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中国糖尿病患者超九千万 多半与生活方式有关--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网12月12日电 随着生活条件越来越好,糖尿病的发病率也越来越高。有研究显示,目前中国二十岁以上患糖尿病的人数已达九千二百四十万。对于患者来说,持续血糖控制不佳会对他们的身体造成非常多的损害,比如心血管疾病、视网膜病变、足部溃烂导致的一些截肢,甚至死亡。如何防治糖尿病?患病之后如何控制?都是人们越来越关心的问题。

December 12 - along with living condition is getting better and better,The incidence of diabetes more and more is also high.Research shows that,At present China twenty years old or more, the number of people with diabetes has reached ninety-two million four hundred thousand.For people to,Continued poor blood glucose control in their bodies will cause a lot of damage,Such as cardiovascular disease/retinopathy/Foot fester led some amputation,Even death.How to prevent and control diabetes?After I became ill how to control?Are people more and more concern.


Research shows that,60% of diabetes and unhealthy lifestyles related:Lack of movement,Eat more high heat junk food,Can lead to absorb energy than energy consumption,People tend to get fat,And obesity is one of the important causes of diabetes.so,Medical experts say,The prevention and control of diabetes is the most important thing is to change his way of life:Control diet,Moderate amounts of staple food,Reduce weight,Appropriate added some compound nutrition powder ease hunger,In a healthy life and at the same time,Pay attention to balanced,Can science and prevention and control of diabetes.


Many people got after diabetes,A panic to diet,Think diabetes is to eat out,so,After the illness diet is too strict,Lead to deficiency,And the other is that some patients,The treatment of diabetes is very simple,Just diet control and self movement.But in fact,Medical experts have thought that a,The prevention and control of diabetes is the ideal mode of life to improve,Medical nutrition therapy(MNT)And the combination of drug treatment.Medical nutrition therapy in China is a new concept,But in the United States,Medical nutrition therapy(MNT)Medical experts are widely recognized by scientific treatment.Medical nutrition therapy why can help patients improve the way of life?This is because it can use a suitable for the formulation of the patients with diabetes,For instance contains slow release carbohydrates/High but not saturated fatty acid/Low saturated fatty acid and glucose less affected,Replace part of the heat every day.It's hard to do every day with good control of the diet,But if use medical nutrition,Can control every part of the heat.In addition,Fudan university affiliated hospital nutrition of director of division of east China SunJianQin said,People with diabetes diet control,Need dieticians guidance,For the patient to provide personalized nutrition lifestyle guidance and drug therapy.People with diabetes have the biggest problem is not adhere to improve the way of life,MNT as a set of treatment,Cooperate with drugs to help patients improve overall health.For example,A more gourmand diabetes used in meat in the evening,So MNT will allow patients to medical nutrition for meat.


By the American abbott laboratories production abbott yili better SR®Is diabetes and people with pre-diabetes medical nutrition one option,It as a way of MNT treatment is an important part,Can help patients stable blood sugar,Prevent illness rapid development,In China is also conforms to the American diabetes association's medical nutrition standard product.It contains a unique slow release carbohydrates system,Its main slow-release composition have low poly fructose mixture,Can make the sugar in the intestinal absorption of slow,To intestinal health,At the same time and slow digestion improved maltodextrin(Resistant starch),To help smooth blood sugar and produce full abdomen feeling,Help patients"Tube shut up".In addition,100% of the Spanish imported abbott yili better SR®Contains 32 kinds of nutrients,Provide balanced nutrition.


In addition to improve the way of life/Medical nutrition and drug treatment combined with outside,Understand their blood glucose value and diabetes friends will do homework every day.In order to better monitor blood glucose value,People with diabetes are usually through the blood glucose meter for self test,A new convenient and quick accurate blood glucose meter can let them understand their blood sugar situation.[China diabetes prevention guide]The blood glucose monitoring of self suggestion is put forward,Illness or daily monitoring four to five times,Stability may be appropriate to reduce the number of monitoring;Insulin injections of patients can be monitored per day 5 times,To achieve control goals daily monitoring two to four times.Self blood glucose monitoring is a monitoring method,Reflect the changes in blood sugar;Is also a means of guidance,Guiding the doctors and patients in a timely manner according to the change of blood glucose to adjust treatment;At the same time it is still a education tools,For patients with diet/movement/Drug treatment for blood sugar influence visual sense,Understanding of these measures on his personal blood sugar brought about by the change;In addition,To accept insulin therapy intensification of the patients,Still can find the trend of hypoglycemia,Avoid hypoglycemia.By abbott production blood glucose meter can not only achieve much place draw blood,Complete liberation finger,Also can reduce the amount of bleeding time detection,Let the detection process almost painless,And in a few seconds is precise results.Large screen font display convenient people poor eyesight,Remind function is warm prompt timely detection in patients with blood glucose,Pay close attention to their health.


In addition,In order to be able to in the early for people with pre-diabetes effective medical intervention,Abbott also produce lipid drug treatment,Used in the treatment of adult diet therapy effect is not ideal high cholesterol/Endogenous hypertriglyceridemia wait for a symptom.Especially in the combination of high triglycerides in type 2 diabetes,Abbott is used in the manufacturing of lipid drugs,Effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.


In 2012 the United Nations diabetes day approaching,As a diversified healthcare company,Abbott laboratories using a variety of product practice theme this year"diabetes:To protect our future",Comprehensive care for every person with diabetes,Help them healthy and happy life.
