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医师开错药发微博找到患儿 网友赞医院知错就改--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,日前,上海新华医院因为用错药发布了一则寻找患儿启示,随后被网络、电视和报纸不断转载,经过热心人的帮助,昨天(13日),患儿被找到,经过检查身体无恙。   医生点错鼠标开错药   上海新华医院儿内科主任鲍一笑:患儿在9天前因病毒性胃肠炎在医院儿内科急诊就诊,为其接诊的进修医师因错误操作鼠标,将“阿糖胞苷”当作“阿糖腺苷”开给了患儿。第二天,一名护士发现了这一错误,医院启动应急预案寻找患儿及其家属,但是唯一能联系孩子父母的手机号却出了错误。   随后,这一寻人启示在电视、报纸和微博上被不断发布,经过不少热心人士的帮助,昨天(13日)中午,新华医院与患者家属取得联系,同时,新华医院儿内科主任鲍一笑也详细地向家属告知了患儿的实际情况,并为患儿进行检查,检查结果显示患儿情况良好。   目前,新华医院已经对患儿及其家人带来的影响表示公开道歉,并将做好患儿随访工作,还表示将进一步加强全院进修医生的培训和管理,确保医疗质量与安全,杜绝此类事件的再次发生。   用药处方各地监管方式不同   山东一家大型三甲医院药剂科负责人介绍说,其实对于医生的处方用药,不同的医院都有不同的监管方式。   药剂科负责人:我们院有核定药专家组每个月对医生的医嘱、病历、用药、处方等进行点评,对于不合理的医嘱或者用药会在院里进行通报批评。另外,我们医院每个月进行处方点评,对医生的不合理处方要进行点评公示。   安徽的三甲医院大多建立了“合理用药监测信息平台”,医生开出地处方要由这个“电子医师”先把关。   2010年卫生部下发文件,选取全国31个省、自治区、直辖市的960家医院建立“合理用药监测系统”监测点,医生处方当中的急诊信息、病案首页和医嘱信息等都在监测范围内。而医生开出的处方要经过药剂师的“二次审核”后再发药,以此最大程度地避免“开错药”。   合肥市第二人民医院医务处处长唐智国:现在有两个监管,除了合理用药监管系统,还有发药药师监管,发药药师会核对处方,如果剂量过大发药药师不会发药给你。   病人多导致药师审方出错   对于上海新华医院的出错原因,安徽淮南市第一人民医院药剂科科长陈艳深有感悟。   陈艳:病人多。按照国家的规定,门诊药房窗口排队的病人能等超过十分钟,这种情况下,病人多,有时候药师审方的时间也有局限。   不过,上海新华医院的做法获得了不少网友的赞许,他们认为,尽管不该出现这样的错误,但是医院能够把患儿健康放在首位,甚至不怕暴露自身的错误,这样的责任心值得表扬。   北京大学公共卫生学院教授周子君说,加强医生处方监管是保障患者用药安全的重要方面,国家也有相应的法规进行规范,但医患之间良性的信任和沟通却并非政策所能决定。(记者李欣 安徽台张建亚) According to the sound of China[News late peak]reports,a,Shanghai xinhua hospital because with wrong medicine issued a revelation for children,Is then network/Television and newspapers reprinted continuously,Through the help of the enthusiast,yesterday(13),Children were found,After check body safe. The doctor point wrong mouse opend medicine Shanghai xinhua hospital son medical director bao a smile:Children in nine days ago for viral gastroenteritis in the hospital son medical emergency clinic,For the study became doctors for error operating the mouse,will"cytarabine"as"vidarabine"Open to the children.The second day,A nurse found the mistake,Hospital launched the emergency response plan for children and their families,But only one child, the parents can contact phone number is out of the error. then,The enlightenment without on TV/Newspapers and micro blog have been released,After a lot of enthusiastic people to help,yesterday(13)At noon,Xinhua hospital and patients contact family members,At the same time,Xinhua hospital son medical director bao also detailed a smile to the family, to the actual situation of children,And check for children,Inspection results show that children in good condition. At present,Xinhua hospital to have children and the impact of family make a public apology,And children will be ready to follow-up work,Also said it will further strengthen the study of partial doctor training and management,To ensure the medical quality and safety,Put an end to such incidents from happening again. Prescription drugs all different ways of supervision Shandong a big 3 armour hospital pharmacy department person in charge said,In fact for the doctor's prescription medication,Different hospital has a different way of supervision and regulation. In pharmacy:Our college has approved drug group every month to the doctor's orders/Medical records/drug/Prescription of comment on,For the unreasonable medical advice or drugs will be on in a notice of criticism.In addition,Our hospital each month prescription comment on,To the doctor's unreasonable prescription to public comments. Anhui province most 3 armour hospital established"Rational drug use monitoring information platform",The doctor will open to prescription by this"Electronic medical"To control. In 2010, the ministry of health issued documents,Selecting the national 31 provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government shall establish 960 hospitals"Rational drug use monitoring system"Monitoring stations,The doctor prescription of emergency information/Medical record home page and the doctor's advice and information in monitoring range.And the doctor on prescription to pass the pharmacist"Secondary review"After hair medicine,To best avoid"Opend medicine". Hefei second people's hospital medical department director TangZhiGuo:Now there are two supervision,In addition to rational drug use monitoring system,And hair medicine medicine supervision,Hair medicine medicine will check the prescription,If a dose of the drug medicine won't send medicine for you. Patients are more likely to lead to pharmacists careful square error Shanghai xinhua hospital for the error reason,Anhui of huainan city the first people's hospital pharmacy section chief ChenYan have a deep feeling. ChenYan:patients.According to the provisions of the state,Outpatient pharmacy window line up of the patient can wait more than ten minutes,In this case,patients,Sometimes medicine review party time and limitations. but,Shanghai xinhua hospital practice with a lot of users praise,They think,Although shouldn't appear such mistakes,But the hospital to the health of children in the first place,Even not afraid exposed their mistakes,This sense of responsibility is worth praising. Beijing university professor with the school of public health ZhouZiJun said,To strengthen the supervision of a prescription from a doctor is the guarantee for treating patients is an important aspect of safety,Countries have the corresponding laws and regulations in order to regulate the,But the doctor-patient trust and communication between benign but not policy to decide.(Reporter li xin zhang jianya anhui table)
