoietic stem cell type-specific success rate increase greatly.


In addition to the public library,Umbilical cord blood bank of Beijing autologous library's storage citizens voluntary contribution of umbilical cord blood stem cells have nearly 120000.Return the number of umbilical cord blood of pregnant women in the proportion of delivery quantity by 2% in 2002/3% to 15% to 20% now,And successfully completed seven cases of self or genetic transplantation cases,Opened more"The country's first".


In April 2009,In the capital medical university affiliated Beijing children's hospital,A baby with their own cord blood treatment of neuroblastoma,This is the first case of using autologous cord blood treatment successful cases;In December of 2009,In Beijing road culture hospital,With severe aplastic anemia 5 year old girl yan yan and through the transplant his umbilical cord blood get treatment,This is the first case of autologous cord blood treatment cases of aplastic anemia;And a quasi mother was pregnant unfortunately suffering from leukemia,Then the doctor will the child's umbilical cord blood injection mother body,Saved her life,This is the first child self storage of umbilical cord blood to save mom's case.


自动化检测 Automation testing

  提高移植安全性 Improve safety transplantation

  “北京市脐血库不断改进脐带血采集、制备和储存技术,确保脐带血造血干细胞的质量和存活率。只有检测合格后的脐带血才能够储存,因此对血液安全性的检测非常重要。”邓钺女士强调,事实上,有些母亲患有隐匿性的乙肝(HBV)、丙肝(HCV)或艾滋病(HIV)病毒感染,但是她们本身并不知情。常规的血清学检测技术(ELISA)可用于检测血液中HBV、HCV和HIV的抗体,但当血液正处在感染“窗口期”时 ,ELISA就无法准确检测,而90%以上HBV和HIV的输血传播风险及75%以上HCV的输血传播风险来自于“窗口期”病毒感染。

"Umbilical cord blood bank continuously improve the umbilical cord blood collection/Preparation and storage technology,To ensure the quality of the cord blood hematopoietic stem cells and survival.Only qualified after the cord blood can be stored,So on blood safety detection is very important."Ms deng tomahawk emphasized,In fact,Some mothers with occult hepatitis b(HBV)/c(HCV)Or AIDS(HIV)Virus infection,But they don't know itself.The conventional serology detection technology(ELISA)Can be used to test the blood HBV/HCV and HIV antibody,But when the blood is in infection"Window period"when ,ELISA can't accurate detection,And more than 90% HBV and HIV transmission risk of blood transfusion and more than 75% of the blood transfusion HCV spread risk comes from"Window period"Virus infection.

  邓钺女士认为,目前,国内外干细胞技术广泛应用于医疗的时代已经到来。作为我国卫生部批准的中国首家脐带血造血干细胞库、国内首家获得ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证的脐带血库和目前亚洲库容量最大的脐带血造血干细胞库,北京市脐血库将继续秉承“专业、专注、精益求精”的经营理念,“培育希望、收获健康、备份生命”的使命,通过不断加强科研实力,引进最新检测技术,提供优质的服务,让干细胞移植这项高科技的应用惠及更多的家庭,让更多的中国人享受到这份生命的保障。(记者 李颖)

Deng tomahawk lady think,At present,Stem cell technology at home and abroad are widely used in medical treatment time has come.The ministry of health in China approved by the China's first cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank/The first ISO9001 international quality management system certification of umbilical cord blood bank and the Asian largest database of cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank,The library will continue to pursue the umbilical cord blood"professional/focus/Strives for perfection"Business philosophy,"Foster hope/Harvest health/Backup life"mission,Through the strengthening scientific research strength,The introduction of the latest testing technology,To provide high quality service,Let the stem cell transplant the high-tech application benefit more family,Let more Chinese people to enjoy the life security.(Reporter kit-tai)
