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博士生之母被出院后身亡 引发对医保限额的质疑--亲稳网络舆情监控室


A 51-year-old mother sorption oxygen by train from faraway sichuan guangzhou charity hospital cure,19 days in hospital,The hospital insisted that its discharge.Discharge only three days,Condition worsened dramatically,Once again was sent to the hospital rescue,But this time,The mother didn't leave the hospital alive -- 6 days for rescue invalid death.Guangzhou localization of Chinese academy of sciences in reading doctoral GongXiaoFeng recently through the micro bo asking questions:Who should be responsible for his mother's leave?


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住院17天,必须办出院? 17 days in hospital,Must do discharge?


"We tell the difficult doctor,And if that due to the limitation of medical insurance,Can at one's own expense in hospital,But...Still insist that we discharge,Explained that this is the hospital rules,They have no way."


GongXiaoFeng told the yangcheng evening news reporter,Mother's name was LeiSuQing,With rheumatic heart disease has been going on for several years.Kung mother in sichuan had done two operations,But the condition has not completely turn for the better."I am in CNKI(Professional academic journal net)Search to the,Ancient Chinese medicine therapy for this disease have the effect.This article is FangCunOu in guangzhou guangzhou charity hospital doctors write.I learned that,The hospital has the rare traditional Chinese medicine treatment for emergency and severe cases in department."so,GongXiaoFeng let mother to guangzhou treatment.


October 17, 2012,Kung mother sorption oxygen by train from sichuan SuiNing came to guangzhou,Live in the guangzhou charity hospital of traditional Chinese medicine department of classics.In the first week of treatment to kung mother very hard,Once wanted to give up.GongXiaoFeng memories,The hospital YanFang director and HuangZhen doctor explained:This is"The darkest hour is nearest the dawn".After a week,Kung mother's illness took a turn for the better,face/appetite/Lower limb edema conditions are improving,Can be helped off the bed mild activities,But the body is still very weak.


19 days in hospital(On November 6, 2012),Attending physician requires kung mother hospital discharge."Doctor told me at that time,Because your mother is health care patients,In our hospital general can only live 17 days,Then must after discharge from hospital readmission."On November 6,,Due to the hospital to prescribe medicine to stop,Kung mother had to leave the hospital.According to GongXiaoFeng introduced,Kung mother after admission had a heart color dopplar ultrasound,The EF value low to 30 ℅(EF value namely ejection fraction,Medicine is usually less than 35% think that always have life risk),In 19 days kung mother still can't lie low,Relieve oneself often,Every day must oxygen infusion.GongXiaoFeng think,Kung mother was completely does not have the condition of the hospital.


"We in guangzhou is not relatives,The hotel also can't in clay pot of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).Also my mother because of serious heart failure,Need to sleep very high,The hotel must do not have such requirement.We put these difficulties tell attending physician,And if that due to the limitation of medical insurance,We can at one's own expense in hospital,But HuangZhen associate director of the department is insisted that we discharge,Explained that this is the hospital rules,They have no way."GongXiaoFeng said.


Introduce according to the personage inside course,The so-called"Medical insurance rating"limit,Is the medical insurance management department to make all over some of the common diseases of the provisions of the kind of cost line,Beyond the hospital responsible for part of the payment.Such as appendicitis surgical operation,Medical insurance provisions burden only 6000 yuan,If the patient is the actual cost more than the limit,It is beyond section is composed of hospital burden.


一周后“回炉”,先交住院费? After a week"down",To make hospitalization expenses?


In handling the hospital bill within the same day,Has been deferred the kung mother"The next"Hospital security deposit of 3000 yuan.But then let GongXiaoFeng family money back/discharge,Come again after a week.


According to GongXiaoFeng memories,In fact,At that time the hospital was to give kung mother do a"False discharge"procedures:In handling the hospital bill within the same day,Has been deferred the kung mother"The next"Hospital security deposit of 3000 yuan.On November 6,,In the settlement of GongFu before hospitalization expenses 17000 yuan at the same time,Immediately pay 3000 yuan of admission fee,Ready to hospital."My father's bank card record,Can verify."GongXiaoFeng said.but,The doctor has said:Hospital have new gauge,In general not more than 17 days,And the hospital a week later to go back to the hospital,So let GongXiaoFeng family money back/discharge.The doctor and then through the clinic registered open a week of medicine,A week later to kung mother come back to the hospital.


Problems appear immediately:Because GongXiaoFeng just one in guangzhou read doctoral students,Kung mother after discharge can only live in the Chinese academy of sciences geochemical expert apartment.According to the GongXiaoFeng judgment,Because after leaving hospital care condition is rather limited,Kung mother's illness in 62 hours after discharge occurs worsening -- discharge less than three days,Kung mother is high fever was 39 ℃,Early November 9,,The worried GongXiaoFeng push the wheelchair mother back to guangzhou charity hospital,On the morning turned to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine classics department severe chamber.

  一番折腾之后的龚母却再也没有好转过来———“11月11日凌晨4点,我母亲在第5次大便以后心跳居高不下,仍有发烧现象。11月12日,我母亲重度肺炎感染,诱发心衰,随时可能出现生命危险,转到ICU,之后又转到中医经典科重症室。11月17日凌晨1点开始,病情持续恶化并于当日下午3点抢救无效宣布死亡。” 龚晓峰说。死亡的原因并非风湿性心脏病,而是重度肺炎感染诱发心衰、全身脏器衰竭。

A flounder after kung mother never better come -- -"November 11, at 4 am,My mother in the fifth after defecate high heart rate,Still have a fever phenomenon.On November 12,,My mother severe pneumonia infection,Induced heart failure,Possible risk of life at any time,Turned to ICU,Then he turned to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine classics department severe chamber.On November 17 at 1 PM,Condition continued to worsen in the afternoon at 3 o 'clock rescue invalid death announced." GongXiaoFeng said.The cause of death is not rheumatic heart disease,But severe pneumonia infection induced heart failure/Systemic organ failure.

  “如果医院没有强制我母亲出院、没有这一番折腾,她的病情可能会好转一点,活下来的几率也就会更大一些。”“如果我母亲不是医保病人,是不是医院就不会强迫我们出院?”面对母亲的死亡,龚晓峰在接受羊城晚报记者采访时不断重复这个疑问。(记者 杨桂荣 杨辉 通讯员 邓乐仁 实习生 李静 范晓玲)

"If no forced my mother hospital discharge/Without this a flounder,Her illness may be a little better,Chances of survival will have more.""If my mother's health care patients,Is the hospital won't compelled us to discharge?"In the face of the mother's death,GongXiaoFeng in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview to repeat this question.(Reporter YangGuiRong Yang hui DengLeRen intern reporter li FanXiaoLing)
